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Diesel Weasel

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Posts posted by Diesel Weasel

  1. I'm getting ready to tear my hair out... Everyone keeps telling me I have to "do the traders manually" or something. I have no idea what I have to do to make this work on Napf. What do I have to change to get this to work? My traders have no items right now. Every time I look at the CfgServerTrader folder and compare all the files to my database the trader TIDs and menu IDs are exactly the same. Will someone who has this on Napf please help me out? I've had several coders look at this and they are stumped as well. I've been doing nothing but trying to figure this out for over a week. Everything I try fails. I haven't attempted something like this before and there are a lot of people looking for help with getting this sorted for Napf. I'll gladly sit and do the manual work, I just don't know what it is!

  2. Alright, I'm trying to get this to work in OverPoch Napf. I'm going crazy trying to get this to work... I thought I knew what I needed to do but I was wrong. I can't figure out how to fix my traders now that this is in. Most of my trader menus come up completely blank. I've always been able to work out database issues with a bit of thinking but I'm at a loss with this one. I've never had to deal with instances before. We've always rented our server so I didn't have to deal with a lot of these problems ever before. 

  3. Hey guys. I just installed this and I'm trying to use the traders they supplied. I followed the instructions exactly as they were written on the site but when I get in my server none of my traders have any items to sell except for one, my custom Sports Cars trader now offers me all the old currencies instead of vehicles. I'd rather not have to go through changing all the TIDs, but if that's the only option then I will. I liked how he had the traders set up though and wanted to use them. It'd save me quite a few hours of work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  4. Thank you. Everything I've read said it was -1 and -2. It's been so confusing... I saved the original file just in case.

    And I just have never had to deal with the startup parameters before. We started with .st and got sick of the DDOSing every 5 minutes so we moved to Vilayer. They were extremely rude to us and provided no help when their machine broke down on us for a month. They expected us to keep paying even though we weren't receiving any service and I was in their TS daily. We got fed up when they refused to switch us to a new machine and moved to Vert who we have been with for over a year with no issues. We switched to Epoch shortly before joining Vert and have always used the host's install functions. My boyfriend and I co-own the server, he does most of the in-game stuff while I do the script work. I've had to learn on the fly. He's hoping to build a dedibox in the coming months so we can host from home, oh joy. I'm trying to learn everything I can about running a server myself. The extent of my previous coding skills covered MySpace profiles in middle school. Going from that to nothing for 6 years to suddenly this has been a huge leap for me. Thank you for replying and letting me know. I'm going to go look for the file now.

  5. We use Vert and we recently decided to update to the new version of Epoch. Right before we shut down several players expressed their interest into changing to Overpoch and we checked it out and were very happy with it. We had Vert reinstall our service so we could start fresh. I popped Epoch back on and tried to check that everything was working alright when I found our server was no longer listed on Commander. I couldn't log into the server either and Vert reinstalled the service again. I talked with several of our players and after QUITE a few hours and doing everything we could think of we were finally able to get into the server. The downside of this is it takes quite some time to do and the average player is not going to sit around for an hour when there are so many servers available that work with one click. We'd also have to say goodbye to all new players as well. I expressed this to Vert and someone new took a look at the server and realized the steamport was set to 0. They changed it and stated the server should show up on the launchers now. No luck. Here's my current issues:


    How do I find my steamport? From what I have read it's supposed to be -2 from the server's port? And the steamQueryPort is -1? Vert had ours set to +2 and +1. I changed them to - and it's still not showing up on the launchers. 


    Where do I find the server startup parameters?! I feel like I have been through EVERY file in the server and I can't find ANYTHING about this! I've been installing Overpoch and have everything else pretty much down pat but I can't figure out where to add the @Overwatch bit to! I've joined an Overpoch server before so I know I have to add it to my personal launch parameter, but for the life of me I can't figure out what file I need to edit for this. Everyone writes the instructions as if it is super obvious, but I've never touched that before. 


    I've wasted two days that I had planned spending on script work. It's been so frustrating and I really don't know where else to turn. In 2 years of running this server I've NEVER had anything like this happen before.

  6. Can someone please help me out? I'm having the worst time right now. We updated our server and ever since it no longer shows up on any of the launchers. Our host has completely reinstalled our service twice now and nothing will work. We have a temporary work around and I decided to start getting some of the script work out of the way instead of sitting around doing nothing. I can't find anything about changing the server's startup parameters. What file am I looking for and where is it usually located? Everything else I have down except for this. I've been tearing apart my files but just can't figure out what I'm supposed to be looking for. We use Vert as a host, by the way. 

  7. It has recently come to my attention that the majority of my players have found themselves having difficulty playing at times due to the fact that when they open their gear it closes immeditatly afterwards 5-10 seconds later. This occurs over and over again. Some players don't experience it while others can't even eat or drink at times. I can't find anything in our RPT that would point to this. Has anyone experienced this happening recently? We have many of the popular scripts out recently and as of now this is our only issue. Some players have found that running a short distance will stop the cycle while it does nothing for others. I don't know where to begin with something like this. Name a file and I will gladly post it. I deeply appreciate all help.

  8. No, we know how to tow. Like I said we've used it in the past for some months. We just recently wiped the server and in the process we switched from Cherno to Napf. Everything has been relatively smooth except for a couple hiccups that mainly involved our antihack. This is the one big thing that really has effected our players that we haven't been able to figure out. We have tried everything to get them to work and nothing. Our server sometimes has 30 people on it at one time and even then between all of us we had no luck.

  9. I have used the same script for towing/lifting for sometime now. I found it here on the epoch forums and it was edited to prevent chain towing and also sets the vehicles apart so np vehicle piggybacking happens. It can be found here:  Second post, second link. It has always worked wonderfully in the past and done exactly what we needed.

    I also usually add an extra script on that blocks the towing of locked vehicles. 


    For some reason when someone buys a vehicle it can NOT be towed or lifted. The classnames are perfect. I have checked them a million and one times. I have all of the 1,2,3,4's and all that too. If we spawn the exact same thing with admin tools right next to the bought vehicle it will tow with no problem. We're not getting anything in our RPT about this either and it's confusing the hell out of me.


    If you want any files I can provide them, I just have no idea what to post right now. Any help would be appreciated.

  10. At first when we wiped the server it was to fix some errors. We intended on keeping the map Cherno so we kept the database. We had a hiccup and had to wait for our host to fix a stuck file and during that we learned the vast majority of our players were tired of Cherno. We all decided on Napf and once I was able to we changed it over. That was when I went to the database and deleted everything from it. Vehicles have been spawning as they should. We're getting far better FPS than we did on Cherno.

    I co-own the server with my fiancé, he does the in game work while I do the Admin work. My laptop has something preventing me from playing games right now, the temp hits 200° in minutes. In Cherno my FPS would be 9-5 at any given time. On the new map I was running around 22. Many of our players have doubled or tripled their FPS from usual, not just our server.

    I'm on my way to a doc appointment but when I get back I'll try taking out the brackets, thank you! You wouldn't happen to know anything about Infistar causing normal players to have rapid fire melee weapons, do you? When they try to cut down trees they cut down instantly and give no wood.

  11. Are you using Napf? Have you had any luck fixing this? We have a very small number of staff members and without the admin tools we can't provide for our players in a way we feel is adequate. Especially with a map as big as Napf, it would take us forever just to fly across.

  12. I have no idea where to start with this one... We opened up the server last night and everyone piled in. We tested all our scripts before opening with our staff. We use Infistar's latest update, and have self bloodbag, towing/lifting, emerald interior designer, deployable bike, service stations, master key, remote key, Gems at Traders, Evac chopper, elevators, and snap. I think that's everything....

    When one of our staff members takes an axe or chainsaw it works as normal and a after awhile the tree is down and you got wood. However, when one of our normal players takes an axe or chainsaw it's somehow on "rapid fire" and will chop the tree down in one click. The tree will not give any wood then. I can't make heads or tails of this. My RPT won't give any errors in regards to the matter either. Has anyone experienced this? No one can get lumber on our server!

  13. I have two things that I need some help with currently.


    1. Is there a script or edit that will allow players to strip more than wheels and glass from vehicles? I know of the ones for vanilla but I don't want to start mixing oil and water. We just swapped over to Napf so it's new grounds for us.


    2. We had our server wiped clean when we changed maps and ever since our RPT has been getting spammed and I can't figure it out. I have looked it over a hundred times. The file in question is my server_functions and has only had one edit to it, which involved the one line of code to run Infistar. Nothing else has been touched.








    Please help us out. Any other observations about our RPT would be greatly appreciated. I'm still learning and working at getting everything working smoothly. 

  14. Just so you know...

    I set this up on my server with the following edits:

    Required Radio to work

    Close inventory on use

    Latest sound update so it plays only when a player uses the remote


    We just spent a good 2 hours trying to figure out what was going wrong with our server. Somehow one of the above "edits" (I suspect the close inventory one) disabled right click on the entire server, bandages and food included. All right clicking that was default to epoch was gone. I had a hell of a time trying to find the source of the issue. In the end I gave up and out of frustration just reverted the entire script back to default as listed in the first post. My next step was deletion. Turned the server back on and suddenly right click works as well as the remote key. I have no idea what it was exactly of the three things listed... I'm just happy it's working now. @____@ And I redid the script 3 times before that following the instructions given. My paths were all correct, it was the files themselves I reverted to get it working.

  15. closeDialog 0;

    Excuse me, but in which file(s) and where exactly do I put this? I'm assuming it goes directly above the last }; but wanted to be sure. I can follow directions and have managed to Frankenstein a few scripts together but I'm still very much learning. I'm split between putting it at the end of player_selectSlot or remote_lock and remote_unlock.


    To the OP: Thank you so much for posting this!!! I have taken all of the customizations and bundled them together for our server. I can't wait to see what our players think of this! Keep up the awesome work! Also, please do not give up on the remote Garage Door idea. I know many, many people would absolutely love that! I'm thinking of tying this to a radio instead of an IR strobe simply because it makes a little more sense in my mind. If they want radios they can go hunt down some AIs in the missions. Tying the garages to the radios as well would be an added bonus for me.

  16. To everyone asking about the AI:

    Blacklisting areas is NOT the same as creating static spawns! It is the complete opposite! What someone suggested was to search your database for all your plotpoles and create a blacklist around that area. AI will NOT spawn inside a blacklist zone. They will spawn randomly everywhere else. I am not 100% certain if they can wander into blacklist areas, but I know they won't be able to just appear behind you when you're busy. I'd start with a 50m blacklist circle around my base and increase the size if I had trouble with AI. The good thing is that the script will find areas on it's own to spawn them. All the big AI scripts have blacklists; Sarge, DZMS, WAI, DZAI... Give it a shot.


    Thank you so much for posting this script! As we have a PvE server we have a lot of players that spend most of their time building elaborate bases. I removed the need for plotpoles a long time ago because of the restraints. This will give people a reason to buy them now! =]

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