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[WIP] ZFM-FairMission System-Dynamic,Modular & Balanced (Alpha release 90% complete, Test builds frequently available) - Actively developed

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  On 6/6/2014 at 6:21 PM, ZamboniBambino said:

Very close indeed to a release worthy of testing by BetterDeadThanZed, et al. Tonight, however, I have some paid work to work on, so I will only get about an hour or so of coding in. But that hour of coding should be enough to get a testing release out.


Sounds good. I'm off the next 5 days  so I should be able to test anything you release.

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The sentace is a bit strange, should be like this:

"Een *Classname* op een reddingmissie naar *name* werd geraakt en is neergestort. Ontsnapte gevangenen HEBBEN de site aangegrepen."


Hebben = multiple people or things (wij hebben => we have)

Heeft = 1 person (i.e he has => hij heeft)


  Reveal hidden contents

I have - ik heb

You have - jij hebt

He / she / it - hij / zij / het heeft

We have - wij hebben

they have - jullie hebben / zij hebben


Looks great so far! :)

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  On 6/8/2014 at 7:50 PM, NoxSicarius said:

Hopefully this gets a full release. It seems that the only missions system with a full release is DZMS, which does not include epoch items. All other systems have been discontinued before making it very far.


Yeah, it will be getting a full release, even if it kills me :lol: . I aim to support this for an additional year, and I would say at the current rate of development, it will be completed within a month or so, with the feature set I want. Like I mentioned in a previous post, I have a company in the UK with my wife, and we're happy to develop both a community version (with all the bells and whistles expected) alongside a pro/premium version, which would have additional features for a fair price like website integration for bandit kill stats, tracking of missions on your website, web control panel, etc. That's what (aside from love of the game) will keep development going ^_^


If you want to track the status at the moment, check GitHub under the Devel branch. I'm submitting the latest updates there. I made a pretty significant update today, however, I'm still unit testing each bit to make sure I don't need to come back and fix bugs, and so it's stable. Most of the stuff I'm working on is making sure everything is modular so that after the first release, I can add new types of mission with ease and it doesn't require a hell of a lot of knowledge of SQF.


I urge anyone who wants to help to just get stuck in. I have made this as version-neutral as possible so it can translate easily to ARMA 3, too. But as they say, good work takes time -- and I'm a busy guy most of the time. I have a full time job, and will be returning to education in a while. I'm not a quitter, though, and I do want to see ZFM take the crown ;)

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  On 6/8/2014 at 10:01 PM, insertcoins said:

Send me whatever you want translated as long as it's not worthy of Dickens ;)


Het was de beste der tijden, het was de slechtste der tijden,

het was de eeuw van wijsheid, het was de eeuw van dwaasheid,

het was het tijdvak van het geloof, het was het tijdvak van ongeloof,

het was het jaargetijde van het licht, het was het jaargetijde van duisternis,

het was de lente van de hoop, het was de winter van de wanhoop



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  On 6/8/2014 at 8:44 PM, ZamboniBambino said:

JIP addition available here:

Will add all markers. Forgot I submitted full code :lol:



JIP marker working fine. The mission itself is not working...





Here's my RPT file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ue0ivtfptu4tisv/arma2oaserver.RPT

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Yep, the "accoutrement" function hasn't been replaced yet, hence the fractal bases you see there.. I call them Mandelbrot Bases.



I'm happy seeing the JIP markers working. I have checked your RPT and it's a known issue. Because I'm killing off the "accoutrements" which are just generated randomly and replacing them with the array-based spawning (kind of like the dynamic system BIS has, only, well.. expanded) there is a bug with an infinite loop as you have shown in your RPT. I've raised this as an issue on GitHub, and it should be killed off this week. 

15:22:45 "Zambino FairMission System [ZFM]  v0.3.5 - ZFM_Mission.sqf::ZFM_ExecuteCrashMission - ProbabilityBased false."
15:22:45 "THISLOOTCRATE [4746.85,8336,0], MEDIUM,any,false"
15:22:45 "ACCOUT OBJECTS ["Land_fort_rampart_EP1","Land_fortified_nest_small_EP1","Land_fort_rampart","Fort_Nest_M240","Land_fort_bagfence_round"], RANDLOC [4731.85,8321,0]"
15:22:45 "THIS ACCOBJECT Land_fort_bagfence_round"
15:22:45 "ACCOUT OBJECTS ["Land_fort_rampart_EP1","Land_fortified_nest_small_EP1","Land_fort_rampart","Fort_Nest_M240","Land_fort_bagfence_round"], RANDLOC [4721.85,8311,0]"
15:22:45 "THIS ACCOBJECT Land_fort_bagfence_round"
15:22:45 "ACCOUT OBJECTS ["Land_fort_rampart_EP1","Land_fortified_nest_small_EP1","Land_fort_rampart","Fort_Nest_M240","Land_fort_bagfence_round"], RANDLOC [4732.85,8322,0]"
15:22:45 "THIS ACCOBJECT Land_fort_bagfence_round"
15:22:45 "ACCOUT OBJECTS ["Land_fort_rampart_EP1","Land_fortified_nest_small_EP1","Land_fort_rampart","Fort_Nest_M240","Land_fort_bagfence_round"], RANDLOC [4726.85,8316,0]"
15:22:45 "THIS ACCOBJECT Land_fort_rampart_EP1"
15:22:45 "ACCOUT OBJECTS ["Land_fort_rampart_EP1","Land_fortified_nest_small_EP1","Land_fort_rampart","Fort_Nest_M240","Land_fort_bagfence_round"], RANDLOC [4723.85,8313,0]"
15:22:45 "THIS ACCOBJECT Fort_Nest_M240"
15:22:45 "Crate Item = 37b00100# 976774: rubasicweapons.p3d"

Did you download the entire release as in the devel branch or just replace individual files? I can't remember if I submitted the fix for this to devel or not.

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  On 6/10/2014 at 8:50 PM, BetterDeadThanZed said:

I downloaded the latest package, plus the files you linked to on page 7. Also, I should note there were no bandits at that mission.



The loop continues on forever, so the script never gets to executing the bandit spawns. I checked, and I haven't committed the code yet. D'oh. I have some paid work I'm doing at the moment, and an exam tomorrow, then par-tay on Friday and Saturday, so probably late Sunday, will I code.


I should note that really, with the JIP working, the next test build I release will use the missionlayout system, which will make the bases look more believable, non-overlapping. It will also include completions to the mission stack which allow for multiple different types of missions to run at once, and I will try my best to complete all of the alpha for the next test release as I have some spare time I'd like to kill getting an Alpha out. It's just, sometimes, I have a very busy calendar all at once.



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