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Posts posted by Bondue

  1. Has anyone gotten a heli patrol to spawn with a mission? If so please help me! this is what I tried

    [[[_position select 0, _position select 1, 0]],    //Position to patrol
    [[(_position select 0), (_position select 1) - 20, 0]],             // Position to spawn chopper at
    700, //Radius of patrol
    10,                     //Number of waypoints to give
    "UH1H_DZ",        //Classname of vehicle (make sure it has driver and two gunners)
    1 //Skill level of units 
    ] spawn heli_patrol;

    but i get a error for the patrol position in my rpt =/

  2. How can you set when the first mission is actually started? I would like to start my first mission about 20 minutes after restart with a 40 minute clean up which i have it set like this

    // Time between missions (seconds)
    wai_mission_timer = 1200;
    // How long before a mission times out (seconds)
    wai_mission_timeout = 2400;

    But the first mission starts around 47 minutes uptime.

  3. How can you stop people from getting in a vehicle after its lifted?



    Maybe in =BTC=_attachCargo do something like this

    if ((count (crew _cargo)) == 0) then {
    	BTC_lifted = 1;
    	_chopper = vehicle player;
    	_chopper removeAction BTC_liftActionId;
    	_cargo removeEventHandler ["GetIn", {[(_this select 0),"all"] call server_updateObject;}];
    	_name_cargo  = (_this select 3) select 1;
    	_cargo_pos    = getPosATL _cargo;
    	_rel_pos      = _chopper worldToModel _cargo_pos;
    	_height       = (_rel_pos select 2) + 2.5;
    	_cargo attachTo [_chopper, [0, 0, _height]];
    	_chopper  setVariable ["BTC Lift Object", _cargo, true];
    	vehicle player vehicleChat format ["%1 lifted", _name_cargo];
    	_text_action = ("<t color=""#ED2744"">" + "Drop " + (_name_cargo) + "</t>");
    	BTC_SganciaActionId = _chopper addAction [_text_action, "=BTC=_Logistic\=BTC=_Lift\=BTC=_detachCargo.sqf", "", 7, false, false]; 

    and in =BTC=_detachCargo do

    if (!_cantsee) then {
    	BTC_lifted = 0;
    	_chopper removeAction BTC_SganciaActionId;
    	_cargo addEventHandler ["GetIn", {[(_this select 0),"all"] call server_updateObject;}];
    	detach _cargo;
    	_vel =  velocity _chopper;
    	_cargo setVelocity _vel;
    	_name_cargo  = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeof _cargo >> "displayName");
    	vehicle player vehicleChat format ["%1 dropped", _name_cargo];
    	[_chopper, _cargo, "ParachuteWest"] spawn BTC_paradrop;

    No that didn't work =/

  4. I have all my map addons server side to except i made a folder called buildings then in my server_functions.sqf at the bottom i have

    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\BLCastle.sqf";

    I'm gonna try this tonight. Will report back with result

    Just a heads up it done the same thing, looks like some type of abstract building, lol

  5. All my map addons are server side. I put them in a folder in my dayz_epoch folder in the villayercustomcode folder, then call them from my init/server_functions.sqf like this:

    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\mapedits\black_lake_castle.sqf";

    It came out straight. As a matter of fact, I'm making it an "admin zone" just for me and my admins.


    *edit* Any chance that you would share the biedi file so I can make some small edits/addons?

    I have all my map addons server side to except i made a folder called buildings then in my server_functions.sqf at the bottom i have 

    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\BLCastle.sqf";
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