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Posts posted by ravenwolf

  1. On 3/5/2016 at 7:32 PM, ElDubya said:

    "_this setDir 34.525925;"


    Basically, it's the direction something is facing. So if you wanted to place a trader NPC in a certain place (I use infiSTAR) I would stand exactly where I want the trader NPC to be, then press F2 and "Copy Worldspace Co-Ords to RPT". They would look something like this : [61.7218,[2049.03,11807,0.00144958]]

    To break those numbers down : 

    61.7218 = Direction the trader is facing in the world.

    2049.03 = The "X" co-ordinate.

    11807 = The "Y" co-ordinate.

    0.00144958 = The "Z" co-ordinate.

    This gives an EXACT position to put something.

    If you are adding stuff to your mission.PBO though, like markers or trader NPC's, you need to set them out X, Z, Y, like this, for it to work : 



    If you are adding custom stuff in an SQF file serverside, you will see something like this : 

    _vehicle_3301 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["Land_Mil_House", [2896.6016, 4503.7505, 0.23285694], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_3301 = _this;
      _this setDir -89.442787;
      _this setVehicleInit "this setvectorup [0,0,1]";
      _this setPos [2896.6016, 4503.7505, 0.23285694];

    This is basically telling the server to spawn a Land_Mil_House at these co-ords, 2896.6016, 4503.7505, 0.23285694 and make sure it's facing this direction : _this setDir -89.442787;



    Thanks a LOT for this information.  Makes a lot more sense to me now.

  2. This all seems to work except that it only works the first time and not again.

    So if user A kills user B, I get the kill message and kill board in trader zone is updated.

    User B logs back in again and is killed by user A again.  No kill message.  No update to kill boards.
    User B logs back in again, killed by user A again, same.  No kill message, no update.

    If user B kills user A kill message shows and kill board updates.  If user A logs in again  and is killed by user B, no message, no updates.

    You get the picture... shrug.  Any suggestions?

  3. On 7/5/2014 at 9:26 PM, Ventana said:


    Where are the spawn locations located... in what file? 


    Doesn't this line pick a random safe position?

    _position = [getMarkerPos "center",0,5500,10,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

    Nobody responded to this question and I have the same question, so I'm resposting  it.

    How to change the locations of the buildings?  Where does one get those position numbers from?
    I realize that they pertain to relative distance from center of the mission and distance above/below ground, but where to get these figures from?
    Also, how do the buildings orientate relative to each other without X and Y coords?

  4. OK, so how does the mission know the orientation of the buildings or items you place here?

    How can I use the 3D Editor to create the assets for the mission, then make the mission use these assets? 

    Seems to me there must be some way the mission file knows the relation of the buildings to each other? 

    I'm starting to understand why there are not more addon missions available  ;-\  Any help would be appreciated.


  5. 12 hours ago, ElDubya said:


    Errrr ..... what? That gives you ROUGHLY 1 hour of night time? 

    No, it gives me 2 hours of day and 2 hours of night.  It takes 2 hours to get from 6am to 7pm (sunset).  At which point there are still 2 hours till the next restart.
    By the time the server restarts , it's dawn.

    I want 6am until 7pm to take 3 hours.  And 7pm until 5am to take 1 hour.

  6. My server has static time in hiveExt to be 6am when the server starts.

    My restarts are every 4 hours.

    I want to have 3 hours of day and 1 hour of night.

    I set to 4/3 but all that appears to be happening is that time speeds up and races to get back to 6am within the 4 hour cycle.  So it's sunset (7pm) after 2 hours uptime and by the time it's restart time again, it's almost back to 6am again.   

    What could I have done wrong?  Any suggestions to solve this would be much appreciated.

  7. Well I tried to install this and I can get the location to appear on the map (west of Zelenogorsk), but there are no AI around.

    I looked at my WAI config.sqf and at the bottom I found:


            static_missions                = false;        // use static mission file
            custom_per_world            = false;        // use a custom mission file per world

    I figured that MUST be the problem.  I set it to "static_missions  = true;"   but it made no difference.  No AI spawn.
    WAI are spawning for the automatic hero/bandit missions.  No problems there.

    I give up.  it's 2am and I'll have to try again tomorrow...will roll back to my backup mission.pbo so users don't loot all the unprotected OP goodies in the meantime.  ;)



    OK, nvm, I fixed it  ;)

    Here's what I did:




    In WAI/static/init.sqf, I made this change:

    } else {

            ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\static\default.sqf";

    } else {

            ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\static\chernarus.sqf";





  8. Sorry to resurrect an old topic but I've searched and searched and can find NO clarification on what the "_this setDir 34.525925;" is, or where to get this value when adding my own custom traders.

    In this (http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/970-custom-trader-cities/)  explanation, it's suggested that the number is to be found in the custom map you create when you make your traders, but my saved map contains no such number. (!?)  All my traders in my mission.sqf file have different values set here.  What ARE these numbers?

    Would someone PLEASE explain this to me?

  9. I just installed a custom Gem Trader to my map (Chernarus17) by following the steps here:  http://opendayz.net/threads/tutorial-custom-trader-quick-and-dirty-how-to-gem-trader.20223/

    (I have trading from vehicle and backpack disabled. Only trading from inventory allowed.)  For some reason when I approach the Gem Trader and select the "Advanced Trading" option, the trader does not see ANY items in my inventory (despite my having several gems there ready to trade).

    Using the default "Trader Menu" option works fine though The Gem Trader then see's the contents of my inventory and I can trade successfully so I have to conclude the trader works fine.  Yet no matter what, it will not work with advanced trading and I have no idea why :(

    On ALL other traders, the Advanced Trading option works just fine.

    How can I get Advanced Trading to work with my custom Gem Trader?  Any thoughts or suggestions will be appreciated.

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