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Posts posted by Kildaru

  1. No one is complaining, its a statement of fact. With the thermal weapons, regardless of map or if you are playing Arma 2 or 3 you can spot players very easily, from a great distance. No one mentioned the Mk17 either, perhaps you need to read the topic before you start ranting. 


    Since in DayZ the only real defence you have is moving and hiding careful, and thermal weapons dispense with this. Then you really are better off playing a game mode such as Wasteland. 


    The MK17 has a TWS variant. That's why I mentioned it.

  2. We haev a decent size group of players, about 10 max. 5 of them are currently active. We usually try to get one scout on a high ground, then another inside of a plane or small helicopter. Then the others go in with a turreted HMMV2 M2. Can't go wrong with multiple scouts and a steamrolling M2 machine gun. When I go solo though, I just take a bicycle. Practically silent from 20 meters away, no gas, still runs with tires damaged. Also makes following people through towns extremely easy. Just don't go down hill.

  3. I believe its possible to see vehicle's last date accessed in your database. We've been going through and deleting vehicles that were untouched for more than two weeks.

    We also built a giant salvage yard. Any vehicle we find abandoned and locked in a city, airfield, middle of road, of middle of a field.....we impoumd the vehicle in our salvage yard. If someone is looking for their vehicle, and have the key for it, they're free to take it back from impound. Any vehicle in our yard more than two weeks, gets put on our shooting range for our players to shoot at.


    I'm 100% behind the salvage yard idea. As well as a shooting range. Gives the players something to do. I'd love to see a minor map pack applicable to all Epoch maps where something like that could be added in for the server. Takes stress off of the admins trying to find people's cars as well as giving the players something to do other than shooting eachother or zombies all the time.

  4. I think you should stick with the original layout. Helicopters are more for groups of people who need gunners. Generally, for our group, we have about 3-4 people on at once. But the group stems to about 8-9 people. The orignal sizing you show the blackhawk with I think works perfectly. Not only if you make it available for heli's to open it up and fly through, you could use it as a roof to your base. Put some sandbags along the walls or hesco barriers, you'll then have a multifunctional air lock system.

  5. I don't see why so many people are complaining about TWS weapons. As far as snipers go (MK17) The zeroing only goes up to 300-350. You'd actualyl have to know how to use the mildot system to snipe with it properly. As far as the challenge? When you can kill someone with a Lee Enfield from 300m away and you're complaining about how OP the TWS weapons are, there's something wrong with you. If there are large groups decked out with crazy weapons, learn how to ambush properly and kill them. Only thing left is to profit.

  6. Hello, I'm trying to figure out how restock vendors items on our server. I'm very new to coding lingo, so a lot of it is all greek to me. I DL'd a PBO viewer to try and locate a file associated with traders, but to no avail I cannot find a damn thing. If anyone could lend me a hand with a dummies guide of how to refresh the inventory of traders I'd greatly appreciate it.

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