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Posts posted by gazastripclub

  1. Mainly I need installation help. The readme files from the github I have trouble understanding. Thank you in advance for the help and my first post.


    Howdy folks, good to meet y'all! I'm a longtime Arma2 fan and miss having Overpoch servers hosted in the US West timezone and having a large English speaking playerbase. I also speak Spanish and Russian, but I can't get under 200ping on their servers, and though scrupulous Slavs always auto-kick me.

    So I want to recreate that experience for Arma 3. I'm trying to set up a proper Chernarus Epoch servers with the new A3 bells and whistles like the tougher, more threatening zeds and a gimpier, less godly hatchet. It's difficult, and I don't have much time or money.


    Mainly my trouble with the installation are the directions in the readme files. Where to put all the folders from the download? Do all of them go in the Arma 3 game directory or not?

    Step 1: Do I just move @epochhive into the Arma3 game directory only? What about the source file folders?

    Step 2: where is the final destination directory for the DB folder?

    Step 3: do I make the .ini path to the normal Battleye folder for Arma 3 game directory? What about this other Battleye folder from the download? Should I just dump the contents of the downloaded Battleye folder into the existing game directory one or will that cause fuckery?

    Step 4: I've never created a dedicated server, or hosted anything ever, for a FPS video game so I figured I don't have to worry about this step?

    Step 5: should sc folder stay in Server_Install_Pack with DB folder? Should I just stick Server_Install_Pach straight into Arma 3 game directory?



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