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General FinnBat

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Posts posted by General FinnBat

  1. I have 2 different versions of WAI scripts. One is showing the missions announcement, but the other dont show. I am not so good o these so could figure out why is the another not working ?


    1  (this version dont show them on screen)


    [_position,"Crimerians in Napf Castle"] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\missions\compile\markers.sqf";
    _hint = parseText format["<t align=center' color='#ff0000' shadow='2' size='1.75'>Major Mission!</t><br/><t  align='center' color='#ffffff'>Crimerian clans men have stormed the Napf ruins! We have to clear them out!</t&gt];
    customRemoteMessage = ['hint', _hint];
    publicVariable "customRemoteMessage";
    2. (working script uses this from)
    [_position,"Medical Supply Camp"] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\missions\compile\markers.sqf";
    [nil,nil,rTitleText,"Crimerian clan have set up a medical re-supply camp! Check your map for the location!", "PLAIN",10] call RE;


  2. sounds cool, does this involve uploading a new server.pbo each day or summin?


    I now update the situation every second day and making calculations manually from what I seen happening.

    There is rules of Invasion on my webpage forum, maybe want to take a look ?



    It offcourse causes admin more work, but it is fun to do this.

    When I was a young kid I played alot those PBM (Play-by-Mail) wargames.

    And now this is much like it, but much faster.

  3. Napf, Invasion (Storyline)


    A interesting and exciting Storyline for players, to try survive and cope with dangerous threat.

    Admin runs it manually by adding more troops or then retreating them to previous situation.

    All is done with the help of ai bandit tools (WAI and DZAI).


    Invasion troops (Crimerian clan) will take all off NApf-map, if survivors dont react against this  invasion by hostile bandit clan.


    It started by a landing on northern island and it is now called Sector C (It is the HQ off this Crimerian clan)

    Then they start to send recon troops to main island. And those small groups has been seen by locals.

    Now, first battle-groups and teams are ravaging around mainland. And all missions (24 of them) are in touch with this Invasion storyline. This has been a nice addon for all operations get a sense now.

    Every morning admin goes and makes decision, did survivors win any battles, or is Invasion troops on win strike ?

    Then he builds the setup for a new day battles.


    Storyline has been a "whats-going-on?" for many players. But now, when they realize, it is going to go bad for them

    if these bandit take island under their control. First, really nice, battles has now occurred. And it seems all is having hell of a fun time.


    All the missions around the map is done by this "Crimerian clan" and that has given it a very nice touch.


    Players like it, admin like it. 



  4. i think i kinda know what to do here, but im stuck at figuring out these numbers for displayCtrl, cause i have no idea what these numbers mean


    Once I did another project and there was also just wierd numbers for icons.


    Idea was that a single big picture is having all the icons.

    Then that big picture is divided to areas like in a chess board.

    When you give a number to system it mirrors that icon what happens to be on given area.


    Hah, I hope this make any sense to help you ?

  5.  But we have problem to find out how to implement ACE and ACRE because there is obviously some issue with DAYZ being hostile to CBA. And you cant have ACE without having CBA.


    Well it seems not to be hostile against CBA as I am using it for running JSRS Soundmod and they work fine.


    But I really also miss these two mods in and would love to see them in Epoch.

  6. Off all the Epoch maps collection I have hosted, this is the best map in all aspects.

    Players like it very much and not only that it gives so good fps in game.


    Special and warm thanks to bringing this to Epoch.

  7. Before starting to work on this, wanted to ask if someone already maybe done it there ?


    I have planned a Sector B like island of that biggest NE island we have on map.

    There is many nice sector, like space antennas and huge offices.


    Idea is the have some motivating loot for players to get from there (if they live it....)




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