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Posts posted by Neomale

  1. are there any other requirement like maximum dimesion, file extension and o on?


    I tried a JPG file with 1920*1080 dimension and it gave me an error on dimesion I think, could this be possible or might there be another problem?



    it said something like dimesion 1920x1080 not 2^n



    EDIT:  Nevermind figured it out dimensions must be 2x1 so i.e. 1024*512


    Here is what you can replace to get it to show in the middle of the screen:

    [nil,nil,rTitleText,"Bandits or Pirates? We found their treasure, Check your Map for the Location!", "PLAIN",10] call RE;

    Simply replace the following code with the above code:

    _hint = parseText format["<t align='center' color='#FFFF66' shadow='2' size='1.75'>Treasure Crate</t><br/><t align='center' color='#ffffff'>Bandits or Pirates? We found their treasure, Check your Map for the Location!</t>"];
    customRemoteMessage = ['hint', _hint];
    publicVariable "customRemoteMessage";



    Thank you Sir I will try that now



    EDIT: This works perfectly, thank you.

  3. HI,


    It seems this code block handles the messaging to users. This code sends hints how to modify it to send to global, side or in the center of the screen like when you eat or drink?


    Thank you in advance.

    // Send message to users 
    _hint = parseText format["<t align='center' color='#FFFF66' shadow='2' size='1.75'>Treasure Crate</t><br/><t align='center' color='#ffffff'>Bandits or Pirates? We found their treasure, Check your Map for the Location!</t>"];
    customRemoteMessage = ['hint', _hint];
    publicVariable "customRemoteMessage";
    diag_log(format["Loot event setup, waiting for %1 seconds", _wait_time]);
  4. I never said I don't care about others opinions, I said I don't care about being trolled and flamed. There's a difference. Maybe you can list the reasons why you understand the recent changes? Start by explaining to me how removing the information in the top left of the map improves the game for example, then explain all those other changes like dust and fog clouds..


    Most people said they don't like the dust clouds so next patch they will remove them, yeah your right they don't listen... :lol:


    The mission system, diary and such are not part of THEIR mod so why should they take every single script into consideration.


    Clearly you don't like the original epoch mod cos you added the missions and the diary and what not so why don't you spend your time making your own mod the way you like it and don't post useless posts. They clearly stated a while back that it's impossible to take every tweak, scriipt or what not into account when changing aspects of their mod so your post is useless.

  5. May want to just remove them so new vehicles can spawn, they are usually in much better shape then and abandoned and/or locked vehicles. I would just remove the safes and lockboxes that are not used at some point less objects = more performance.


    I would like to do this but how exactly? Can you be more specific please?


    Thank you in advance.

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