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Posts posted by boxman80

  1. On the maze, how would I go about adding AI to patrol the area? I am running WAI 2.1.4 and DZAI and figured I would like to run the DZAI over the WAI, but not sure how to set the cords up for them. Thanks in advance for the help on this.


    Load the map up in the editor and place units in the maze where you want them, making note of the coordinates they appear.You then take these coordinates and use them in your WAI files. Sorry for the late reply I stopped developing map updates last year when we closed our public servers BUT I will be proving some of the work I produced and finishing it off the work I had last year and releasing it within the next couple of weeks. 


    If any server admins out there are looking for a map editor I'm happy to help out with AI and Map development. Send me a PM OR visit me at our website: http://www.bsbnetwork.com

  2. howdy folks, just a quick discussion about splash damage in A2, particularly relating to the M2 humvee and how to counter it's horrendous splash damage.


    Basically we've encountered the situation ona  couple of Overpoch servers where by the M2 hummers are used to basically bombard player bases and cause deaths/destruction inside through walls (even on indestructible bases) because of the splash damage. Other than making bases bigger to negate the over lapping damage, are there any materials that counter the splash damage or even are bugged themselves and don't receive it? I'm thinking maybe metal panels?


    Also I recall something about camo netting being invulnerable to grenade splash on regular dayz/arma 2 off the to of my head, but wont be able to test it for a couple of days now. 

  3. Is there a definitive answer on the trigger(s) for the church/town hall bells that ring in each of the major towns and cities? They seem to trigger on the hour (server time) but also, crucially, upon a new player entering the town - which of course is very useful.  I haven't been able to get confirmation of this so far though, despite generally observing that this seems to be the case.


    Can anyone confirm if this is correct or include other confirmed triggers?

  4. I personally love the survival aspect of the game and I was originally drawn to the Day Z mod purely for the extreme survival conditions. The trouble with Day Z (and associated mods) though is the more you play, the more you need to focus on longer-term goals and  I just think a lot of the survival elements are often over looked or seen to be superseded by more fun/multi-player/PvP friendly elements that are introduced to tackle these player needs.


    Soon core survival elements become just an inconvenience and you start to attract more and more of the lazy players who have found the mod based on it's later features struggle with these "hardcore" features. I know from experience how unpopular it is on servers to have strong survival emphasis - people just seem to want auto refuel stations, free starting gear, target reticules, maps, immediately deployable bikes etc. etc.  So then you get to the point we are at now where you get a split community whereby the original hardcore players tend to hate the "gimmicky" mods such as epoch (that personally I believe offer some fantastic advanced features on the original) and the gamers of epoch look upon many of the hardcore elements as an inconvenience and unnecessary. 


    Anyway, the server looks very good, I'll check it out and if it's any good a few of our players may want to come along too. 

  5. Cheers. 


    Is the single currency script now widely available? last time we had a server there was only the Macca single currency script available and that was a closely guarded secret!  


    I think I'll play it safe and join a well established server that I recognise - browsing the list the MGT servers still look really popular, I'll see if I can find out what additonal scripts they are running.  

  6. Hi guys, I've hada  little break from Epoch since the spring but now a group of us are keen to get a few sessions in again. Anyway, I'm just wondering what new features/content has been developed lately also if any good mods have been developed since earlier in the year?  Also what about Overpoch? Last time we played there seemed to be issues with it running stable - are these resolved?  




  7. I'm not actually using Chernarus plus v2 now on our servers and I am working on smaller updates to be scattered across the map in sections for Chernarus Improvements V3 which include;



    •  Scorpion Bandit Citadel  - AI large stronghold castle North Of Berezhino with a  perimeter trench system for AI to patrol and bed into, close quarter battles inside the citadel, high value rewards scattered and hidden within the citadel. 4 High guard towers on each corner, single point of entry, cover for attacks from a  beach assault or western clearing and much much more!).
    • Chernarus Defence Force Main Base (Balota) - Large over-run camp at Balota Airstrip. Features Repair/Refuel point, light/medium military spawns, broken security perimeter, atmospheric props and settings and much more)
    •  USMC Foothold (NEAS) - Massive Military abandoned camp with Repair/refuel station, chopper pad, vehicle compound, light military barracks/tents, medical supplies and more.
    •  USMC Port/Evacuation Point - An abandoned USMC Port with a couple of light military spawns and medical supplies. Complete with perimeter fortifications, abandoned vehicles and the remains of the US Navy Fleet that was anchored off the coast of Chernarus. 
    • Urban Upgrades for Chernogosk - Apartment buildings and housing complexes (most of which are now entarable) complete with many small feature details such as fencing, path ways, garbage areas, play areas etc. Also a convenience store based on the east side of the city. Additional farming buildings placed on the outskirts of the town.
    • Urban Upgrades for Berezhino - As above but also a fire station added.
    • Urban Upgrades for Elektro - As with Cherno. 
    •  Urban Upgrades for Zalenagorsk - As with Cherno
    • AI Stronghold At Pedoba Dam - (WIP)
    • AI Stronghold at Skalitsky Island (WIP)


    These won't be released just yet but can be found at our Chernarus server for a preview.

  8. Updated: 


    hi folks,I originally stared this topic looking for advice on problems I was experiencing with lag/latency and general server administration practices. The issues were ultimately caused by high object numbers and poor practices/house keeping on my part.


    So for those new to Dayz server administration, or for those who are just not as technical as others (such as myself!),  I have put together some of the information I have gathered to help others to avoid the struggle and hours of web-surfing and forum trawling. 


    I hope you find this useful and helps your server by improving your "house-keeping". Experienced and more technical admins are more than welcome to add their feedback, correct any mistakes I've made or add further advice on this thread too.



    General config


    Build limit (INIT.sqf)

    This applies to objects that are allowed to be placed around each plot pole - it is NOT a limit of objects to be built on the server it's self. It's probably best to leave this at the default number, or even reduce it slightly.


    Dynamic vehicles & vehicle limits:

    I find that having traders with relatively cheap vehicles has kind of superseded the need for having dynamic vehicles spawning all over the map. They mostly spawn in places you don't really need or want them anyway and in most cases vehicles tend to sit for days unused or being salvaged for parts in far out reaches of the map.


    First it's important to realise that vehicle limits only govern dynamically spawned vehicles but it is affected by the total number of vehicles on the map. So if you have a vehicle limit of 200 that means once you server regulars have bought around 150 vehicles between them,  your dynamic vehicle limit will be reduced to 50.  


    Now this is entirely dependant on your server regular population and activity, but Personally I reduce my dynamic vehicle limit (vehicle limit in the INIT file) do about 350 as we have a steady server population and usually have around 330+ vehicles owned by players at anyone time. So I have removed the low value vehicles on the dynamic vehicles list and replaced them with some medium/high value vehicles so that they are more likely to be used/sold. This also gives players interesting little side missions to do around restarts. If they know there is a chance a decent chopper or armoured vehicle wills spawn they will go out patrolling.


    We manually add in vehicles for new spawns on the coast every other day too. 


    Base decay
    This is the set period that is an object/base will need maintenance for. Some hosts automatically set this, others allow you to set it. Some have it disabled by default (such as dayz.st). I personally recommend enabling it and extending it to around 20 days. This generally prevents players from over building  as they naturally limited to what they can afford or have time to maintain.


    From my experience, players who enjoy the modular building aspect of the game tend to build large, elaborate  camps then once complete they start another project if base decay is not a factor. This is particularly bad if indestructible bases are enabled on a server as it pretty much makes that base a permanent fixture and resource hog. 



    Vehicles known to cause lag/latency issues on servers are;





    I recommend removing them from your database/traders.


    Maintenance/Clean ups

    The more objects in your database, the more likely you are to experience latency issues and problems. By default not all objects created or even destroyed are removed from the database with most service providers, this is your job to do. The following SQL scripts will help you maintain your database. I cannot take credit for producing these scripts, these are just what I've found  (BASED ON DAYZ.ST SERVERS - May vary slightly for other hosts).



    Update time stamp on objects based on player logins:
    This stops objects that are built by players that are active being cleaned up during automated clean ups by associating a time/date stamp to their objects. 

     DROP EVENT IF EXISTS preventCleanup
        CREATE EVENT preventCleanup
        COMMENT 'prevents cleanup of objects build by active player by setting the timestamp to currect'
          UPDATE Object_DATA
          SET    Datestamp   = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
          WHERE  ObjectUID   <> 0
          AND    CharacterID <> 0
          AND  ((Inventory IS NULL) OR (Inventory = '[]'))
          AND EXISTS (SELECT 1
                      FROM   Character_DATA c
                      WHERE  c.PlayerUID = (SELECT p.PlayerUID
                                            FROM   Player_DATA p,
                                                   Character_DATA c2
                                            WHERE  p.PlayerUID = c2.PlayerUID
                                            AND    c2.CharacterID = Object_DATA.CharacterID)
                      AND    c.Alive = 1
                      AND    c.LastLogin   > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 WEEK)

    Remove destroyed vehicles:

    This sets a daily schedule to remove any destroyed vehicles from the database

    DROP EVENT IF EXISTS removeDamagedVehicles;
    CREATE EVENT removeDamagedVehicles
       COMMENT 'Removes damaged vehicles'
         DELETE FROM `Object_DATA` WHERE Damage = 1;

    Remove abandoned objects:

    This removes any object that is "empty" and has not been modified for 2 weeks

    DROP EVENT IF EXISTS removeObjectEmpty;
    CREATE EVENT removeObjectEmpty
       COMMENT 'Removes abandoned storage objects and vehicles'
         DELETE FROM `Object_DATA` WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 14 DAY) AND `Datestamp` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 24 DAY) AND ( (`Inventory` IS NULL) OR (`Inventory` = '[]') OR (`Inventory` = '[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]') )

    Remove objects and vehicles after 7 days:

    This removes all objects owned by a player that has not been active within 7 days.

    DROP EVENT IF EXISTS removeObjectOld;
    CREATE EVENT removeObjectOld
       COMMENT 'Removes old objects and vehicles'
  9. Hi, Im just updating to on my dayz ,st test server. so far only done a few basic settings and updates and all seems fine. However, when I add my server loading screen the mission file seems to take forever to download. 


    It's 360kb and exactly the same as the one I have on my main .st server (currently running The mission file is around 1.2mb but seems to get stuck on 22kb then again at about 440kb and so on. Any ideas?

  10. Hi folks, is anyone able to provide me with the mission and server pbo files for a standard (no modifications at all) epoch v1.0.3 for a dayz.st server please?


    Funny request I know, but I'm presently still running on my public server and I don't want to have to start updating the server yet to get the basic files (so i can start re-adding our customs) to avoid down time and inconvenience to our users.  I have ordered a second server to use and test on but im still waiting for my test server to go online (mailed them about it 2 days ago and still waiting for a response). 


    Cheers in advance

  11. yea we just restrict players from blocking off high value loot areas. We dont mind players securing the odd buildings in and around towns as they are obviously very vulnerable using them but if a whole major town was secured such as Elektro or cherno we would have to intervene . So far our server pop means we havent had any major threats of this yet though.  We have secured bases at most of the major castles but we put in pre-fab structures in rural areas that are perfect for players to use to secure and barricade/build from too so most bases are out in the sticks on our server.  

  12. Hey just a heads up to the Poncho, you may get some guy representing his "group" getting in touch with you to complain about the quality of the map update.


    Basically I had one of my moderators get onto me to give me athe heads up that a guy joined our server yesterday for a minute or two and then went ona  rant about the city near Kamenka and how it looked "messy" then left slating the quality of our server. Today Ive checked our server promotion thread at day z mod and he's made his basic critique there (link: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/149552-dayzcraft-epoch-1025-indestructable-bases-ai-missions-extra-weapons-balanced-map-updates-more/page-3).


    It's the only negative feedback we've had so far and personally I've been more than satisfied with the quality of the update, but I've had to refer the guy to you as the designer of the update. 



    Personally, I think it's just a case of the guy and his pals being a bit daft and a couple of minutes hardly seems like enough time to make a decent decision. Just to confirm that we have no other map updates or modifications running on that part of the map and everything appears to have loaded in fine (no other complaints but i guess it's possibility that the server didnt load the buildings right between restarts as sometimes happens with map updates).


    Keep up the good work though!

  13. You guys have to do something very wrong, step 1 and 2 is doing nothing but defining the list "_cpcimmune", but not even doing anything with it.. so it has to be an syntax error in your script.. upload your changed script somewhere and I'll take a look.

    From my exerience i know people just copy anything in the file, you ONLY have to add the code between the "// ### [CPC] Indestructible Buildables Fix" tags, nothing above or below  that will corrupt the script!



    Yea I followed the instructions fine and I can see it's fairly straight forward code and hard to go wrong, but it doesn;t appear to have and any affect. Ive PMed you links to my files.

  14. Now then folks, this topic isnt suggesting anything that will revolutionise the game or indeed is even  massively important but I think I'm probably one of the few people who actually build Outhouses now the initial "wow you can build a crap house" amazement has worn off. 


    I presently use them for a few reasons;

    1) Having 4 weapon slots it great and for a relatively low crafting cost they offer cheap storage for "grab" or disposable items such as my shotguns i use for clearing zombies.

     2) They are perfect for small spaces and for blocking/breaking down/segregating areas of a base etc.

      3) They finishes off any base and make it aesthetically pleasing!


    I know they are a kind of joke item but I think they could be made a bit more useful. First of all I would suggest increasing their item (magazine) slot capacity from 4 to 30, or at least 10. I'd reduce the backpack capacity to  1-2 as a compromise (cant remember what they hold now) and possibly increase the weapon slot to 5.  This would make them an even more viable , low cost storage item.


    Also, possibly more interestingly,  I would have them perform a couple of roles, similar to the "sleep" function tents provide. Having one built could/should reduce the chance of infection within a set area. This would be to simulate sanitation and would mean eating un-marked tins/blood bagging/drinking water and possibly even zombie hits should not carry risk of infection when performed within the radius of an outhouse (as its likely to be built within a player base). 


    Another role they could perform could be to provide "relief", which in game could effectively be the same as sleep - which would be a small health regen boost. 


    That is all. 

  15. I dont know what it is but everytime i add this script my Dayz.St server even if its the first 2 parts of the whole thing its put me in debug im follow down to a T ive done a fresh new pbo everything still doesnt work dont know what im doing wrong :/



    Im running dayz.st too and i've only tried applying part 1 and part 2 and it just isnt working at all. I cant see any errors that directly relate to the code either. I will be trying again come 1.0.3 and putting this on as my first script from scratch to get it working, I suggest you try the same matey. 

  16. What settings do you have on your init ? Do you have any server packs installed ? Some of them come with the early standalone version of the lights..



    We've got nothing out of the ordinary installed (safe traders, AI, side missions , a few custom map edits, etc) and certainly nothing specific to lighting. I commented out the lighting section in the INIT file and now the lag has stopped. 

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