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Server has stopped working after adding new traders and adding deployable bikes



I have followed a guide on how to add new traders to overpoch and before hand i added a script that lets me deploy bikes so it could be either one causing the problem or both. First i need to know how to find the server logs to try and point me in the right direction and another thing i have noticed after installing these two things when i join my server its changed to 100 slots and has ai on every other slot and when i click ok it says (preprocessor failed on file mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\description.ext - error 2.) and then after i click continue instead of loading with the epoch loading screen it goes to the default arma 2 oa loading screen and then it just starts counting in seconds and then takes me back to the lobby and this is what the the server is showing (22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Method: 302 Params: 11:

22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Result: ["OBJ","625","MetalFloor_DZ","31",[98.285,[13716.3,2910.7,6.636]],[],[],0.0,0.0]
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Method: 302 Params: 11:
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Result: ["OBJ","626","MetalFloor_DZ","31",[188.156,[13693.2,2935.37,-0.108]],[],[],0.0,0.0]
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Method: 302 Params: 11:
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Result: ["OBJ","627","MetalFloor_DZ","31",[188.34,[13682.7,2936.77,0.391]],[],[],0.0,0.0]
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Method: 302 Params: 11:
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Result: ["OBJ","628","MetalFloor_DZ","31",[188.549,[13683.5,2942,0.295]],[],[],0.0,0.0]
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Method: 302 Params: 11:
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Result: ["OBJ","629","MetalFloor_DZ","31",[278.549,[13688.7,2941.21,0.034]],[],[],0.0,0.0]
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Method: 302 Params: 11:
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Result: ["OBJ","630","MetalFloor_DZ","31",[188.549,[13694,2940.43,-0.16]],[],[],0.0,0.0]
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Method: 302 Params: 11:
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Result: ["OBJ","631","MetalFloor_DZ","31",[188.549,[13687.9,2935.99,0.066]],[],[],0.0,0.0]
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Method: 302 Params: 11:
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Result: ["OBJ","632","MetalFloor_DZ","31",[188.549,[13684.3,2947.22,0.247]],[],[],0.0,0.0]
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Method: 302 Params: 11:
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Result: ["OBJ","633","MetalFloor_DZ","31",[188.549,[13689.5,2946.43,-0.004]],[],[],0.0,0.0]
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Method: 302 Params: 11:
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Result: ["OBJ","634","MetalFloor_DZ","31",[188.549,[13694.7,2945.65,-0.204]],[],[],0.0,0.0]
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Method: 302 Params: 11:
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Result: ["OBJ","635","FuelPump_DZ","31",[188.507,[13688.8,2934.07,0.27]],[],[],0.0,0.0]
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Method: 302 Params: 11:
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Result: ["OBJ","636","FuelPump_DZ","31",[187.748,[13686.6,2934.41,0.364]],[],[],0.0,0.0]
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Method: 302 Params: 11:
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Result: ["OBJ","637","FuelPump_DZ","31",[96.703,[13713.4,2912.94,3.431]],[],[],0.0,0.0]
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Method: 302 Params: 11:
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Result: ["OBJ","639","LightPole_DZ","31",[3.733,[13685.1,2934.52,-1.625]],[],[],0.0,0.0]
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Method: 302 Params: 11:
22:03:15 HiveExt(0): [information] Result: ["OBJ","640","LightPole_DZ","31",[7.109,[13690.3,2933.81,-1.851]],[],[],0.0,0.0]
22:03:45 HiveExt(0): [information] Method: 399 Params: 800:
22:03:45 HiveExt(0): [Error] Error executing |CHILD:399:800:|
22:03:45 HiveExt(0): [information] Method: 399 Params: 801:
22:03:45 HiveExt(0): [information] Result: [7647,["AKS_74_kobra",3],250,[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1],[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1],0,800,"trade_weapons"]
22:05:07 HiveExt(0): [information] Method: 103 Params: 76561198021243403:0:2:
22:05:07 Game finished.
22:05:07 Waiting for next game.
22:05:07 HiveExt(0): [information] Result: ["PASS"]
22:05:07 HiveExt(0): [information] Method: 103 Params: :0:2:
22:05:07 HiveExt(0): [information] Result: ["PASS"]
22:05:08 Mission DayZ Epoch Chernarus read from directory.)
I dont know if anyone can help me with this but i'm all out of ideas and if anyone can help me and help me fix it then i will give then a small reward on paypal thanks for reading 

log of server.txt

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1st, the log you want to look at is found in the Admin directory and is named arma2oaserver.rpt

2nd, remove the changes you made to your files or use a backup to restore your server

3rd, try to add the scripts again but pay closer attention

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This is a DB error, related to soemthing not being in the correct format entered... could be missing ] or comma or quote-marks. 


You should take a look at my post on how to find


The console is telling you that there is an issue with items that has the TID 800, and possibly 801 as well. 

Follow the steps and you should find it. 

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Can you post a copy of your description.ext ?

The errors your server RPT log is showing are: 
1.) Your mission.sqf has custom traders where the position is bad. It is a comma separated array, and you have typed a comma instead of a dot for one of the positions (decimal point is a dot). 

2.) Your admintools\Activate.sqf might either not like the Steam ID, or you have forgotten to define the adminlist properly. 
3.) Your server_monitor.sqf is complaining to you about bad data in your trader_data table. Likely due to Overwatch weapons not put in correctly, or you are trying to use Gem Currency without defining proper afile as _old. 

4.) Your description.ext is complaining about the Header section, which is usually telling the server how many slots to show as open, or something like that. Post a copy of it and we can check what is wrong. 

Fix the above and you should be able to start up properly. 

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At the bottom, your last #include is wrong.

#include customloot/CfgBuildingLoot.hpp

Move it up and write it correctly as: 

respawn = "BASE";
respawndelay = 5;
onLoadMission= "DayZ Epoch Chernarus";
OnLoadIntro = "Welcome to DayZ Epoch Chernarus";
OnLoadIntroTime = False;
OnLoadMissionTime = False;
disabledAI = true;
enableItemsDropping = 0;
#include "customloot\CfgBuildingLoot.hpp"

If you find that you can log in, but no loot or Zeds spawn, change the include line to be"

respawn = "BASE";
respawndelay = 5;
onLoadMission="DayZ_Epoch Napf";
OnLoadIntro = "Welcome to Napf";
OnLoadIntroTime = False;
OnLoadMissionTime = False;
disabledAI = true;
#include "loottable\CfgBuildingLoot.hpp"

(And adjust the location in the mission folder of course)

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