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Posts posted by Drag0ntamer

  1. I was wondering if anyone knows where I can find an install tutorial for daimyo21 DayZ Base Building mod. I tried to follow the instructions included in GitHub, but it was not working and many of the instructions were too vague or I wasn't even able to find the line of code mentioned. I'm wondering if this is due to Epoch.


    Any additional information you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

  2. There are settings in the init.sqf that affect some of the zombie spawn settings. Other then that there are several zombie.sqf files in the dayZ Code that can affect it as well. I am unsure how they all work together. Sorry I could not be of more help.

  3. Does the call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers no longer work? Many of the script tutorials I see say to add a call compile line below the other ones in the init.sqf to load custom fixes or scripts. I will try what you said, but I am curious as to the call compile method and its validity for DayZ Epoch. Perhaps it is my HFBservers not allowing it to detect these custom folders and files?

  4. I edited the files below and added the following code inside my init.sqf file...

    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\zombie_findTargetAgent.sqf";
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\zombie_findTarget.sqf";
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\control_zombieAgent.sqf";
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\player_zombieCheck.sqf";
    However, whenever the game starts it says "cannot find fixes\zombie_findTargetAgent.sqf"
    This happens with ANY custom folder I added to the MPMmission directory. For example a fixes, custom, scripts or any other fiolders within this directory using the call compile code. It is acting like it cannot see this directory or the contents inside it.
  5. I'm tweaking settings for my private Day Z server and was wondering which file and what line of code would need to be edited to reduce or increase the difficulty of zombies. I would like for them to have less health, deal less damage with less chance of broken legs, bleeding and so forth. 


    I would also like to reduce how far and easily they detect players. Currently on my server like literally can see you from a mile away and in a matter of moments there will be 40 zombies chasing you.


    I am currently running on DayZ Epock Chenerus.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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