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Posts posted by mbelholm

  1. I've updated to and have added the new files, and added my scripts on the mission.pbo file and i still have the problem with the "loading" thing.

    I have a server at Dayz.st so i can't do the same thing with the server.pbo because i have changed a small thing on it, and i can't get the new server.pbo file  :( .


    What to do ?

  2. Hi there


    I used this video to add some buildings on my server, but there no loot at all ?


    I used this link: http://dayz.codeit.org.ua/parser.php to convert the ".biedi" into text that i then placed into my mission.sqm and placed it between "Groups" and "Marker" (like it says on the next page after you upload the file).

    I used @ASG and @Jon_EditorUpdate on the Map editor



    My server info:

    Map: Chernarus


    Custom scripts added (Sarge AI - remove cloth - lift and tow - self bb and fast robe)


    Will my problem we solved if i upload it to my Mysqm database instead of using the mission.sqm ?

    (by using this link: http://dayz.wofjwof.com/map.php)

  3. Hey All


    Me and my friend are having a private server, and we just got the new patch (v. and the trader menu doesn't show up, and we can't trade with them at all.

    Is it just us that are having that problem or ?.



    - Hope somebody can help us.


    Map: Chernarus


    Privat server

    - With custom scripts on

  4. Bungle


    Nazrabji and I have a camp near Petrovka and Devils Castle, and we have out-commented the code where the Sarge AI should spawn in that area.

    But they keep spawning - did we miss something about the code or does the out-commented not work ?.



     // Petrovka2, 2 bandit groups, 0 soldier groups, 0 survivor groups - spawn probability ba,so,su - maximum group members ba,so,su
     /*   [["max_grps","rnd_grps","max_p_grp"],[[2,0,0],[75,0,0],[3,0,0]],"SAR_area_2_5"] call SAR_AI_mon_upd; */
    // Devils Castle, 2 bandit groups, 0 soldier groups, 0 survivor groups - spawn probability ba,so,su - maximum group members ba,so,su
    /*    [["max_grps","rnd_grps","max_p_grp"],[[2,0,0],[75,0,0],[3,0,0]],"SAR_area_2_4"] call SAR_AI_mon_upd; */
  5. MiniChiken



    What shall we do to make them not to "road ambush", but stay inside Devils Castle ?.

    - I saw something about that road ambush, but don't know how to write it.

    // Devils Castle, 2 bandit groups, 0 soldier groups, 0 survivor groups - spawn probability ba,so,su - maximum group members ba,so,su
    [["max_grps","rnd_grps","max_p_grp"],[[2,0,0],[75,0,0],[3,0,0]],"SAR_area_2_4"] call SAR_AI_mon_upd; 
  6. if we want to disable a group totally and the code is

    // Devils Castle, 2 bandit groups, 0 soldier groups, 0 survivor groups - spawn probability ba,so,su - maximum group members ba,so,su
        [["max_grps","rnd_grps","max_p_grp"],[[2,0,0],[75,0,0],[3,0,0]],"SAR_area_2_4"] call SAR_AI_mon_upd; 

    Isn't it enough to do this ?

    // Devils Castle, 0 bandit groups, 0 soldier groups, 0 survivor groups - spawn probability ba,so,su - maximum group members ba,so,su
        [["max_grps","rnd_grps","max_p_grp"],[[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"SAR_area_2_4"] call SAR_AI_mon_upd; 
  7. The issue with the AI is that they dont spawn.

    But again, we only been in a chopper, and we haven't walked in Cherno or some big cities, so i don't know if they will spawn if we fly in a chopper.


    But the files that your talking about: mission.sqm, mission.sqf etc, im not sure if we have them.

    If those files are in the Addons folder then we have them, if not - then we're missing something.

  8. We're using the "Mission Files Newest" that i linked in the earlier post, and then version

    But we strippet the entire package down to the Sarge AI, so we don't have all of the package - is that where we wen't wrong ?.

    The reason that we did that is because there was some things we didn't want to use.

    - Is it possible that you could write what we shall do to make the Sarge AI work ?.



    Atm. we did this so far:

    Added this in init.sqf in the loading screen section: 

    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\UPSMON\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf";		// UPSMON (Needed for Sarge)
    call compile preprocessfile "addons\SHK_pos\shk_pos_init.sqf";				// SHK (Needed for Sarge)
    [] ExecVM "addons\SARGE\SAR_AI_init.sqf";		

    added this line in Description.sqf:

    #include "addons\SARGE\SAR_define.hpp"

    And then added the Folder "Addon" with the 3 folders in it.

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