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[TUTORIAL] Adding custom weapons, gear, change skills and add custom crates to the AI

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Alright guys, this might not work but I believe this should work to add custom gear and weapons to the AI.


1. Unpack your server.pbo

2. Go to <dir>\@DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons\dayz_server\EMS\ExtConfig and open DZMSAIConfig.sqf


(almost) Everything will be in that file to configure.


To add weapons:

1. Go around line 56 and you will see a big code with some weapons, go there.

2. Go to the bottom of the weapons in that section, you will see "M4A3_CCO_EP1" around line 72, add a , to the end of that.

3. Add the weapon type to the bottom, for example an RPG would be "RPG_7V"

4. That's how to make a weapon

(List of codes for weapons: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Weapons)


To add gear:

1. Go around line 130, you will see a bunch of items.

2. Next to "ItemPainKiller", put a , next to it.

3. Without spaces, add the item in quotation marks (eg. "ItemBloodBag")

4. You now have custom gear!


To add skills:

1. Go around line 13, you will see "Array of AI skills"

2. There is 4 sections, it will be of different stuff. Change the number to a higher number to improve the skills

3. You are done.


New Section: How to add new weapons/items to weapon crates:

1. Unpack your server.pbo

2. Go to <dir>\@DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons\dayz_server\EMS\ExtConfig and open DZMSWeaponCrateList.sqf

3. There will be a bunch of sections. Look for your section, and put a comma (,) next to the last weapon, then in quotation marks (") put the weapon code in. Full list of weapon codes shown below.

Weapons codes = https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Weapons


Thank you for reading my guide, peace!

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