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Posts posted by DavemanDingo

  1. I installed SargeAI and it was running fine, but I did not like how snipers were running around with shotguns; so I changed the weapons list for each class.

    Now, there are no AI on the server. You still receive the missions files, but no AI.

    Only thing I changed were the weapons. And no, I didn't give them both a rifle and a pistol. It says NOT to do that

    I used the item list from the vendors in the php files. Can using the wrong weapon name cause this?

  2. Yeah, I have  set it to -1 and even changed it to 365.
    It doesn't go much longer then 2 weeks and the walls, floors, etc disappears.
    We are using HFB servers, & their control panel has a section with the HiveExt.ini
    Just getting REAL old building something and having it disappear.

  3. I'm kinda of newbie when it comes to scripting.


    I've been trying to search the forums, but I don't see how to turn maintenance off. I saw a couple of scripts that tried to fool the server, but nothing to turn it off.


    Can I turn it off?


    And if it's a script I must use, what is it and where do I add it?


    Thank you!

  4. Sorry if I posted this is the wrong spot or if I missed the post dealing with this; because I seem to remember a post dealing with removing the building/area maintenance. Is there a block of script I remove or is there something to add?



  5. So I need to update my prior question, it appears AI immediately despawn when they're killed... when vehicles are destroyed they immeditely respawn...where is these time configurations on Dayz.st so I can fix these? Are they not included in the pbo files?


    They are in your Sarge AI folder in you mission file.


    I use notepad++ Go to about line 147 & you'll find:

    // time after which dead AI bodies are deleted

    SAR_DELETE_TIMEOUT = 120; // 2 minutes - this is default.


    I made mine:

    // time after which dead AI bodies are deleted

    SAR_DELETE_TIMEOUT = 600; // 10 minutes - and so far it's been fine.

  6. Alright, update. It is semi - working. We can tame the dogs, but they don't function properly. They won't follow. They will sit and bark, just not follow.

    We also noticed that their water and foor icons do not change, no matter how much you feed them.

  7. Guys, the mission folder has "dayz_tameDogs = true;" already.

    We are running a HFB server & 103718. There is no option to train the dog or any interaction what so ever for that matter....

  8. It's doing the same to me running from a HFB server (not the one in my signature).  Ive updloaded the battle eye scripts with the pack and e even went to add the !"rspawn,"

     to line 133 but it was already there. Any other advice 'cos this is proper frustrating!

    I am running a server as well. I am using the 1.2.1 pack and I KNOW I had to add it at the end. Try putting it and the very end of the string.

  9. Why? There's already a dayz_server.pbo with this pack that is completely different to the dayz_code.pbo isn't it?.....?


    I removed the dayz_code.pbo from the missions file and managed to get it packed into it's own .pbo fine in the end and uploaded it with the dayz_server.pbo and missions.pbo (renamed to epoch_chernarus11 or something as advised).


    It didnt work mind you, the server began loading fine and then just timed out at the final bit (creating character bit i presume). Not sure where Ive gone wrong as I followed the HFB instructions on the first page to the letter.  



    Use my updated instructions for 1.2.1 with hfb servers if you're using hfb servers. 

     It's located on this page:


    With 1 addon - copy the BE scripts over to your BE file.

  10. I am using a HFB server, v1.0.1.4 & the 1.2.1 pack. The problem I am having is with BattlEye script restriction #126. It can kick you out: joining, as soon as you spawn in the server, or even after killing an AI. I have tried modifying the script.txt file. Where you use notepad++, go to line 126, then go 2 numbers higher (128) and change the 5 to a 1. It was originally a 1 so I changed it to a 5. It didn't change anything.


    Anyone have a fix for this?

  11. Are you using for this pack?


    Have you copied over the included BE Filters?



    That'd be it. I forgot to add the step for updating BE. Same steps as my previous write up.


    Yes, i am running

    Yes, I did copy over the BattlEye filters.

    I then had the script restrictions. 82 & 126. "Fixed" them both and now it seems to be running. I will need to do some testing; but it looks like it is running!

  12. Updated HFB Instructions:


    Step 1: Download 1.2.1 from OP and extract files to a unique folder (DayZEpoch Chernarus Custom Pack v1.2.1)


    Step 2: Open the folder you extracted. If you need to make any alterations to customize this package, open the Mission folder and make any changes you need to.


    Step 3: After you have made any necessary changes, either upload the custom.pbo files located in the folder, or create a new .pbo file from the mission and server files folder, naming them dayz_server.pbo and DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus.pbo according to which folder.


    Step 4: Server files need to go to File Manager > @DayZ_Epoch_Server > Addons (Make sure to make a backup of your current mission file)


    Step 5: Mission Files need to go to File Manager > MPMissions (Make sure to make a backup of your current mission file)


    Step 6: Change the name of your server in the config files > config.cfg location to reflect current custom package.


    Step 7: Start up server and test functionality. 


    Sorry, it's not working. First I got kicked by BattlEye: Script restriction #82. Didn't even get into the server. So I did the quick fix by modifying the scrpts.txt file. HFB tells us to use notepad++ and go to line 82, count 2 higher - 84, & change the 5 to a 1. This time i got in, but now I get kicked for BattlEye: script restriction #126. Should I really just keep changing the scripts.txt files like that?

  13. Updated HFB Instructions:


    Step 1: Download 1.2.1 from OP and extract files to a unique folder (DayZEpoch Chernarus Custom Pack v1.2.1)


    Step 2: Open the folder you extracted. If you need to make any alterations to customize this package, open the Mission folder and make any changes you need to.


    Step 3: After you have made any necessary changes, either upload the custom.pbo files located in the folder, or create a new .pbo file from the mission and server files folder, naming them dayz_server.pbo and DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus.pbo according to which folder.


    Step 4: Server files need to go to File Manager > @DayZ_Epoch_Server > Addons (Make sure to make a backup of your current mission file)


    Step 5: Mission Files need to go to File Manager > MPMissions (Make sure to make a backup of your current mission file)


    Step 6: Change the name of your server in the config files > config.cfg location to reflect current custom package.


    Step 7: Start up server and test functionality. 


    Thank you MiniChiken! I was TOTALLY installing it wrong! Hopefully this will do it and thanks again!


    Also, I just realized those Battleye files in there. Those need to be uploaded into the Battleye folder as well, yeah?

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