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Posts posted by xoleum

  1. I never used the 3d editor when I edited the map, so I'll tell you how I did it instead.


    the mission.sqf file shows you how objects are placed on the map. the template is: 

    _vehicle_<<number>> = objNull;
    if (true) then
    _this = createVehicle ["<<classname>>", [<<worldpos_x>>, <<worldpos_y>>, <<worldpos_z>>], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _vehicle_<<number>> = _this;
    _this setDir <<direction>>;
    _this setPos [<<worldpos_x>>, <<worldpos_y>>, <<worldpos_z>>];

    replace the stuff in <<brackets>>

    <<number>>: unique number, appears 2 times.

    <<classname>>: the classname of the buiding you want to place. there is a list here

    <<worldpos_x/y/z>>: location where you want to place the building. easiest way to get this is by going to the location in your server, log out, and then read your locaction out of the database.

    <<direction>>: which way you want the building to face in compass degrees.


    Now, one BIG disadvantage to placing them in the mission.sqf is that it is a client-side script, meaning that your server is not aware that these buildings exist. This in turn means that if you park helicopters on added buildings they'll fall to ground level upon restart. Also, if you use an AI script like sarge, these AI don't see these buildings either and are able to walk and shoot straight through them. There might be more problems caused with client-side-only buildings but these two are the main ones.


    To solve this issue you need to have the server itself load the added buildings instead of the clients. this can be done by making two changes to the dayz_server.pbo;

    1: unpack dayz_server.pbo with a program like cpbo (included in arma tools)

    2: go in the unpacked folder and create a file named buildings.sqf (I even gave it its own folder but that's not needed)

    3: template of buildings.sqf:

    if (isServer) then {
    _vehicle_<<number>> = objNull;
    if (true) then
    _this = createVehicle ["<<classname>>", [<<worldpos_x>>, <<worldpos_y>>, <<worldpos_z>>], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _vehicle_<<number>> = _this;
    _this setDir <<direction>>;
    _this setPos [<<worldpos_x>>, <<worldpos_y>>, <<worldpos_z>>];
    //repeat vehicle template for more buildings

    4: link the buildings.sqf in the file dayz_server/init/server_functions.sqf by adding this line at the end (keep in mind if you gave buildings.sqf its own folder):

    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings.sqf";

    5: repack the dayz_server folder into a pbo

  2. I think It should work just fine, as long as you keep the instance variable of the servers different. Epoch already has many preconfigured instances for different maps. If you want them to use the same map, you'll have to manually change this variable for the second server.


    You'll find this variable in the mission init.sqf file:

    dayZ_instance =	11;	

    Personally I'd prefer to have each server have its own database, as I use a backup script. In case a hacker shows up on one of the servers and messes things up, a rollback would only restore the server the hacker was on.

  3. I'm don't know if this is mentioned before so apologies if it has.


    One player in my server complained about his floor panels not lining up correctly after server restart. While investigating this I sifted through the database and noticed that for buildable objects, the Y-coordinate is always rounded to one number after the dot, for the X-coordinate this is 2 numbers after the dot. this causes buildables to be shifted up to 5cm either north or south upon server restart. even if I try to fix it in the database it only holds out until the next time it is maintained.


    looking up the code I guess arma 2's getPosATL or setPosATL function is the culprit

  4. @Axe Cop:
    Thanks for the feedback, I'm currently more focused om making it do it's job rather than make it look good. I know about JavaFX but haven't used it yet so adding that will be like third priority, after testing/bugfixing and adding in features (For instance I just found out that the jar isn't packing the resources (text files) it needs to actually add the mods, so I figured I just pack them with the jar in a rar archive). I use Swing right now because I'm familiar with it and that makes development go faster.

  5. Second prototype: added R3F tow/lift with settings for:
      -enable towing
        -small vehicles can tow (like motorcycles and ATV's)
        -smal vehicles can be towed
        -large vehicles can be towed (bus, URAL, etc)
        -helicopters can be towed
        -airplanes can be towed
        -boats can be towed
      -enable lifting
        -small vehicles can be lifted
        -large vehicles can be lifted
        -airplanes can be lifted
        -helicopters can be lifted
        -boats can be lifted
      -disable tow/lift for locked vehicles
    It will also add the neccesary setpos exceptions to the battleye filter
    Epoch Mod Installer
    Again, feedback is appreciated.
    Next prototype is planned to have safezones, self bloodbag, take clothes and auto refuel at fuel stations. I expect these to be easy to add since there is not much to be altered to the mod itself like there is with tow/lift, just the option to install the mod.
    @ 15:00 - Found a bug while testing and fixed it
    @ 16:10 - added togglable function to debug monitor


    open bugs:

    -custom compiles aren't linked in mission init.sqf. affects tow/lift disabling on locked vehicles and toggling of debug monitor (fixed, not released yet).

  6. Made a simple program that only covers a custom debug monitor. its in java, so the mod installer is packed as a jar file, should work if you have JRE installed.
    It's meant to be used on vanilla server files.
    Epoch Mod Installer outdated, see next post
    Source outdated, see next post
    I'd appreciate any feedback and suggestions as to what mods to add or what options to add to each mod.

  7. I think it's a routing issue. usually it's setup so that there are different return traffic ports assigned to each client on the same network, so the router can figure out which traffic goes to which computer.


    try enabling DHCP and uPnP on your router (can't tell you how to do that since the steps are different per router type, or tell us what brand and type of router you have so I can look it up for you).

  8. I think you need to place "CleanupPlacedAfterDays = 365" on a new line.

    ;Negative values will disable this feature ;0 means that ALL empty placed items will be deleted every server restart ;A positive number is how old (in days) a placed empty item must be, in order for it to be deleted
    CleanupPlacedAfterDays = 365
  9. @dayz_Epoch\Addons\dayz_code\config.bin


    Use a program called unrap to unpack the .bin file and you get a bunch of .hpp files. the one you're looking for is CfgMagazines.hpp



    Is there any way to add custom crafting recipies to the epoch build system without client side code changes?  I would like to be able to add the ability to build permanent fires and wells to the players for use at their base.


    Since it's in @dayz_epoch, this is being run clientside, so clientside code changes are neccesary.

  10. Just throwing out an idea I'm considering.
    As there are a lot of people having trouble getting Dayz mods working on Epoch, I thought it might be a good Idea to make a tool that can do the installation of mods for you. Now I'm not talking about covering every possible mod out there, but only the most popular ones, for instance tow/lift, custom debug monitor, self bloodbag, safezones and AI missions.
    The Idea is basically that the mod installer gives the administrator of the server a list of supported mods, the admin then picks the ones he wants to add in this server. Then for every mod he gets a list of options (for instance: what stats to display on the debug monitor, or allow tow/lift for locked vehicles) and the mod installer just copies the neccesary files and makes alterations to script files where needed, basically as if the mod installer is following the instructions of a mod installation guide.
    I think having a tool like this would slim down the number of "help it doesnt work (again)" threads on the forum.
    Tell me what you think, would this be worth making?
    latest version
    Epoch Mod Installer
    open bugs:
    -custom compiles aren't linked in mission init.sqf. affects tow/lift disabling on locked vehicles and toggling of debug monitor (fixed, not released yet).

  11. The server files come with a config file that has in the server name by default, pretty dirty copypasting work if you ask me.


    Also the black screen error message basically says that the server has a lower version than your client.


    Have you tried other servers? If those dont work either I suggest re-downloading the client files.


    And just for good measure, can you post the IP of the server you're talking about?

  12. Running the server itself is no problem, epoch comes with a ton of pre-configured instances that can run side by side.


    As for BEC, you only need to make a second config file that has the different port specified, then run bec with the appropriate config file and you're good to go.

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