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How can I add another safezone with infistar?



So ive tried modifying my safezone.sql script inside of my safezones\safezones.sql inside of my mission file to add a custom safe zone at the aircraft dealer but im not having any luck. Has anyone been able to achieve this? If so could you explain how I can add a custom safe zone at the aircraft dealer, thanks.

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1. Set "USE_POSITIONS" to true so it looks like:


2. Add your coords into _infiSZ:

_infiSZ =
        [[5068.6636,9723.4248],100,true], //<-- do not forget, last one NO COMMA but this isn't the last one anymore so COMMA

Remeber if a coordinate looks like:


You have to take the Z out, so it looks like:


Optional: you can get the position using mission.sqm; search for the marker of the trader city, and copy paste it ;)

Have fun!


These coordinates that are inside of the mission file for the aircraft dealer don't work, could you reviser them for me? :)


I have this in my mission.sqm file too in an attempt to set-up a sensor for the aircraft dealer, but it doesn't work because the "Now entering trading Zone" ,message isn't showing in-game and neither is the safe zone working itself.

		class Item5
			expCond="(player distance zonekrasnostav) < 100;";
			expActiv="[""trader city Aircraft Dealer"",true,""enter""] spawn player_traderCity;";
			expDesactiv="[""trader city Aircraft Dealer"",true,""leave""] spawn player_traderCity;";
			class Effects
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I think, it might be 




Okay I will try these, does this automatically create the entering and leaving message by adding this inside of the safezone sql file?


Nevermind, I got it working, thank you :)

Edited by EpiGamer
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Here's mine (don't forget to change radius)

        [[6325.6772,7807.7412],100,true], //stary
        [[4063.4226,11664.19],60,true], //bash
        [[11447.472,11364.504],100,true], //klen
        [[1606.6443,7803.5156],100,true], //bandit
        [[12944.227,12766.889],100,true], //hero
	[[12066.9,12659.3],100,true] // aircraft
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Here's mine (don't forget to change radius)

        [[6325.6772,7807.7412],100,true], //stary
        [[4063.4226,11664.19],60,true], //bash
        [[11447.472,11364.504],100,true], //klen
        [[1606.6443,7803.5156],100,true], //bandit
        [[12944.227,12766.889],100,true], //hero
	[[12066.9,12659.3],100,true] // aircraft

Thanks, do you have any idea how to make custom safezones locations where you can't build? I made one at the airfield and you can still build plotpoles inside of it :S

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Thanks, do you have any idea how to make custom safezones locations where you can't build? I made one at the airfield and you can still build plotpoles inside of it :S

you edit mission.sqm for that found in your mission file.

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you edit mission.sqm for that found in your mission file.


I tried adding it like so but it doesn't work like the others do, their sensors work and you can't build inside of them, the one I added is Item5

		class Item4
			expCond="(player distance zonehero) < 100;";
			expActiv="[""Hero Trader"",false,""enter""] spawn player_traderCity;";
			expDesactiv="[""Hero Trader"",false,""leave""] spawn player_traderCity;";
			class Effects
		class Item5
			expCond="(player distance zoneaircraft_trader) < 100;";
			expActiv="[""Aircraft Trader"",false,""enter""] spawn player_traderCity;";
			expDesactiv="[""Aircraft Trader"",false,""leave""] spawn player_traderCity;";
			class Effects
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Make sure you also add item count on top of these classes

class Sensors

You need to up an item count +1 from original for each sensor you add.


This is exactly what I have and the aircraft sensor is not working;


Edit: I have this as the right amount and the sensor still isn't triggering

Edited by Link
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oh lol, you missed coords there. Infistar SZ script automatically does Z axis, since it's always 0 for these things anyway. Just so you know, in SQF files, coords are XYZ, but in mission.sqm coords are written as XZY (also in this case Z always has to be defined, too).


so for this to work you need to have it like this:

class Item5
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oh lol, you missed coords there. Infistar SZ script automatically does Z axis, since it's always 0 for these things anyway. Just so you know, in SQF files, coords are XYZ, but in mission.sqm coords are written as XZY (also in this case Z always has to be defined, too).


so for this to work you need to have it like this:

class Item5

Ok thanks I wil try that out.Another quick question, why doesn't this music play whern I enter safe zones that do have sensors that are working e.g. hero trader

			class Effects

Ok it's working, the sound plays and it now says im in a trader city, the only porblem imhaving now is that the message "Now entering Trader City blah blah" isn't appearing at all, I have this in my code, is this right?

expCond="(player distance zoneaircraft_trader) < 100;";
			expActiv="[""Aircraft Trader"",false,""enter""] spawn player_traderCity;";
			expDesactiv="[""Aircraft Trader"",false,""leave""] spawn player_traderCity;"
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Look at actual function

This is how it works:


You are sending and receiving 3 arguments to that function/file. In this case:

["Aircraft Trader",false,"enter"] spawn player_traderCity;

The receiving file will look for these 3 variables you send:

_traderName = _this select 0; //string
_showText = _this select 1; //boolean
_enterORleave = _this select 2; //string

So what this means is, if you change second argument to true, it will be showing the text. Get the idea?  :ph34r:

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