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Posts posted by dark_Drake

  1. Hey Bungle, glad to see you got most things fixed. A good friend of mine that is familiar with the context menus and the R3F mod from running a previous server. He's willing to take a look and try to figure out why the towing mod isn't showing up/activating in the context menus for the vehicles. Mind sending me an updated version of your modpack?

  2. Well fixed Sarge AI, was a slight programming error.. missing [  :angry:


    However I am having issues with BE and Scripts #126.. anyone have a fix for this. Tried the one from opendayz about !respawn, on line 133 but yeah .. that whole line was "1" as well, and cant find the line responsible for this kick.


    Last thing(s) then is towing and then the BB updated with latest lists and a dayz_server.bpo attachment for cleanup and deployment and Wallah we have a custom pack 1.0 for the people to enjoy.


    From there I will setup a Github for this pack so active members from here can contribute what they wish to upgrade it. Lots more I would like to add personally, just finding the time.

    I use notepad++ for editing the sqm and sqf and other files of the like. I have it set to show characters in red when there are no matching brackets or semicolons. Helps a lot. :P

  3. hmmm... have  currently no idea whats wrong , for me its working.  the only time when boxes is clear after submit, is when you enter a already exist admin name ..


    The KeyGen is for convert a ownerID to Item Key classname e.g. owner id: 2374 => ItemKeyBlack9836  ....


    No a live map is currently not planned.. I had already started to make a live map but is for chernarus and i'm not good in this and to many maps out there

    I figured the keys out. No biggie.

    But as for the admins, its not adding to the config.php file. Any way I can manually put them in?

  4. To limit the towable and liftable go to > R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\R3F_LOG\addons_config > arma2_CO_objects.sqf


    Find section starting line 58 ish for towable vehicles and subsequent sections for lift etc


    Side note: is this working correctly with the latest version currently it is the only mod of mine that is not working????

    I have customized my list of towable object (right now nothing is towable) and liftable object to just vehicles. Might change that later. 

    And Bungle, the config.sqf file in the R3F_Log folder is where R3F_LOG makes the arrays for towable/liftable object, so that is where you need to have the classnames of towable/liftable object. The one in the addons_config (Where Arma@_CO_Objects.sqf is) just points to the arrays made in the config.sqf. 

    At least, thats what I get in my logic going through the code. 

  5. I've got it all installed already (I was already running a webserver on a machine) and it's working great Nightmare.

    The only things that do not work/I can't figure out are these:
    adding admins - the text boxes clear after I enter in the info in both boxes, but i cannot login with the information. Also, nothing is added to the config.php - only the headadmin info is there.
    the Epoch KeyGen - How do I use this?

    Other than that, everything is working great! 
    (Maybe you could add a live view map soon? :) )
    Thanks in advance,


  6. This would make night-time absolutely horrifying. I'm scared enough of the dark as it is!

    This would be an awesome addition to your Sarge AI, or even having it separate so you can have the ability to turn it on and off. Maybe even do something where you can spawn like 10 as an event on a specific location. 

  7. Hello all,

    So I'm not new to hosting or setting up servers. I've used DayZCC for a long time, thought I'd try doing an Epoch Server.

    I am NOT using DayZCC currently for the epoch server. 
    It is a clean install, no other servers running. It has its own database. It is a dedicated machine with capable hardware.  

    So the base server works fine. No issues, no problems. Running it as instance 11 on chernarus. 

    I added the R3F Arty and Log mod (Removed the Artillery option, as well as towing, cargo holding, and allowing players to pick items up and store.)
    The only functions I currently have available is lifting enabled for the heli's. No towing until I figure out how to limit how many vehicles can be towed. 

    So my question is, does anyone currently have a server set up running R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG and can I snag your scripts.txt file from your BE directory?
    It is currently really time consuming to log in, get kicked, edit the scripts.txt file, load the scripts, and re log in. 

    Or is there a tutorial or something I can go read to set up my own scripts.txt?

    Thanks in advance. 


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