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Posts posted by akep

  1. truncated username/pid
    epoch w/ FuMS and computermancer's auto earplugs
    this is spamming about 3-4 times a second
    idk where to look...

    21:20:49 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #0 USER (PID) - #77 "rom 0 to 5 do {
    21:20:49   _animation = 1 + 0.8 * round (1 - abs sin ((BIS_fnc_guiEffectTiles_coef -8/12 + _ix/12) * 180));
    21:20:49   for "_iy" from "
    21:20:49 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #0 USER (PID) - #78 "display 49 && isnil {uinamespace getvariable "RscDebugConsole_execute"}) then {
    21:20:49   if (random 1 > (1 - 0.24 / diag_fps)) then {_ppS"

  2. last 4 times i tried to connect  

    18.08.2015 20:15:01: Me (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) UID - #48 "bled) then {
    [] spawn {cmKeyPress = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","if ((_this select 1) == cmEarplugs_hotke"
    18.08.2015 21:05:36: Me (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) UID - #48 "bled) then {
    [] spawn {cmKeyPress = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","if ((_this select 1) == cmEarplugs_hotke"
    18.08.2015 22:26:54: Me (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) UID - #48 "bled) then {
    [] spawn {cmKeyPress = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","if ((_this select 1) == cmEarplugs_hotke"
    18.08.2015 22:34:45: Me (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) UID - #48 "bled) then {
    [] spawn {cmKeyPress = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","if ((_this select 1) == cmEarplugs_hotke"

  3. so i could add that ep_loop part to the end of the line that is somewhere around 53/54? and if its not there? do i just add it to any line that begins with displayaddeventhandler?


    edit: looks like line 49 for me. lets try this out.. i put all the commands in, the only one that doesn't have a line that starts with exec, so thats just sitting at the end of line 23 as (exec) !"clock.sqf"

  4. I get this when I join my server, what did I do wrong? I dont completely understand your instructions for editing scripts.txt...do they go before or after anything specifically? I put them on the line specified for notepad++


    BattlEye Server: ScriptLog: #1 me(uid) - #48 "bled) then {

    [] spawn {csKeyPress = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","if ((_this select 1) == cmEarplugs_hotke"
    Player me kicked off by BattEye: Script Restriction #48


  5. I'm having issues getting it to run, as far as I know the HC is working, I see it connecting and just sitting in the slot, but no missions or admin mennu or anything beyond vanilla epoch are starting/showing up. This is my first arma server so I think I might have jumped into the deep end on this lol. 

    Server 2012 VM is running the a3 server and hc. Steam/Public can see my server and join no problem. any idea where I should look?

    edit: I guess it's not supposed to take a slot, so after rebooting the HC it still connects and FuMS doesn't appear to be working still. 

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