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Posts posted by Falnes

  1. 8 minutes ago, NoxSicarius said:

    You can still use this one, just go through the errors and set the 5s to a 1s. Are you saying setting that last 259 error at line 261 to a 1 didn't work? If so set line 259 to 1 (instead of 261) and see what happens. The best option is to not set 5s to 1s, but to add exceptions, but both fix the issue and it's still more secure than turning off battleye.

    Still kicks me when I do what you just said. 

  2. 1 minute ago, NoxSicarius said:

    And I just found out one of the problems. Filters now consider comments and partial words. That's going to be a nightmare to fix... There was a recent arma update that screwed up a few things. One big problem the ai missions were having was that some of the boxes had their inventories set to 0 spaces.

    That doesn't sound good, so reinstalling and trying again won't fix it? What if I went to and installed the old Admin Tools?

  3. 10 minutes ago, NoxSicarius said:

    Are you sure that was 259 in varable value? I looked through the mod and that line in mine shows "\(", which isn't used anywhere in the mod. You may need to delete your local client data and rejoin the server. Sometimes the client data gets messed up and needs to be reset. Had a problem for hours that shouldn't have existed and after deleting client data it worked fine. It's a pretty clunky system they have. You can find it in the appdata where the client rpt is found.

    Tried that, then tried spawning a private crate, public crate just kicks me but it stays in the world, private crate kicks me with this error and disappears.

  4. 5 minutes ago, NoxSicarius said:

    Did you change line 28 or line 26? That filter is pushed up two numbers. Programatically numbers start at 0, that file has 1 comment at the top and line numbers start at 1 in editors so the file technically starts line 2 so 0=2 therefore you must add 2 to every error code to get your correct line.

    The one you change should be for the word "enable"


    5 minutes ago, NoxSicarius said:

    Did you change line 28 or line 26? That filter is pushed up two numbers. Programatically numbers start at 0, that file has 1 comment at the top and line numbers start at 1 in editors so the file technically starts line 2 so 0=2 therefore you must add 2 to every error code to get your correct line.

    The one you change should be for the word "enable"

    Yup, edited correctly now. Read my edit.

  5. 18 minutes ago, NoxSicarius said:

    Weird. That shouldn't be happening from this mod since I don't see that I am using that value. It's probably recognizing the word used in a variable name rather than the value itself. Go to line 28 in publicvariableval.txt and set that 5 to a 1. Rerun the game. You will probably be kicked again and I will need the next kick info. Wish I could test this myself but I can't seem to get it to kick me even when I disallow EVERY action including loading into the game.

    Line 26 changed from 5-1 and still getting kicked for it... Makes no sense to be honest.

    Edit: I'm going to learn to read and retry.

    Edit 2: Did that and Admin mode works, I think? But if I spawn a public crate I get kicked for PublicVariable  Value Restriction #259. So I just need to turn every Public Variable from 5 to 1?

  6. 7 minutes ago, NoxSicarius said:

    Give me the exact full errors for the kicks and I will fix them. For whatever reason my battleye won't activate so I can't get it to kick me. 

    "has been kicked by BattlEye: PublicVariable Value Restriction #26"
    This? I'm pretty new to hosting servers, but I used this tool(or a likewise one) for a couple of years ago and it worked fine, no issues.

    I used to get kicked wiuth Script Exception #28, but I changed it from 5 to 1 in the scripts.txt and then it worked, but it's REALLY hit and miss if I get kicked when using the Admin Menu, always the same error.

  7. I cannot for the life of me get this to work with BattlEye, I disable it and all is good. But when I enable it I get script restriction #28, I switch Script 28 from 5 to 1 in the scripts.txt and I'm able to join, but I can't use the admin menu. This is my init.sqf, anything I've done wrong? 

    Edit: I'm dumb. It's fixed. Forgot a };

    Edit2: Still getting kicked now.. this is weird.. I can toggle admin menu, but if I spawn a Vehicle I get kicked for Script Restriction #0.. How do I fix this? I've been sitting for hours trying to fix it. I'm on 1.0.6, BattlEye Enabled, got Debug Monitor and Service Points installed aswell now.

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