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Posts posted by Strikes

  1. I believe you can throw all those .sqf files into your MPMissions folder (DayZ_Epoch_15.namalsk) and then just change the complies.sqf or init.sqf (forgot which off-hand) to the MPMissions Root.


    I'm super new to a lot this; but it seems you can 'give people' the files my moving things over into the mission files as references?


    For example; I think... when we added this (below) to our init.sqf it started getting our blowouts to work. (EVR) Maybe the same works for the Mutants? I still haven't attempted to check/tackle those though; we're just now in process of getting a server up and testing for our next Season of FactionZ on Namalsk. 


    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\nst\ns_modules\blowout\blowout_init.sqf";
    progressLoadingScreen 1.0;
    Instead of referring to \nst\ns_modules\etc...  you would just put \blahblah.sqf and it would look right there in the root of the missions folder.
  2. there garages could be restricted to only a few vehicles i would say :D


    anway a mod like this would be possible, but you need to change the Database + HiveExt a little for this, that should be "easy".

    the problem I see with the garage models itself, how do you build a garage and is it a single object or just a custom building with epoch base building stuff (if so you do you detect if it is indeed a garage the player has built)?


    do you have any prototype or some code or just ideas so far? :)


    Personally I would like to see it built out of the Epoch Resources; I mean it's all there.... requirements could all relate to the amount of vehicles you're allowed to store there.


    Large Wood Walls + Wood Floor/Ceiling + Wood Garage Door = Small Vehicle Storage 

    Concrete Walls + Metal Floor/Ceiling + Concrete Garage Door = Large Vehicle Storage 


    The above might be a little bit harder to 'detect' so it might require just a Trader Purchase of a single object; which is putting down the Garage. But, that could literally just be a cookie-cutter (pre-built) Garage using pre-existing resources listed above. This way no new assets are needed.


    That seems nice, but players could hord the shit out with them and would the gear inside vehicles save, and how can you selete the one that has the gear you need?



    As to answer that; the vehicle storage per garage would be limited. I'm making an assumption here... but I believe you could go either way with saving the gear inside. (Configurable Option for the Server Host)


    As for selecting the vehicle that has the gear you needed; it would be up to the player to remember/recall which vehicle has what... or just 'Call' and 'Store' the vehicles over and over until you have the one you want. Optional Side Note - You could bring in a Web Interface that allows users to login/create an account to see their inventory online. (Players would use their unique ID's to verify/setup online account access via Web Panel)


    Another possible side note: "Stored Vehicle" could (maybe?) be removed from the available "on the map" list of vehicles... which would allow for more vehicles of that type to spawn in.

  3. I've been trying to find someone to work with this on the past few months... and keep coming up empty with the personal PM's I send out; so I figured this is the next best step to ask.


    We're looking for the following system for our NationZ/FactionZ Server. (Yes, one server)


    • Personal "Virtual" Vehicle Storage

    Here's a breakdown of how I see it operating in-game; perhaps with a combination of things already out there:


    - Player builds a 'Garage' Structure.

    - Player approaches Garage and mouse wheels for a 'Store Vehicle' or 'Call Vehicle' option.

    - If the player doesn't have any vehicles stored; they will not get a 'Call Vehicle' option... only a 'Store' option.

    - At this point... the Garage acts much like a 'Trader' currently does. Logically; the player 'Sells' their vehicle to the Garage; which would input the vehicle information and character information, along with the garage information... into the DB and then delete/remove the vehicle from the game.

    - Vehicle is now 'Stored' in their Garage (only that one).

    - Player then approaches and does a 'Call Vehicle' option; in which they get a list of vehicles they have stored in a new 'Mouse Wheel' menu. Player scroll wheels through the options and clicks to select the vehicle they want. Vehicle then spawns into the game next to the garage.

    - Logically; the DB marks that the vehicle is 'out in the world' with a '0' meaning that the vehicle is not stored at the moment. (or however you care to do it) A '1' can mean that the vehicle is stored in the Garage. (Can just reverse it of course)


    • Players can 'Upgrade' their Garages to allow for more vehicles to spawn. 
    • Garages can be different; one for land vehicles and one for air vehicles.
    • Storing vehicles allows them to remain safe from any aggressors while the player is offline. 


    That's the rough idea... we'd love it on our NationZ/FactionZ server so if anyone is currently working on something like that; or would help us out... I'd certainly appreciate it and so would our guys that play. 



  4. These are good in regards to Epoch? It doesn't seem to be... only because my server_playerSetup.sqf isn't lining up with that walk through.


    Just being certain before I have a closer look... seems like that one is more toward Vanilla DayZ?

  5. Curious if anyone can point me toward an older discussion regarding this; if there was one. Searched around for a bit and came up kinda empty.


    I was able to do Custom Spawns in the plain-old DayZ Mod on private servers... pretty easily... but doesn't seem to match up exactly the same here in Epoch. It sort of looked close.. but I wasn't going to jack around with it, haha.


    Could someone point me in the right direction; or has it maybe not been addressed/posted?


    I'm hoping to have it down via some kind of 'respawn.sqf' or something where I can just set teams/groups and then add Player UID's to them. It would be even better if it was in the Mission files so I don't have to repack the server pbo over and over for each change. 


    I think this was the reference post from back in the day: http://opendayz.net/threads/release-custom-spawn-locations-based-on-uid-no-db-triggers.14279/

  6. I think this one is even better? http://dayzepoch.com/forum/index.php?/topic/2689-dayz-epoch-admin-tracking-tool/

    No fan of the DayZMapper, flash and action script is just hard to maintain and outdated in my opinion. No offense but the mapper was never really doing anything special?


    That was actually the best part for me, lol, that it wasn't doing anything special. It was lightweight and clean for tracking player movements. 


    But, that's getting more into our opinions... 


    I do have that download; the EpochTracker... but in its defense I didn't give it much time to win me over, lol. I don't care for the large 'pin icons' for each player; they overlap too easily when zoomed out... and when I'm running events I can't be zooming in and out all the time. But, as I mentioned, haha, I didn't really look to see if there was an option to remove those things and go with dots or something like that.


    I'll have another look at it perhaps; but I had all the maps I needed in DayZ Mapper...  :( - It also doesn't seem to  update players very well... it's been running for about 15 minutes now and only showing 4 out of 9 players currently online. *Shrug*

  7. I've got the development/coding brains of that of a dog.... but I might just try and hammer and nail something myself eventually, because I think personally... DayZ Mapper was an awesome lightweight tracker when all you want to do is actually watch movement and nothing else.


    Zamp, the original creator, commented that he won't have the time to merge it into Epoch; so I'm hoping that someone here, with awesome talents/skills might be able to do it insanely faster than a noob like me, lol. (Merging from Reality DB to Epoch DB)


    Here's the GitHub: https://github.com/zamp/DayZMapper


    It might be kinda simple...  :blink:

  8. Jeah well you are calling the refreshmarker script with the value _location even though that value doesnt exist. Replace _location with _position and it should work fine


    Made that change but we're not getting the area markers on the map. Checked the logs and there's no errors... event kicks off and all that.

    // Random location
    _position = [getMarkerPos _spawnMarker,0,_spawnRadius,10,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    diag_log(format["Spawning loot event at %1", _position]);
    //_event_marker = createMarker [ format ["loot_event_marker_%1", _start_time], _position];
    //_event_marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    //_event_marker setMarkerColor "ColorGreen";
    //_event_marker setMarkerAlpha 0.5;
    //_event_marker setMarkerSize [(_markerRadius + 50), (_markerRadius + 50)];
    // Configurate Marker - Refresh Marker Script by *hs-s.com | waTTe - www.banditparty.de
    _markerRadius = 3000;
    _markershape = "ELLIPSE";
    _markercolor = "ColorGreen";
    _missiontype = 2; //0=EPOCH_EVENT_RUNNING_L
    _refreshmarker = [_position,_markerRadius,_markershape,_markercolor,_missiontype] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\modules\refreshmarker.sqf";
    _loot_pos = [_position,0,(_markerRadius - 100),10,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

    At first we had the _markerRadius = 100; but we thought maybe that was soooo small that no one could see it easy enough when they pulled up the map.

    if(_type == 2) then { // 2 Loot Event
    _event_marker = createMarker [ format ["loot_event_marker_%1", time], _coords];
    _event_marker setMarkerShape _shape;
    _event_marker setMarkerColor _color;
    _event_marker setMarkerAlpha 0.5;
    _event_marker setMarkerSize [(_radius + 50), (_radius + 50)];
    sleep 15;
    deleteMarker _event_marker;


  9. I had a player get kicked for attempting to do Area Maintenance. He lost half the items he was maintaining. This is what showed up in the 'publicvariable.log':

    #0 "maintainArea_log" = [<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>,47]

    I'm assuming that the 47 there is the amount of items he was attempting to maintain? Not sure if it would always be <NULL> there.... or if it should actually list the items. Perhaps he did something incorrectly? Not sure.


    Disclaim - We do use an Anti-Hack that calls for different scripts (I'm posting it there too) but I was looking through the two and I couldn't see anything that was in one and not the other, or missing, etc... at least not enough for me to, AH HA!, the moment and try it out. I generally compare the two when new versions come out and do my best; and can usually figure it out if I have an issue, but I can't really pin-point it on this one.


    I have little experience working in the scripts; but I added the following to 'publicvariable.txt' as a shot in the dark? Hilariously... I honestly have no idea what != even means; exclude? exception?

    5 !="maintainArea_log"

    Appreciate any help as always.

  10. The below is the Random Location:

    // Random location
    _position = [getMarkerPos _spawnMarker,0,_spawnRadius,10,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

    I'll provide some PasteBin action of what we're using. I'm currently having to revert them for the day, however, back to the basic/working version. So, you'll see that yours are currently commented out in the meantime.


    Our 'Supplyitems.sqf' file: http://pastebin.com/6V0hPPr8

    Our 'refreshmarker.sqf' file: http://pastebin.com/k8Wgphk9


    I also want to note that each event is called its own, IE: EPOCH_EVENT_RUNNING_S is our 'Supplyitems.sqf' event. Each event has its own letter tag at the end to define it; so that eventually they can run on top of each other when we get to that point, haha.



    Below is our init.sqf:

    EpochEvents = [["any","any","any","any",30,"crash_spawner"],
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