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Posts posted by hectic

  1. The Administrators need to fix your Character Data in there Database


    Revo, would you happen to know how to find an individual player data in the server database?  The reason I ask is the server admins seem to be having trouble finding "my" character entry in their DB.


    If there is something I could communicate to them that could speed up this process I would be grateful.


    Thanks again

  2. I was playing on a custom/private Epoch (using v1.0.2.4) server today, when this happened...


    I was trading with a vendor a few minutes before a restart.  I had broken down some 10oz gold bars into regular gold bars (8-10oz. into 80 regular).  I hurried back to my base before server restart and logged out. Now (after restart) when I try and load in to the server, from the lobby, I get the following message.  "This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application.  You cannot play on this server.  If you are the server admin please contact the DayZ Epoch staff."


    I fear the reason I cannot load in is because I had gold in my "overflow" primary inventory.  I have never logged out with items in overflow before and am afraid this is the root cause.  There are people currently on the server, and the admins are unavailable.  Is there a way to clear my player data, attached to my GUID?  Is there anything else I can try and/or has anyone else run into this issue?


    Also, I am able to load in to numerous Epoch servers, just not my favorite.



    Thanks for any help you can provide.

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