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Snapping tool, not working

Cpt. Warq


Hi. Is there anyone out there who have installed the snapping tool and got it to work and that wants to help me? I aint getting no error messages so I've no clue what I am doing wrong :S If you're out there, leave a comment and we can have a chat. Peace out! :)

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6 answers to this question

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There are multiple snapping mods out there.  I would suggest posting in the thread related to the one you are using and there should be lots of people there with experience of the mod who can help you figure out what is going wrong.


THe more info you can provide about what you have done to install and what you are seeing happen (or not seeing) will make it easier for people to help get to the root of the issue.


The snap build by OtterNas3 thread is

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Make sure that you have listed your compiles.sqf correctly in your init.sqf file. And that you have the addAction correctly in your fn_selfActions.sqf file


Also be sure to check every file to have the directories correct. A single digit can make the script not work.

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There are multiple snapping mods out there.  I would suggest posting in the thread related to the one you are using and there should be lots of people there with experience of the mod who can help you figure out what is going wrong.


THe more info you can provide about what you have done to install and what you are seeing happen (or not seeing) will make it easier for people to help get to the root of the issue.


The snap build by OtterNas3 thread is





this is my version of his with just added support from the Epoch update

I am working on updating with the upcomming but holding off pushing the update until the official release of


Yea unfortunately thats the one I'm using :/

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