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Posts posted by Pantera22

  1. Great work.. everything seems to be working great. I added everything you mentioned including the extras. The only issue I am hearing is that the M113 doesn't bind.. but other than that most vehicles work fine. Great work and if you have any clue why the m113 doesn't work please let me know. Thanks! The stryker works so that is what has me confused unless it's a way the M113 is named or something. Thanks again and thanks for all your hard work!

  2. Thanks sorry I didn't see the post above before I typed in.. but how to charge more than 1 brief for it? Thanks.

    //Check if he has a Briefcase to pay for the Evac-Chopper
    //If not exit script
    _hasBriefcase = ("ItemBriefcase100oz","ItemBriefcase100oz","ItemBriefcase100oz","ItemBriefcase100oz","ItemBriefcase100oz","ItemBriefcase100oz","ItemBriefcase100oz","ItemBriefcase100oz" in _magazinesPlayer);
    if (!_hasBriefcase) then {
    	systemChat("Making a Evac-Chopper costs 1 Full Briefcase - You dont have one - Sorry!");
    	s_player_makeEvacChopper = -1;
    	breakOut "exit";

    I did it like this but it didn't work

  3. I would love to use this tool. It would make it so easy to figure out who is stealing on our PVE only server. I put in all the info but it doesn't work, do I need to upload it to the server and if so where at? I am running it on my harddrive atm. Do I need to put it any where special? That is the only thing I don't get. Thanks for your nice software and hard work. Just hope I can get it going. I am running EPOCH on GTXgaming server

  4. Thanks so much! I have tried to get this to work and now it does with your lines of code

    AT_all = ["12345678","12345678","12345678"];
    if (not ((getPlayerUID player) in AT_all)) then {
    	[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";

    I just replaced 12345678 with my admins UID and it worked perfectly. THanks so much!


    EDIT: One thing I noticed is I can't teleport other players if I need to. Is there a code I can put in to where when I use teleport to me on phoenix tools that it will disable the antihack for that player for that moment? Or is that not possible? 

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