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MySQL Issues.



Currently having issues with saving to database with 40 - 50 people on the server.

Currently its affecting humanity, rollback of location and deletion of inventory. 


I setup a database using MySQL workbench and is running on the same server as arma. Is this not advised?


This is one of the messages we get with a high population:


23:33:55 HiveExt(0): [Error] Error executing |CHILD:201:5014:[231,[11998.7,12588.6,0]]:[]:[]:[false,true,false,false,true,false,true,10507.5,[],[0,0],0,[471.907,404.11]]:false:false:0:0:0:0:["","",42,[,]]:0:0::0:|

All of the entries associated with the errors have  "amovpercmrunsraswrfldf" in it. 


Database info:
object_data - 3800 objects
character_data - 1800
Other info: 
Recently moved to overpoch and transferred database.
100Mb connection
Not sure if i've missed anything important.
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