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Base Building Feedback 7/22/14 (with older feedback included)


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Previously I had been testing the base building (6/24/14) and had this to say:


" Part of the known issues(kinda). Collision detection working overtime on the building pieces. That combined with sometimes the pieces getting snagged on a corner and whipping around like a blender. Also, noticed late last night(presumably after many hours of the server being online, 2 people building near each other- the pieces were desync when positioning."


While I did not test base building tonight w/ another player- I noticed that the pieces did not interfere w/ each other in the same way - i.e. the collision detection is either at a really low level or turned off completely- I was able to push a floor into the side of a castle wall w/o it cancelling my build mode. I would agree that collision detection is important, we do not want players able to push pieces through a wall to mess w/ people or destroy vehicles etc.


Also, I really like the status indicator of when you are unlocking a piece or when a piece is in the process of "locking". I think  a tooltip(text) that says "unlocking" or "locking" in the center of the circle (ofc when a piece is "saving" or "locking" and you take ownership again, the "locking" or "saving" would give way to "unlocking") In addition to this, my experience with base building and the time it takes- it seems like the unlocking/locking time could be at least cut in half, long enough that you wouldnt "accidentally" unlock a piece.


I'm also looking forward to learning how players will obtain energy- as we know, since Epoch Mod got its start in Arma 2 it has attracted many different play styles which is how the mod had such mass appeal. Will the process of base building attract those same players and will they embrace the challenge and also find it rewarding? Of course the actual placing of the base elements, with the physics is really fun- but having the players WANT to make a base is key I believe. Even though base building has been done before I believe its significant part of the mod that I hope will not take a back seat to everything else going on- I hope that a portion of the players will strive to do only base building / surviving / defending against bandits such as what occured in Arma 2 Epoch.  I'd love to hear others' opinions on anything I discussed here.


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