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Buildables dissapear after X days.





I just noticed that my base is slowly getting smaller due to buildables missing .. now I already have this setup in my HiveExt.ini;


;Negative values will disable this feature
;0 means that ALL empty placed items will be deleted every server restart
;A positive number is how old (in days) a placed empty item must be, in order for it to be deleted
CleanupPlacedAfterDays = 3000


so I don't think it has to do with the cleanup and i've also added this to my missions init.sqf


DZE_GodModeBase = true;


since I have no idea wether CPC indestructable bases is working/supported since everyone is kind of clueless on that thread.


Could anyone please explain what's most likely going on and wether or not CPC IBB still works?




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