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Posts posted by Granok

  1. Hi everyone,

    I think I notice a bug :


    When I go as a gunner in CH_47F_EP1_DZE or in UH60M_EP1_DZE my first person camera is buged, I can't move it.

    This is not a really big deal because you just have to right clic to go to the machinegun's camera (wich works perfectly fine !),

    but my Anti hack detect that there is something wrong with player's camera and start ban them!

    I managed to get rid of this AH's feature so no problems.

    But I think the camera bug is link to CH_47F_EP1_DZE's class and  UH60M_EP1_DZE's class in CgfVehicules.hpp

    because UH60M_EP1_DZ, and CH_47F_EP1_DZ models works fine


    I'm not sure the bug come from that file because I use many script 

    but I disabled all scripts linked to helicopters (switchseats and fast roppe) and the bug remains 

    so if someone can confirm that I will be thanksfull.


    Thank you for reading me and sry for my english

    Best regards, 




  2. //OFF TOPIC 

    I have DZAI (Bandit AI) and they tend to swarm trade cities and shoot in from the outside and destroying vehicles.



    Do you use SHK_pos to spawn your AI groups ?
    If no, you should.

    If Yes you can prevent them to spawn somewhere by using makers

    like this 




    example I used:

    _coords =[WholeMap,false,["SAFEbash","SAFEklen"]] call SHK_pos;


    WholeMap =  maker for the whole map

    SAFEbash,SAFEklen = exclusions makers to prenvent them to spawn "near" bash or klen


    they can still come if they "decide" to go there but if you create a safe marker big enough the probability will come close to 0



  3. Do you use a custom Zombie_check ?

    Do you use safe zone larger than 150 m ?

    Or maybe more safe zone than Stary Klen or Bash ?

    _USZ = true;

    will only work if you use only safe zone for stary klen or bash and only if the safe zone are smaller than 150 m

    Otherwise you have to modify the AH.sqf

  4. When you shut down your server everything get reset, I tried this. I'm not sure about restart but I'm sure about shutdown 


    By the way, I thought about a small bot in perl to open a ftp connection, and download the file.


    Gotcha Antihack use a RPT logger but it doesn't work great and when the FTP connection is open and there is a shutdown, the server get stuck because it can't create a new RPT file...

    Problem is, the RPT file increase constantly, and the FTP connection never end... So if one of your admin let an instance open and is afk you can't shutdown

  5. First of all sorry for my bad english this is certainly why my post confused you ^^

    I was telling you that you can call a sqf located in dayz_mission from a script located in dayz_server 

    but I wasn't sure the reverse was possible.


    Second of all,

    why not move the 487mission.sqf's file into dayz_server ?

    If i understood correctly the purpuse of 487mission.sqf is to pick a mission randomly ?

    I use a script mission file I found here : http://dayzepoch.com/forum/index.php?/topic/2611-sarge-ai-epoch-edition-mission-system-26-missions/

    I think it should be pretty similar to yours and all the mechanics are serverside 


    Instead of calling the file with init.sqf,


    they call the file with server_function.sqf 

     if (isServer) then {
        [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\major\SMfinder.sqf";


    if(!isServer) exitWith {};
    private ["_numb","_element","_num","_firstRun"];
    if(isNil {ReAccur}) then { ReAccur = ["SM1","SM2","SM3","SM4","SM5","SM6","SM7","SM8","SM9","SM10"];};
    if(isNil {SMCarray}) then { SMCarray = [];};
    if (count SMarray == 0) then
    _element = ReAccur call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    } else {
    _numb = count SMarray;
    _num = floor (random _numb);
    _element = SMarray select _num;
    _Earray = [_element];
    [] execVM format ["\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\major\%1.sqf",_element];
  6. I can't make this work,
    I use dayz.ST and a bliss DB 

    I got this error when I launch the debug 

    12:14:27.079 DEBUG - localTimestamp = 2013-11-18 12:14:27.0
    12:14:27.082 DEBUG - serverTimestamp = 2013-11-18 05:14:26.0
    12:14:27.082 DEBUG - timeDiff = -25201000 ms
    12:14:27.094 DEBUG - ================================
    12:14:27.095 DEBUG - localTimestamp = 2013-11-18 12:09:27.092
    12:14:27.095 DEBUG - timestamp = 2013-11-18 05:09:26.092
    12:14:27.096 INFO  - querying character updates
    Exception in thread "main" com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorExcep
    tion: Table 'bliss_XXXX.character_data' doesn't exist
    I have set 
    #character_data_table = Character_DATA
    But it seems to automaticly lower and unfortunally my SQLDB is case sensitive
    Which is really weird because the collation name is latin1_swedish_ci
    but I couldn't alter the table using 

    I had to use


    to make it worked.

  7. I think this would work just fine if your calling script is in server.pbo,

    I use the missions script (server side)

    and a sqf in my server.pbo call this line :

    _aispawn = [_coords,80,6,6,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\add_unit_server.sqf";//AI Guards 

    but I have no idea if it's gonna work for a script in mission.pbo


    In theory the server run mission.pbo too since init.sqf contain

    if (isDedicated) then

    By the way I use in my server.pbo this :

    _coords =[Marker1,false] call SHK_pos;

    it works and SHK_pos is located in dayz_mission\addons\SHK  folder

    (in SHK_pos_init.sqf to be accurate) 

  8. Hi everyone,

    I use an anti combat logging : DiscoBot (that I found here : http://opendayz.net/threads/anti-combat-logging-discobot.12073/ ) 

    This is a script that create a bot with your stuff when you disconnect (like origins does)

    However, the bot is not synchronize with the player so people can duplicate items by using this bot (you disconnect, a friend kill the bot and you reconnect with your stuff )


    So I think about adding a little control to prevent that, and I think there is 2 solutions but i have not idea how I could make these works :


    First idea : When the bot die, set the player's character dead (with a "setDamage 1;" for example). Problem is, I don't think the character's object still exist at this point.


    Second Idea : Record the bot death (pretty easy) and when the player log back force the server to ceate a new character.


    Like set 

    _isNew = true;

     in server_playerLogin.sqf


    But i'm afaid to duplicate entry in the table Character_DATA with 2 characters for 1 playerID, where alive=1.

    Maybe set the inventory empty would work too.

    I'm sure there is a simple solution at this problem but I have no idea how the death mechanics works, so if anyone could explain me a little bit because I'm a big noob!


    Thanks you for reading me and sorry for my bad english !

  9. My question was more : is there a speed between walk and run ? actually all my zombies are walking 

    but I want them to walk faster :( but I dont want them to run either
    My admins and I are more interrested in WalkingDead-like zombies.

    Zombies in Dayz are too much bugged and the path finder is pretty terrible !
    So we decide to "nerf" Zombies but now they are totally worthless, because they walk too slow.
    So I wanted to buff them a little with some movespeed.

    I don't know if i'm clear and sorry for my bad english :(

  10. Anyone ever managed to remove the disassemble option for the mg nests etc ?


    go to dayz_code extract files and get variables.sqf

    then go to Dayz_mission -> init.sqf

    //Load in compiled functions
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf"; 
    replace by 
    //Load in compiled functions
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\yourownfolder\variables.sqf"; 

    now edit your own version of variables.sqf

    look around line 473

    DZE_isRemovable = ["Fence_corrugated_DZ","M240Nest_DZ","ParkBench_DZ","Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"];

    replace by 

    DZE_isRemovable = ["Fence_corrugated_DZ","ParkBench_DZ","Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"];

    put your new variables.sqf into your own folder


     Should work!

  11. Hi Everyone I'm looking to slow down my zombies,

    I've suceed (kind of), thanks to this post http://dayzepoch.com/forum/index.php?/topic/824-walking-dead-zombies/#entry21831,

    but unfortunately I can't set the speed that I want. It seems to work only with forcespeed 2 or forcespeed 10 and I would like my zombies to move around 15 km/h

    I've tried forcespeed 3,4,5 doesn't work either.


    I've tried Limitspeed. Doesn't work (and I know that we must set a km/h speed value not m/s like forcespeed.)


    I've tried change the sleep from 1 to 0.1 to make the loop working better, still don't work :(


    Anybody have an idea how I can customise this value ? 

  12. It requires modifications all over the epoch files, mission files, server files and a custom hiveext.dll. 


    Can you explain us or give us a hint ? I would like to have a single currency on my server.

    I have a general idea of what you need to do but a little help would be great :)

  13. Have you had any luck with any other speeds? Was playing around with different settings but it seems like it's either a full sprint or a slow walk. 

    I have the same issue here, please let me know if you found something  :)



    I also found how to modify the damage handler for Zombies so they now became almost headshot-only to kill

    I used the fn_damageHandlerZ.sqf from mmmyum

    (source here : http://opendayz.net/threads/release-mmmyums-zed-changes-quantity-ai-spawning-permaloot-permazeds-more.12435/)


    to do that you need to add the fn_damageHandlerZ.sqf  from mmmyum and put it into your fixes folder

    then go to your compile.sqf and find this line : 

    local_zombieDamage = 		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageHandlerZ.sqf";

    and replace it by this : 

    local_zombieDamage = 		compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\fn_damageHandlerZ.sqf";	

    now you have badass Zombies 

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