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Posts posted by kenx

  1. so now Im totally fucking confused so for some reason I thought this whole steam update thing would prevent you from joining commander... but im able to join any server that is verison 12555 when gamespy went down I could swear I couldn't join any server on commander hence why I thought we had to update to beta... so if a server stays on 12555 they don't have to change anything on there server and people can just join like gamespy didn't exsist or am I missing something?

  2. how come the trader menus in game don't match the database I cant restock anything cause of this as a exsample


    tool belt menu is still on the can trader in the database when it was moved to the parts dealer do I just restock the can trader merchant? and that should restock the tool belt items ont he parts dealer?

  3. so im having a issue with vaults menu coming up after placing it also the menu to lock and unlock cars isn't showing up either I reverted my pbo's to default and all worked fine so im trying to compare the files to see what is wrong but I cant find anything anywhere about where I can find the menus for the vault and car or what is blocking it any help would be great

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