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Help with BKT Cargo Script



Hi Folks,  I have been working on this BKT Cargo script to give some extra features to planes on my NAPF server.  Here is the link to it: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10834


So far It works, I can load stuff in and out of vehicles but the issue is that it will let you load and unload items from locked vehicles.  I see in the script that it checks for R3F's lift/tow and I am wondering how to check for other lift or towing scripts as I use =BTC='s lift and F507DMT's edit of matt_d_rats towing. Found Here, and


I am by no means a scripter, but I do know that it looks like Engine.sqf is the file responsible for executing the actions, and it seems that it is broken down into separate sections based on its size  aka Load in Small, Load in Medium, Load in Large, Load in Extra Large.  I would assume in each of these sections, a extra check would be needed to see if the vehicle is locked. If it is a titletxt message or something would be needed to let the player know they cannot load/unload becuase the vehicle is locked.


Secondly, it looks like it also needs the add/remove variables from the various lifting and towing scripts so people cannot load towed vehicles for instance.  Where would I add the  _vehicle setVariable ["BTC_Cannot_Lift",true,true]; /  _vehicle setVariable ["MF_Tow_Cannot_Tow",true,true];  or something to that effect?  I see the _Object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", true]; in the file but comparing that line vs the line from lock_unlock.sqf there is a extra syntax on the end, that "true" and I don't know what it does or how it affects the function.


Below is the script in question.  Any help would be greatly appreciative.





 *                        ,1             ,-===========.
 *                       /,| ___________((____________\\_                _
 *    ,========.________//_|/===========._#############L_Y_....-----====//
 *   (#######(==========\################\=======.______ --############((
 *    `=======`"        ` ===============|::::.___|[ ))[JW]#############\\
 *                                       |####|     ""\###|   :##########\\
 *                                      /####/         \##\     ```"""=,,,))
 *     C R E A T E D   B Y   B T K     /####/           \##\
 *                                    '===='             `=`
 *  The main script engine. This file executes the load AND drop functions...

/// Include the Objects Setup
#include "Settings_Objects.sqf";

//// Variables
_Transporter = _this select 0;
_TransporterType = typeOf _Transporter;
_TransporterName = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _Transporter) >> "displayName");
_Unit = _this select 1;
_Action = _this select 2;
_Selected = (_this select 3) select 0;
//_Dir = random 359;

/// Create variables for Transporter Setup detection
_SelectedTransporterTypeS = false;_SelectedTransporterTypeM = false;_SelectedTransporterTypeL = false;_SelectedTransporterTypeXL = false;

/// Include the Transporter Setup
#include "Settings_Transporter.sqf";

//// Supported types
if (!(_SelectedTransporterTypeS) && !(_SelectedTransporterTypeM) && !(_SelectedTransporterTypeL) && !(_SelectedTransporterTypeXL)) exitWith {

	//// BTK_Hint - Not supported
	hint parseText format ["
		<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
		<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'>This vehicle does not support cargo transports!</t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
_Transporter removeAction _Action;

sleep 1;

//// Unit in transporter
if ((_Unit in _Transporter) && !(_Selected == "UnloadCargo")) exitWith {

	//// BTK_Hint - You have to get out
	hint parseText format ["
		<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
		<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'>You have to <t color='#fdd785'>get out</t> to load cargo!</t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />

_Transporter removeAction _Action;

//// Unload function
if (_Selected == "UnloadCargo") exitWith {
	//// 2low
	if (!((getpos _Transporter) select 2 <= 2.1) && ((getpos _Transporter) select 2 <= 50)) exitWith {

		//// BTK_Hint - Flying too low
		hint parseText format ["
			<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
			<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
			<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'>You have to fly above <t color='#fdd785'>50m</t> to drop the cargo!</t>
			<br />
			<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'>Or hover below <t color='#fdd785'>2m</t> to unload the cargo!</t>
			<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />

	_Transporter removeAction _Action;
	if ((getpos _Transporter) select 2 <= 1.5) then {
		UnloadCargo = true;
		DoUnload = true;
		_Transporter setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_ActionAdded", false];
		_Transporter setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_TransporterLoaded", false];

	else {
		UnloadCargo = true;
		DoDrop = true;
		_Transporter setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_ActionAdded", false];
		_Transporter setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_TransporterLoaded", false];

* Load in - Small
if ((_Selected == "LoadCargo") && (_SelectedTransporterTypeS)) exitWith {

	//// Get nearest objects
	_TransporterPos = _Transporter modelToWorld [0,0,0];
	_ObjectsInRange = nearestObjects [_Transporter, _ObjectsS, 15];
	//// If no objects, exit with
	if (count _ObjectsInRange < 1) exitWith {
		//// BTK_Hint - Nothing to load in range
		hint parseText format ["
			<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
			<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
			<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'>Nothing to load in range!<br /><br />Please move the object closer to the transporter.</t>
			<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
	//// Else, select the object from list
	_Object = _ObjectsInRange select 0;
	_Object setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_ObjectLoaded", true];
	_Transporter setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_TransporterLoaded", true];
	//// Get the object name
	_ObjectName = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _Object) >> "displayName");

	//// BTK_Hint - Loading in...
	hint parseText format ["
	<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
	<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
	<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'>Loading <t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> into <t color='#fdd785'>%2</t> ...</t>
	<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />

	//// remove the Action
	_Transporter removeAction _Action;

	//// Animate ramp
	sleep 1;
	_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 1];
	_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 1];

	//// Attach object to transporter
	sleep 3;
	//// Fix for F35
	if (_Transporter isKindOf "F35_base") then {
	_Object attachTo [_Transporter,[0,0.5,-2.5]];
	} else {
	_Object attachTo [_Transporter,[0,0.5,-1.6]];
	_Object enableSimulation false;
	//// Disable R3F
	_Object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", true];

	//// Animate ramp again
	sleep 1;
	_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 0];
	_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 0];

	//// BTK_Hint - Loaded
	hint parseText format ["
	<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
	<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
	<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'><t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> loaded.</t>
	<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
	", _ObjectName,_TransporterName];

	//// add unload/drop Action
	_UnloadAction = _Transporter addAction [("<t color=""#fadfbe"">" + ("Unload cargo") + "</t>"),"BTK\Cargo Drop\Engine.sqf",["UnloadCargo"], 5];

	//// Wait until unload
	waitUntil {UnloadCargo || !(alive _Transporter) || !(alive _Object)};

	//// If destroyed
	if (!(alive _Transporter) || !(alive _Object)) exitWith {};

	//// If unload
	if (DoUnload) then {
		//// Reset variables
		DoUnload = false;
		DoDrop = false;
		UnloadCargo = false;
		_Object setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_ObjectLoaded", false];
		_Object enableSimulation true;

		//// BTK_Hint - Unloading...
		hint parseText format ["
		<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
		<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'>Unloading <t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> from <t color='#fdd785'>%2</t> ...</t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />

		//// Animate ramp
		sleep 1;
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 1];
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 1];

		//// Detach object
		sleep 3;
		_Object attachTo [_Transporter,[12,0,0]];
		sleep 0.2;
		deTach _Object;
		sleep 0.2;
		_Object setPos [(getPos _Object select 0),(getPos _Object select 1),0];
		//// Enable R3F
		_Object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false];

		//// Animate ramp again
		sleep 1;
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 0];
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 0];
		//// BTK_Hint - Unloaded
		hint parseText format ["
		<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
		<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'><t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> unloaded.</t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />

	//// If drop
	if (DoDrop) then {

		//// BTK_Hint - Dropping...
		hint parseText format ["
		<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
		<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'>Dropping <t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> ...</t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />

		//// Reset variables
		DoUnload = false;
		DoDrop = false;
		UnloadCargo = false;
		_Object setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_ObjectLoaded", false];
		_Object enableSimulation true;

		//// Animate ramp
		sleep 1;
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 1];
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 1];

		//// Detach object (drop)
		sleep 2;
		_Object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false];
		deTach _Object;
		_Object attachTo [_Transporter,[0,-21,0]];
		sleep 0.1;
		deTach _Object;
		_Object setPos [(getPos _Object select 0),(getPos _Object select 1),(getPos _Object select 2)-6];

		//// Create parachute and smoke
		sleep 2;
		_Parachute = "ParachuteBigWest" createVehicle position _Object;
		_Parachute setPos (getPos _Object);
		_BlueSmoke = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle position _Object;
		_BlueSmoke setPos (getPos _Object);
		_Object attachTo [_Parachute,[0,0,-1.5]];

		//// Animate ramp again
		sleep 1;
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 0];
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 0];
		//// BTK_Hint - Dropped
		hint parseText format ["
		<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
		<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'><t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> dropped.</t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />

		//// Wait until ground reached
		waitUntil {(getPos _Object select 2) < 2};
		deTach _Object;
		sleep 3;
		_Object setPos [(getPos _Object select 0),(getPos _Object select 1),0.001];

		//// Enable R3F
		_Object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false];
		//// Delete parachute and smoke
		sleep 15;
		deleteVehicle _BlueSmoke;
		deleteVehicle _Parachute;

* Load in - Medium
if ((_Selected == "LoadCargo") && (_SelectedTransporterTypeM)) exitWith {

	//// Get nearest objects
	_TransporterPos = _Transporter modelToWorld [0,0,0];
	_ObjectsInRange = nearestObjects [_Transporter, _ObjectsM, 15];
	//// If no objects, exit with
	if (count _ObjectsInRange < 1) exitWith {
		//// BTK_Hint - Nothing to load in range
		hint parseText format ["
			<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
			<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
			<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'>Nothing to load in range!<br /><br />Please move the object closer to the transporter.</t>
			<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
	//// Else, select the object from list
	_Object = _ObjectsInRange select 0;
	_Object setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_ObjectLoaded", true];
	_Transporter setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_TransporterLoaded", true];
	//// Get the object name
	_ObjectName = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _Object) >> "displayName");

	//// BTK_Hint - Loading in...
	hint parseText format ["
	<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
	<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
	<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'>Loading <t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> into <t color='#fdd785'>%2</t> ...</t>
	<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />

	//// remove the Action
	_Transporter removeAction _Action;

	//// Animate ramp
	sleep 1;
	_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 1];
	_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 1];

	//// Attach object to transporter
	sleep 3;
	_Object attachTo [_Transporter,[0,1,-0.3]];
	//// Disable R3F
	_Object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", true];

	//// Animate ramp again
	sleep 1;
	_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 0];
	_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 0];

	//// BTK_Hint - Loaded
	hint parseText format ["
	<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
	<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
	<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'><t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> loaded.</t>
	<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
	", _ObjectName,_TransporterName];

	//// add unload/drop Action
	_UnloadAction = _Transporter addAction [("<t color=""#fadfbe"">" + ("Unload cargo") + "</t>"),"BTK\Cargo Drop\Engine.sqf",["UnloadCargo"], 5];

	//// Wait until unload
	waitUntil {UnloadCargo || !(alive _Transporter) || !(alive _Object)};

	//// If destroyed
	if (!(alive _Transporter) || !(alive _Object)) exitWith {};

	//// If unload
	if (DoUnload) then {
		//// Reset variables
		DoUnload = false;
		DoDrop = false;
		UnloadCargo = false;
		_Object setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_ObjectLoaded", false];

		//// BTK_Hint - Unloading...
		hint parseText format ["
		<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
		<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'>Unloading <t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> from <t color='#fdd785'>%2</t> ...</t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />

		//// Animate ramp
		sleep 1;
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 1];
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 1];

		//// Detach object
		sleep 3;
		_Object attachTo [_Transporter,[15,0,0]];
		sleep 0.2;
		deTach _Object;
		sleep 0.2;
		_Object setPos [(getPos _Object select 0),(getPos _Object select 1),0];
		//// Enable R3F
		_Object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false];

		//// Animate ramp again
		sleep 1;
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 0];
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 0];
		//// BTK_Hint - Unloaded
		hint parseText format ["
		<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
		<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'><t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> unloaded.</t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />

	//// If drop
	if (DoDrop) then {

		//// BTK_Hint - Dropping...
		hint parseText format ["
		<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
		<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'>Dropping <t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> ...</t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />

		//// Reset variables
		DoUnload = false;
		DoDrop = false;
		UnloadCargo = false;
		_Object setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_ObjectLoaded", false];

		//// Animate ramp
		sleep 1;
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 1];
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 1];

		//// Detach object (drop)
		sleep 2;
		_Object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false];
		deTach _Object;
		_Object attachTo [_Transporter,[0,-21,0]];
		sleep 0.1;
		deTach _Object;
		_Object setPos [(getPos _Object select 0),(getPos _Object select 1),(getPos _Object select 2)-6];

		//// Create parachute and smoke
		sleep 2;
		_Parachute = "ParachuteBigWest" createVehicle position _Object;
		_Parachute setPos (getPos _Object);
		_BlueSmoke = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle position _Object;
		_BlueSmoke setPos (getPos _Object);
		_Object attachTo [_Parachute,[0,0,-1.5]];

		//// Animate ramp again
		sleep 1;
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 0];
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 0];
		//// BTK_Hint - Dropped
		hint parseText format ["
		<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
		<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'><t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> dropped.</t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />

		//// Wait until ground reached
		waitUntil {(getPos _Object select 2) < 2};
		deTach _Object;
		sleep 3;
		_Object setPos [(getPos _Object select 0),(getPos _Object select 1),0.001];

		//// Enable R3F
		_Object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false];
		//// Delete parachute and smoke
		sleep 15;
		deleteVehicle _BlueSmoke;
		deleteVehicle _Parachute;

* Load in - Large
if ((_Selected == "LoadCargo") && (_SelectedTransporterTypeL)) exitWith {

	//// Get nearest objects
	_TransporterPos = _Transporter modelToWorld [0,0,0];
	_ObjectsInRange = nearestObjects [_Transporter, _ObjectsL, 15];
	//// If no objects, exit with
	if (count _ObjectsInRange < 1) exitWith {
		//// BTK_Hint - Nothing to load in range
		hint parseText format ["
			<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
			<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
			<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'>Nothing to load in range!<br /><br />Please move the object closer to the transporter.</t>
			<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
	//// Else, select the object from list
	_Object = _ObjectsInRange select 0;
	_Object setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_ObjectLoaded", true];
	_Transporter setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_TransporterLoaded", true];
	//// Get the object name
	_ObjectName = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _Object) >> "displayName");

	//// BTK_Hint - Loading in...
	hint parseText format ["
	<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
	<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
	<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'>Loading <t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> into <t color='#fdd785'>%2</t> ...</t>
	<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />

	//// remove the Action
	_Transporter removeAction _Action;

	//// Animate ramp
	sleep 1;
	_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 1];
	_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 1];

	//// Attach object to transporter
	sleep 3;
	//// Chinook/Car fix
	if ((_Transporter isKindOf "CH47_base_EP1") ) then {
	if (_Object isKindOf "Car") then {
		_Object attachTo [_Transporter,[0,1.5,-0.5]];
	} else {
		_Object attachTo [_Transporter,[0,1.4,-0.8]];
	} else {
		_Object attachTo [_Transporter,[0,1.4,-0.2]];
	//// Disable R3F
	_Object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", true];

	//// Animate ramp again
	sleep 1;
	_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 0];
	_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 0];

	//// BTK_Hint - Loaded
	hint parseText format ["
	<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
	<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
	<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'><t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> loaded.</t>
	<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
	", _ObjectName,_TransporterName];

	//// add unload/drop Action
	_UnloadAction = _Transporter addAction [("<t color=""#fadfbe"">" + ("Unload cargo") + "</t>"),"BTK\Cargo Drop\Engine.sqf",["UnloadCargo"], 5];

	//// Wait until unload
	waitUntil {UnloadCargo || !(alive _Transporter) || !(alive _Object)};

	//// If destroyed
	if (!(alive _Transporter) || !(alive _Object)) exitWith {};

	//// If unload
	if (DoUnload) then {
		//// Reset variables
		DoUnload = false;
		DoDrop = false;
		UnloadCargo = false;
		_Object setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_ObjectLoaded", false];

		//// BTK_Hint - Unloading...
		hint parseText format ["
		<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
		<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'>Unloading <t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> from <t color='#fdd785'>%2</t> ...</t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />

		//// Animate ramp
		sleep 1;
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 1];
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 1];

		//// Detach object
		sleep 3;
		_Object attachTo [_Transporter,[0,-20,0]];
		sleep 0.2;
		deTach _Object;
		sleep 0.2;
		_Object setPos [(getPos _Object select 0),(getPos _Object select 1),0];
		//// Enable R3F
		_Object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false];

		//// Animate ramp again
		sleep 1;
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 0];
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 0];
		//// BTK_Hint - Unloaded
		hint parseText format ["
		<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
		<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'><t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> unloaded.</t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />

	//// If drop
	if (DoDrop) then {

		//// BTK_Hint - Dropping...
		hint parseText format ["
		<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
		<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'>Dropping <t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> ...</t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />

		//// Reset variables
		DoUnload = false;
		DoDrop = false;
		UnloadCargo = false;
		_Object setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_ObjectLoaded", false];

		//// Animate ramp
		sleep 1;
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 1];
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 1];

		//// Detach object (drop)
		sleep 2;
		_Object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false];
		deTach _Object;
		_Object attachTo [_Transporter,[0,-21,0]];
		sleep 0.1;
		deTach _Object;
		_Object setPos [(getPos _Object select 0),(getPos _Object select 1),(getPos _Object select 2)-6];

		//// Create parachute and smoke
		sleep 2;
		_Parachute = "ParachuteBigWest" createVehicle position _Object;
		_Parachute setPos (getPos _Object);
		_BlueSmoke = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle position _Object;
		_BlueSmoke setPos (getPos _Object);
		_Object attachTo [_Parachute,[0,0,-1.5]];

		//// Animate ramp again
		sleep 1;
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 0];
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 0];
		//// BTK_Hint - Dropped
		hint parseText format ["
		<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
		<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'><t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> dropped.</t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />

		//// Wait until ground reached
		waitUntil {(getPos _Object select 2) < 2};
		deTach _Object;
		sleep 3;
		_Object setPos [(getPos _Object select 0),(getPos _Object select 1),0.001];

		//// Enable R3F
		_Object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false];
		//// Delete parachute and smoke
		sleep 15;
		deleteVehicle _BlueSmoke;
		deleteVehicle _Parachute;

* Load in - Xtra Large
if ((_Selected == "LoadCargo") && (_SelectedTransporterTypeXL)) exitWith {

	//// Get nearest objects
	_TransporterPos = _Transporter modelToWorld [0,0,0];
	_ObjectsInRange = nearestObjects [_Transporter, _ObjectsXL, 20];
	//// If no objects, exit with
	if (count _ObjectsInRange < 1) exitWith {
		//// BTK_Hint - Nothing to load in range
		hint parseText format ["
			<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
			<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
			<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'>Nothing to load in range!<br /><br />Please move the object closer to the transporter.</t>
			<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
	//// Else, select the object from list
	_Object = _ObjectsInRange select 0;
	_Object setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_ObjectLoaded", true];
	_Transporter setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_TransporterLoaded", true];
	//// Get the object name
	_ObjectName = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _Object) >> "displayName");

	//// BTK_Hint - Loading in...
	hint parseText format ["
	<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
	<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
	<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'>Loading <t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> into <t color='#fdd785'>%2</t> ...</t>
	<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />

	//// remove the Action
	_Transporter removeAction _Action;

	//// Animate ramp
	sleep 1;
	_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 1];
	_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 1];

	//// Attach object to transporter
	sleep 3;
	//// Fix for cars/apc/trucks
	if (_Object isKindOf "Car" || _Object isKindOf "Truck" || _Object isKindOf "Wheeled_APC") then {
		if (_Object isKindOf "Car") then {
			_Object attachTo [_Transporter,[0,1,-2.1]];
		if (_Object isKindOf "Truck") then {
			_Object attachTo [_Transporter,[0,1.4,-2.6]];
		if (_Object isKindOf "Wheeled_APC") then {
			_Object attachTo [_Transporter,[0,2.2,-1.8]];
	else {
		_Object attachTo [_Transporter,[0,1,-2.7]];
	//// Disable R3F
	_Object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", true];

	//// Animate ramp again
	sleep 1;
	_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 0];
	_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 0];

	//// BTK_Hint - Loaded
	hint parseText format ["
	<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
	<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
	<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'><t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> loaded.</t>
	<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
	", _ObjectName,_TransporterName];

	//// add unload/drop Action
	_UnloadAction = _Transporter addAction [("<t color=""#fadfbe"">" + ("Unload cargo") + "</t>"),"BTK\Cargo Drop\Engine.sqf",["UnloadCargo"], 5];

	//// Wait until unload
	waitUntil {UnloadCargo || !(alive _Transporter) || !(alive _Object)};

	//// If destroyed
	if (!(alive _Transporter) || !(alive _Object)) exitWith {};

	//// If unload
	if (DoUnload) then {
		//// Reset variables
		DoUnload = false;
		DoDrop = false;
		UnloadCargo = false;
		_Object setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_ObjectLoaded", false];

		//// BTK_Hint - Unloading...
		hint parseText format ["
		<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
		<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'>Unloading <t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> from <t color='#fdd785'>%2</t> ...</t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />

		//// Animate ramp
		sleep 1;
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 1];
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 1];

		//// Detach object
		sleep 3;
		_Object attachTo [_Transporter,[0,-20,0]];
		sleep 0.2;
		deTach _Object;
		sleep 0.2;
		_Object setPos [(getPos _Object select 0),(getPos _Object select 1),0];
		//// Enable R3F
		_Object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false];

		//// Animate ramp again
		sleep 1;
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 0];
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 0];
		//// BTK_Hint - Unloaded
		hint parseText format ["
		<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
		<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'><t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> unloaded.</t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />

	//// If drop
	if (DoDrop) then {

		//// BTK_Hint - Dropping...
		hint parseText format ["
		<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
		<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'>Dropping <t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> ...</t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />

		//// Reset variables
		DoUnload = false;
		DoDrop = false;
		UnloadCargo = false;
		_Object setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_ObjectLoaded", false];

		//// Animate ramp
		sleep 1;
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 1];
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 1];

		//// Detach object (drop)
		sleep 2;
		_Object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false];
		deTach _Object;
		_Object attachTo [_Transporter,[0,-21,0]];
		sleep 0.1;
		deTach _Object;
		_Object setPos [(getPos _Object select 0),(getPos _Object select 1),(getPos _Object select 2)-6];

		//// Create parachute and smoke
		sleep 2;
		_Parachute = "ParachuteBigWest" createVehicle position _Object;
		_Parachute setPos (getPos _Object);
		_BlueSmoke = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle position _Object;
		_BlueSmoke setPos (getPos _Object);
		_Object attachTo [_Parachute,[0,0,-1.5]];

		//// Animate ramp again
		sleep 1;
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_top", 0];
		_Transporter animate ["ramp_bottom", 0];
		//// BTK_Hint - Dropped
		hint parseText format ["
		<t align='left' color='#e5b348' size='1.2'><t shadow='1'shadowColor='#000000'>Cargo Drop</t></t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />
		<t align='left' color='#eaeaea' size='1.0'><t color='#fdd785'>%1</t> dropped.</t>
		<img color='#ffffff' image='BTK\Cargo Drop\Images\img_line_ca.paa' align='left' size='0.79' />

		//// Wait until ground reached
		waitUntil {(getPos _Object select 2) < 2};
		deTach _Object;
		sleep 3;
		_Object setPos [(getPos _Object select 0),(getPos _Object select 1),0.001];

		//// Enable R3F
		_Object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false];
		//// Delete parachute and smoke
		sleep 15;
		deleteVehicle _BlueSmoke;
		deleteVehicle _Parachute;

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3 answers to this question

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I added the following under the R3F settings:

_Object setVariable ["BTC_Cannot_Lift",true];  //Or false depending on the spot
	_Object setVariable ["MF_Tow_Cannot_Tow", true];

This has made it so you cannot lift or tow the vehicles that are loaded into the cargo but you can still load a vehicle towing another vehicle into the cargo and you can load or unload from locked vehicles. 


The script needs a check to see if the _transporter is locked or not.  In my attempts I have tried the following.  First attempt was this:

/// Include the Transporter Setup   //---- For location reference
#include "Settings_Transporter.sqf";

if !(_Transporter getVariable ["PVDZE_veh_Lock", true]) exitWith {  
		cutText [format["%1 Is locked! Unlock it to load cargo!",_TransporterType], "PLAIN DOWN"];

Which did not work.  So I tried to cheat using a variable I knew

if !(_Transporter getVariable ["BTC_Cannot_Lift", true]) exitWith {  
		cutText [format["%1 Is locked! Unlock it to load cargo!",_TransporterType], "PLAIN DOWN"];

And that did not work.


How this script initializes is very odd, it goes through three different .sqfs before it actually initializes the "real" code.


The first script to initialize (the one executed from the mission init.sqf) is below for reference.


//// Wait until player ready, exit if server
waitUntil {!isNull player};
if (!local player) exitWith {};

///// Launch the init once
execVM "BTK\Cargo Drop\Init.sqf";

Then it calls their init.sqf:


//// Add action to all vehicles, check every 5 seconds
while {true} do {
	{[_x] execVM "BTK\Cargo Drop\InitAction.sqf";} forEach (nearestObjects [player, ["Air"], 30]);
	sleep 5;

Then it calls the initaction.sqf


//// Variables
_Transporter = _this select 0;
_Unit = _this select 1;

//// Check for action
_BTK_CargoDrop_ActionAdded = _Transporter getVariable "BTK_CargoDrop_ActionAdded";
if (_BTK_CargoDrop_ActionAdded) exitWith {};

//// If no action continue here
_Transporter setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_ActionAdded", true];
_CargoAction = _Transporter addAction [("<t color=""#fadfbe"">" + ("Load cargo") + "</t>"),"BTK\Cargo Drop\Engine.sqf",["LoadCargo"], 5, false, false, "", "vehicle _this == player"];

//// remove Action
waitUntil {(_Unit distance _Transporter > 20) || !(alive _Unit) || !(alive _Transporter)};
_Transporter removeAction _CargoAction;
_Transporter setVariable ["BTK_CargoDrop_ActionAdded", false];

To me it looks like the best place to add the locked vehicle check would be in the initaction.sqf so that if the vehicle is locked you do not receive the prompt to load or unload cargo at all.

At this point I just need to figure out how to call the variable check, and which variable to use to see if its locked or not.  Also, I would think there has to be some way to consolidate those three SQF's into one SQF. 


Also does anyone know the superclass name for the hpookie choppers or the CSJ_Air vehicles?





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I think I have got it figured out.  The only function I have not been able to get is making it so people cannot enter the loaded vehicles.  The unload function places the vehicle in the same place each time, so it could be use to glitch in to bases.

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