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Can anyone figure out what the problem is with this?



Error from RPT.
if (count AllowedVehiclesList == 0) then {
 6:06:07   Error position: <AllowedVehiclesList == 0) then {
 6:06:07   Error Undefined variable in expression: allowedvehicleslist
 6:06:07 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 263
 6:06:07 Error in expression <esList resize _lastIndex;
and here is the area it references.
if (!isDedicated) exitWith { }; //Be sure the run this
while {count AllowedVehiclesList > 0} do {
// BIS_fnc_selectRandom replaced because the index may be needed to remove the element
_index = floor random count AllowedVehiclesList;
_random = AllowedVehiclesList select _index;
_vehicle = _random select 0;
_velimit = _random select 1;
_qty = {_x == _vehicle} count serverVehicleCounter;
// If under limit allow to proceed
if (_qty <= _velimit) exitWith {};
// vehicle limit reached, remove vehicle from list
// since elements cannot be removed from an array, overwrite it with the last element && cut the last element of (as long as order is not important)
_lastIndex = (count AllowedVehiclesList) - 1;
if (_lastIndex != _index) then {
AllowedVehiclesList set [_index, AllowedVehiclesList select _lastIndex];
AllowedVehiclesList resize _lastIndex;
I can't find the issue anywhere. I've looked at it with older files and even fresh files and I can't find the why this error happens.
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Yeah Greatboi I do, but the bike is in the allowedvehicle list.. Insert that is where line 263 points to in my server functions.

while {count AllowedVehiclesList > 0} do {


if (count AllowedVehiclesList == 0) then {

aren't the same lines of code.


The code area you posted doesn't match the error.

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1) open dynamic_vehicles in your server.pbo -> make sure all but the last line have a: ,

If all have and are correct then;


2) increase all dynamic_vehicles by 1 or 2 each in dynamic_vehicles in your servers.pbo then open init.sqf in your mission.pbo increase max vehicles by 50 - 100


Your issue should be resolved.




EDIT: I had the exact same report in my RPT on 2 separate servers, 1 was because I had missed out an , in the middle of the list and the 2nd was because i needed increase the vehicle amount in the dynamic vehicle list as not enough were available to spawn.

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Lower the settings in your init.sqf. Set MaxVehicleLimit to around 300-400, that should remove the problem.


off topic, but why does your cherno server have 49 players and panthera 1? just dont anwser it. i am just playing

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off topic, but why does your cherno server have 49 players and panthera 1? just dont anwser it. i am just playing

I don't know. People flock to servers with more than 25 players on them I suppose. My napf server is more active but I have not gotten around to changing the signature. Also, I don't know if you're making fun of me or not.

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