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Posts posted by FUBAR22

  1. Hi vbawol - I was actually able to fix this.  A change was made somewhere to the SQL tables that changed the instance number for the Black Market trader.  If you look at the current versus back to say - they have changed.  Black Market for example is now instnace 17, where Epoch should be instance 11.


    When I changed it, it worked.  Hopefully that can be corrected in the future.



  2. Guys...I am totally lost with all these posts....


    In Epoch there is a setting in variables.sqf


    if (isNil "DZE_GodModeBase") then {
        DZE_GodModeBase = true;


    Is there anything else needed?  Why all this about init.sqf and server_monitor.sqf.  Don't you just set this true or false in variables.sqf?


    Was the exploit issue solved in or do you have to use the CPC script (steps 1 and 3) to resolve this?  If that is true, do we go back into variables.sqf and set this back to false?



  3. So, I was able to finally get all my traders working in  What I did was download to the latest compiles.sqf from githaub (vbawol version)


    There is no longer a line for calling player_tradermenu.  This has all changed due to the new loot table and looting schema.


    In the new compiles.sqf...arond line 394, you will see:

        // trader menu code
        if (DZE_ConfigTrader) then {
            call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_traderMenuConfig.sqf";
            call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_traderMenuHive.sqf";


    That's all I needed for my server to start working with traders. 


    Also, I highly recommend you looking at the server_traders.sqf in the root of you mission folder.   Open it up and look at all the traders and their trader ID's for each item.

    Then go into your database and compare these to your traders.  What I found was a few mis-matches with bandit/blackmarket.  Be sure they match the instance (Epoch is instance 11).



  4. Question about using this in -


    So, the instructions on the very first page of this topic says that if you already have a custom player_build.sqf it doesn't matter.  What I didn't understand is...do I keep both the one in my custom (Scripts) folder since this snapping tool also has a player_build in the \custom\snap_build folder or do I delete the other?


    Also, when I do a side by side comparison of the current player_build to the one posted above, I noticed that some variable names change. 


    For example, look at line 568 and compare the default to the one in the snap tool(and the one noted above in post#146)

    In the default, line 568 shows   _tmpbuild

    In the snap version, line 568 shows _object


    Is that suppose to be different like that because that is what makes "snap" work?


    Also, there is nothing noted about either commenting out or deleting the line in the compiles.sqf call at the very beginning (line 98).

    Thanks...sorry if this is a noob question.




  5. @TheVampire -


    Hey bro - I think you are thinking of earlier versions prior to  From that version forward, they moved the "hacker check" from server_cleanup.fsm to server_functions.sqf.


    server_monitor.sqf does not have any hacker/sarge variable checks or anything.


    The only two files that need to have anything added are


    if (vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x) && (vehicle _x getVariable ["Sarge",0] != 1) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {



    if (_objectID == "0" && _uid == "0" && (vehicle _object getVariable ["Sarge",0] != 1)) then


    I am still waiting for the magic bullet to kill this damn topic once and for all.  I have pages of spam.



  6. J3T - you obviously do not understand or appreicate the idea of open forums.  This is EXCATLY the place to post such questions.  I looked many ways for the answer to this question.  Google is only as good as your search.  If you are not quite sure what you are searching for, you many not come to the solution/answer/topic/forum/chat that you are looking for.  For example, the link you provided NEVER came up in a search. 


    Now, as you  say, don't get me wrong.  Appreciate your direction and help, but like Loading said up there, you do come off like a prick.  Take away the attitude and your posts would not just be helpful and informative, but people will appreciate it more.


    BTW - you may get more friends being a little less smug, too ;-)



  7. Hello,


    Can someone help me remove the ability to drop grenades from the pook in Epoch


    There is a way to disable these things....i did it for the AH6J

            if(_type == "AH6J_EP1") then {
            _object removeMagazinesTurret ["14Rnd_FFAR",[-1]];




  8. All,


    Ever since updating to, the vehicles that spawn using EMS 0.2.6 disappear when I approach them. 


    Yes - I have the "Sarge" variable set in the server_functions.sqf

    Yes - I have assured Sarge is set for all the missions in EMS folder (major/minor)


    What I don't know is if the setvariable needs to be in server_updateObject.

    Also, if I change from Sarge to DZAI, so I actually have to have DZAI installed or is it just the variable used.  I am pulling at every option here just tryin to figure it out.





    BTW - I still get those FREAKIN HELL RPT spam messages:

     0:05:03 Error in expression < && (vehicle _x getVariable ["Sarge",0] != 1) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_sa>
     0:05:03   Error position: <!= 1) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_sa>





    2/17 - EDIT:  Resolved.  A derp moment for me because I forgot to edit

    if (_objectID == "0" && _uid == "0" && (vehicle _object getVariable ["Sarge",0] != 1)) then

    in the server_updateObject.sqf


    @TheVampire - thank you again.  Do you know specifically where in the server_cleanup.fsm this error would spawn from?  I am using the an unedited versions of this file that came from the update.  CHEERS!

  9. Vert Hosting -  Awesome.  I switched from Dayz.ShiT a month ago and could not be happier.  Huge increase in FPS/Performance and THE BEST service/support you could ask for.


    This is not for novice/noob admins.  You have complete control over your server and you have to know what you are doing in terms of setting up your game, backups, updates, filters, ect...



  10. Hmmm...I am having trouble.  I looked at my dayz_code folder for, and in my configs folder...there are NO loot tables.  There is a folder called CfgWorlds, and inside that intro.Chernarus and inside that initintro.sqs.....but no tables.


    Can someone help me?  I need to remove these freakin MAAWS.  Why were they even added in the first place?  Uggg.

  11. All - Happy to report that my empty traders problem has been fixed.  I took vbawol suggestion and rebuilt the server file by file from the originals.  As I was doing this, I noticed the fn_selfActions was different and may have caused some of this problem with none of my vendors showing any items, but I was still left with an empty Black Market vendor at Stary.



    The one thing that was definitely not right was the database.  As I noted above in post#8, the trader ID's and and trader item numbers were not 100% correct.  My suggestion to anyone having this problem is:


    1.) Go to your mission folder and open up your server_traders.sqf found in the root of your misison foler.  Here you will see each trader name (class name), the trader ID 'tid' and what type of items they should have.

    2.) Go to your database, and got the trader_tids table.  The 'id' column corresponds to the 'tid' number in the server_traders.sqf. (For example 526 for Black Market Weapons) At the far right column, note the "trader" number for 526 which should be 154 (Black Market Weapons).  In my case, this is where my problem was 


    When I did my look up, it was a different dealer AND Trader 154 was aligned to a different instance (17) and it should be (11) for Epoch and because of that the items were not showing up because that trader was aligned to 'tid' 455 which was not a trader in Epoch. 


    How I fixed it:

    1.) Go to server_traders table, and search id 154.  Change the instance from 17 to 11

    2.) Go to server_tid table, and search trader 154.  Make sure all the 'id' numbers are aligned to the Black Market id's listed in your server_traders.sqf (526,527,529)

    4.) IF NOT, search in this same table (server_tid) for id 526 or 527 or 529 and change the trader if necessary to 154

    5.) Once trader 154 has all the correct id's 526,527,529.  Your Black Market vendors will now work (as long as your trader_data table has gear for each of these 526,527,529.


    Hope this helps someone!



  12. UPDATE:

    I took a look at the server_traders.sqf found in the root of the mission folder.  This is the same file that has been there forever and it lists the Vendor description. vendor ID, and the type of items by number associated with it.  (I am referring only to Epoch)


    Let's take an example - look at Freindly Buildings/Parts (menu_Woodlander1) (around line 75) 

    Here is the info from server_traders:

    // Friendly Building/Parts
    menu_Woodlander1 = [
        [["Building Supplies",530],["Toolbelt Items",532],["Vehicle Parts",531]],


    Now go to your database and look up trader_tids for 530,531,532.   Look at the Trader at the far right - trader = 155

    Go back to your server_traders table and search for trader "id" 155

    You will see it says:

    classname = UN_CDF_Soldier_Crew_EP1

    Instance = 17

    Description = Friendly Building/Parts


    Instance 17?  So, this tells me that the trader_tids associated with 530,531,532 are aligned to trader 155 and for instance 17, BUT Instance 17 is NOT Epoch.


    Is this what is causing all these problems??

  13. @Floss - Thanks for your help.  My compiles already has the change you noted because I downloaded all the latest files for and it already added/modified those lines.  

    If you still had the old compile file and you simply edited it like you posted, you may want to go back and look at all your other files because many others have changed and were added to the lastest download.  Did you download the entire new zip file?



    As far as this trader problem, all I can think of is there is some sort of call that is not in sync with the database.  The database has been fully updated and I have assured that all the trader ID's are correct, all the item ID's are correct, there are items populated in all the tables, and all the server traders are there and named correctly as well as the instance numbers.   So, something is broken between the epoch file and the database because they are not talking to each other.


    So, does anyone know how the game calls to the database to populate the traders?




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