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Posts posted by Alex_

  1. So i use  Gtx Gaming to host my arma 2 server, and i have the mod installed but everything works except when we store coins. Whenever we store coins in the bank it saves it in the database but when you disconnect your coins disappear and the coins on you are also gone.


    If you need logs or anything please ask. im kinda new to this sorry if i seem hopeless.

  2. On 3/27/2016 at 4:50 PM, Richie said:


    Increase the _max value or decrease the number of crash sites, it could be that it isn't finding enough suitable locations so they dupe, either that or you've made other changes that have broken it.

    this is what i gave right now and its still spawning on each other 


    _spawnCenter = [14939.9, 0.0534991, 15083.3]; //Center of your map (usually in mission.sqm)
    _min = 100; // minimum distance from the center position (Number) in meters
    _max = 14500; // maximum distance from the center position (Number) in meters
    _mindist = 100; // minimum distance from the nearest object (Number) in meters, ie. spawn at least this distance away from anything within x meters..
    //Low _mindist means helicrashes could spawn near towns or in forests.. higher the number it would be spawning in an open field etc
    _water = 0; // water mode 0: cannot be in water , 1: can either be in water or not , 2: must be in water
    _shoremode = 0; // 0: does not have to be at a shore , 1: must be at a shore


  3. 20 minutes ago, Kenobi said:

    Our server is running on Altis. I changed only loot table and this:

    _spawnCenter = [14939.9, 15083.3, 0]; //Center of your map (usually in mission.sqm)
    _max = 14500; // maximum distance from the center position (Number) in meters

    Same i only edited the center, max, and loot table.


    Thanks so much! it fixed my problem.


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