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Problems running server



Ok yesterday i tried to start a server on my box "dual xeon 16 cores loads of ram"

I tried some different guides but they all came down to the same thing.


1. Download arm2 and arrowhead.

2. run them to install Battleye.

2.5 run dayzcommander and install beta patch "no option for this so i'm guessing this is outdated"

3. copy arm2 and then arrowhead to server folder.

4. cope server and client files to server folder.

5. create epoch db with user in mysql "already have mysql with wamp"

6. import epoch.sql to the db.

7. copy the map folder and corresponding batch file from Config-Examples to server folder.

8. edit HiveExt.ini to match my mysql server.

9. edit config.cfg including the steam ports and stuff.

10. edit the batch file to correct the path for the server exe.



The server starts up fine and it is visible on dayzcommander.

But noticed that Battleye did not update so i had to manually download the newest dll's

This fixed the problem.

But ppl still have major problems joining the server.


have i missed something?


I also noticed this in the cfg

requiredBuild = 103718;


do i need to change this?


I'm asking ppl to write down the errors they get when trying to connect to the server as there aren't any indication as to what is wrong in the log.

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ok. the server name is Horsens Crew Test Server.


Something i have noticed is the port.


on dayzcommander it says the server is running on port 2301.

But i set the port to 27020

I'm guessing that the 2301 port is a steam port thingy :)


I'm just wondering why all the other Epoch servers can run on the 27020 port then.

And yes the ports are forwarder. 

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ok here is the server log for the day.



Connection log.



The problems we have are a bit wird.

Me and my brother can get on the server fine.

we are on local net with the server.


But apparently only one client can connect from the outside at a time.

eXntiC connects and then Northman can't, Northman connects and then eXntiC cant.

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And i would agree with that postulation :)


I'm thinking that the problem is either BattlEye or arma 2 itself.

We moved over to playwithsix as we had a lot of general problems with dayzcommander.


Here we found some discrepencies with some version numbers.

I think it might have something to do with this beta patch thingy


I'm looking into it atm "comparing my server with others who work just fine."

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You can if you want to.

Current build is 125548. 


Without knowing more on what hte actual issue your players have, thats all that can be done. 


I would guess that most people are still trying to use DZC to connect, which is likely causing issues for them. 

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Ok. so all other bugs has been weeded out.


Now ppl can join the server no problem.

Well now they get stuck at loading screen after getting verified.

They can control their character and hear themselves walking and stuff but can see shit cos of loading screen.

This happens after they have played on the server once. "the second time they join"


ok found this.


It's this exact problem.

So i'm guessing it is a bug and that there are no fixes atm.

So my next question is how to do a rollback. :)

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so was fiddling around to see if i could find where the bug arises.


and deleting the data from Character_DATA in the database lets the user join again.

this is not a fix but it narrows down the cause .

so ehm. should i report this to some forum or something.

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