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Posts posted by Troythenoob

  1. Thanks to any and all who takes a look at this and tries to help.

    My issue is that I have been following RobbieW video and readme file almost to a T and I been slowly putting a server together. (Thanks RobbieW)

    I have installed so far.

    ZSC traders, WAI missions, ESSV3 for spawn selection, This version of the server works perfectly.

    Today I installed Epoch Antihack/ Admin tools and I thought I did everything correctly, about 5 minutes into the server I am getting this error.

    ErrorMessage: Include file mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\CfgServerTraderZSC\CfgServerTrader\CfgServerTrader.hpp not found. and before this it was

     ErrorMessage: Include file mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\CfgLoot\CfgLoot\CfgLoot.hpp not found.


    The issue is that there is an added file level to these lines. (I highlighted the extra non existent file) 

    The true path is MPMissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\CfgServerTraderZSC\cfgServerTrader.hpp  for example.  

    I solved the second error by creating the second CfgLoot file and copying all the .hpp files into it as a test. Thats when the next file issue showed up.

    Since just copping every file and making a new level will just add to my mission size and add twice the work "if I make any changes" what is causing this issue within the Antihack/ Admin tools that's adding in this extra file level? 


    Also I just noticed it's asking for CfgServerTrader.hpp with a capital C.  


    If you have any thoughts, please let me know.

  2. Just installed the script and I have it set to only allow bandit missions since it is a PVE server I am building.

    wai_hero_limit            = 4; // define how many hero missions can run at once
    wai_bandit_limit        = 0; // define how many bandit missions can run at once

    (Think I might have it backwards)

    But my issue is that when the missions start, It announces that heroes are extracting snippers for example, and on the map it shows Bandits snipper extraction. 

    Did I miss something in my set up?

  3. I have been playing Arma 2 dayz for years now, and while I could never get the base building part to recognize my page up or page down button to raise or lower the objects, (The keys are on my numpad 9 and 3 key), I use to be able to do small up and down increments with my 8 and 2 key. till I could get the roof part or whatever I was building to snap up the rest of the way. 

    With epoch 1.07.1 now no keys raise or lower objects for me. My number keys only look around.  Has anyone run across this issue with their Pgup PgDn not working and how I can get it to be recognized even if it is a 2 key combonation.

  4. I am trying to do a basic install ,using a windows computer, so me and the wife can learn how to add and change the mods to what she thinks dayz time would be. (loads of guns but little ammo, or make your own ammo)  Things like that.

    When I start the server and then try to join it I get this line spammed on the server.

    DayZ Epoch Chernarus read from bank. 

    It prints this line over and over and My game is disconnected from the server.  

    I have not made any changes yet. just a basic install to learn on and build from.


    Thank you for any help

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