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Posts posted by braydenrox55

  1. I have made an addition to your script however I don't know for sure if it will work (haven't tested on my server yet), however the idea of it is to add a tag such as [Hero] or [Bandit] in front of the players name if their humanity is +/- 15000. 

    Waituntil{!isNull player};
    while{true} do {
    	sleep 0.5;
    	if((isPlayer cursorTarget) && (alive cursorTarget) && (side cursorTarget == side player) && (player distance cursorTarget < 15)) then {
    		if player getVariable "humanity" > 15000 then {
    			_targetHumanity == "Hero"
    		} else {
    			if player getVariable "humanity" < -15000 then {
    				_targetHumanity == "Bandit"
    		} else {
    			if (player getVariable "humanity" >-15000) && (player getVariable "humanity" < 15000) then {
    				_name = name cursorTarget;
    		_name = "["_targetHumanity"]" + name cursorTarget;
    		cutText [_name,"PLAIN",0.1];
    	} else {};


  2. Would you know how to make a vehicle explode when the engine is started? I wrote the code for the init which is:

    if !(locked _cursorTarget) then {
    	_trap = player addAction [("<t color='#FF0000'>Plant Bomb</t>"), "Custom\Traps\vehicleTrap_plant.sqf", _cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
    } else {
    	exitWith { cutText ["A locked vehicle cannot be booby trapped.","PLAIN DOWN"]; };

    now i have to write the vehicleTrap_plant.sqf and pretty much just need to create a trigger that when that specific vehicle's engine is started it will explode.

    Thanks heaps :D

  3. SO essentially I'm trying to write a script which will let players booby trap an unlocked vehicle and the layout of it so far is this.

    Check if the vehicle is unlock, if it is then run the plant script, else end with "Cannot booby trap this vehicle."


    All i want to know is how or where i can find out how to write the first part which checks if the target vehicle (cursorTarget or something like that) is locked or not.


    Thanks :D

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