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Posts posted by Ciel0s

  1. My players that are buying helis at hero/bandit or awol get grey screen and kicked out of the game wenn an admin spawns a vehicle they dont have any problem flying that one ..

    there is nothing special in the logs only that the client(player) disconnected

  2. i tried to execute this batch file :

    mysql.exe -e "delete FROM `character_data` USING character_data, character_data AS tmpcharacter_data WHERE NOT character_data.CharacterID=tmpcharacter_data.CharacterID AND character_data.CharacterID<tmpcharacter_data.CharacterID AND (character_data.PlayerUID=tmpcharacter_data.PlayerUID)" dayz_epoch -h localhost -u Svr --password=*****

    it says that mysql is not recognised as a program or something ? 


  3. Can you be a bit more specific?

    - sure


    The server arma2oaserver.exe process crashes or something else?

    - it crashes

    Can you paste the error log that should accompany the crash.


    - error log : http://pastebin.com/b2WGfsXV

    Can you also explain your setup a bit better?
    What map you're running, the version you're running ect?


    - Os windows server 2008 R2
    - Operation arrowhead and arma II from stream
    - Downloaded both client and server from dayzepoch.com
    - mysql server running fine
    - did all clean install
    - map = panthera2
    - running latest beta patch


  4. Hi all,

    I got a new server machine did everything that i used to do to install armaIICO and epoch, I then created a new DB and tried to start the server ....

    Now to the problem part: everytime i start a server it loads the mission clientside and serverside and then the server crashes i never had this problem before

    could someone help me please ?

    kind regards Ciel0s

  5. Hello guys,

    I may sound like a total noob but i recently started to host a private epoch server and i was looking for the best admin tool can you plz point me in the right direction?

    the only things i can find is bluephoenix admin tool wich only tutorial i can find are for chernarus and taviana and i would spend money if it works.

    thnx in advance

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