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Posts posted by 2sugars

  1. cpbo to pack

    pbo manager to unpack/pack


    Google them, they have help/usage guides.


    Its basically personal preference, some people will agree/disagree.


    when you pack make sure the dayz_server.pbo has the property "prefix" and value "z\addons\dayz_server" (without the quotes) may depend on the host - i think vilayer packs for you - you just edit folder or is that .ST?  :P


    You should in theory be able to copy from one to another provided the instances are the same & new host uses same login etc in the hive.ini but backup everything! including BEC if you have it, battleye etc

  2. Hey. After weeks of playing with this I am still none the wiser.


    I don't suppose someone could post a tutorial of exactly what needs putting where etc as I am at my wits end.



    I am assuming you can do some basic editing of files/pbo files


    Create a folder in your dayz_server called custom (you can use any name)


    Copy the above code and save it as skalisty_bridges.sqf - save it to the folder custom you created above.


    Then open the init folder and open server_functions.sqf


    Scroll down to the end of the text.


    Insert this line

    //Skalisty Bridges
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\custom\skalisty_bridges.sqf";

    Repack & upload your dayz_server.pbo


    You should now have bridges!  :)


    You may find that there is only  a start and an end to your bridges. This seems to happen to the first person who joins the server only. Relogging fixes this. If anyone can explain how to fix please do!

  3. Hello guys,


    Why the Ai choppers don't shoot players with an armed chopper ?

    I'm using DZAI


    Give the code of the heli you are using, I think I'm right in saying anything with _DZE doesnt spawn with ammo? so the helis can't shoot but not 100% sure.

  4. Nice script f3cuk! Thanks for sharing.


    I get this in rpt after heli explodes.

    20:07:59 "_iClass isNil, exiting loot spawn!"
    20:07:59 Error in expression <IS_fnc_relPos;
    _index1 		= floor(random _cntWeights);
    _index2 		= _weights selec>
    20:07:59   Error position: <_cntWeights);
    _index2 		= _weights selec>
    20:07:59   Error Undefined variable in expression: _cntweights
    20:07:59 File z\addons\dayz_server\modules\crash_spawner.sqf, line 238
    20:07:59 Error in expression <tTable));
    _weights 			= dayz_CBLChances select _CBLBase;
    _cntWeights 		= count _>
    20:07:59   Error position: <select _CBLBase;
    _cntWeights 		= count _>
    20:07:59   Error Zero divisor
    20:07:59 File z\addons\dayz_server\modules\crash_spawner.sqf, line 231

    Any ideas, am running overpoch with loot table adjusted accordingly.


    Thanks in advance

  5. Custom group spawns Eg.
    [[953.237,4486.48,0.001], //position
    4,						  //Number Of units
    1,					      //Skill level 0-1 or skill array number if using custom skills "Random" for random Skill array.
    "Random",			      //Primary gun set number. "Random" for random weapon set.
    4,						  //Number of magazines
    "",						  //Backpack "" for random or classname here.
    "Bandit2_DZ",			  //Skin "" for random or classname here.
    "Random"                  //Gearset number. "Random" for random gear set.
    ] call spawn_group;
  6. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server#Port_Forwarding

    SERVER 1 
    2302 UDP (gameport + VON) 
    2303 UDP (STEAM query port) 
    2304 UDP (STEAM master port) 
    2305 UDP (VON reserved port but not used atm.) 
    so open ports 2302-2305 
    and leave at least 10 ports between the next server set
    SERVER 2 
    2312 UDP (gameport + VON) 
    2313 UDP (STEAM query port) 
    2314 UDP (STEAM master port) 
    2315 UDP (VON reserved port but not used atm.) 
    so open ports 2312-2315 
    and leave at least 10 ports between the next 3rd server set etc.
  7. I will buy someone a beer(s) for anyone that can figure this one out!



    I have dayz_server.pbo with WAI & DZMS & extra buildings etc


    WAI does not load - nothing in rpt saying it starts.

    DZMS loads fine.

    Buildings etc load fine.


    Remove this line but keep DZMS folder

    [] ExecVM  "\z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\DZMSInit.sqf";

    DZMS still loads! WAI doesn't.


    Server_monitor.sqf is fubar as I have some custom texture inserts & macas traders script in there which do not work.


    Remove custom dayz_server.pbo & replace with default dayz_server.pbo (default pbo has not been touched at all i.e unpacked/packed)


    I then get this message in rpt log

    Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\DZMSInit.sqf not found

    Now I did have a server_monitor.sqf.bak in the system folder in the dayz_server.pbo which I deleted & repacked. And yes it seems the server_monitor.sqf.bak had the exec line for DZMS.


    Server is hosted, contacted host & reply was to offer reinstall of service which has been done.


    Unistalled all pbo software & reinstalled.


    Still getting same issues.


    Any help will be gratefully received & anyone who solves it I will be buying!


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