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Posts posted by TheOracle

  1. Hey there,


    Just went to install this mod, i have no idea what goes where, sorry if it's just me, but i can't understand the part in the instructions where it says where to place the files, then i look in the folder and i think, err herpderp, i downloaded the files chernarus spawn zip and the player monitor files, now i have no idea where to put them :/ i have already installed a few mods on my server including Zupa's coin mod, admin tools and ai missions.


    I'm probably missing something really simple that i overlooked, or im just having a herp day. i would highly appreciate some assistance with this. :)


    Update: I tried installing this mod exactly as it says in the instructions and i get stuck on the loading player screen the little number down in the bottom corner just keeps going up i waited about 20 minutes for it, and nothing. the reason im having problems is because i have no idea what goes where, first time i tried to run it i got a dayz_code error saying i needed dayz_code in the mpmissions folder. im finding it hard to wrap my head around the instructions, you mention putting a folder in dayz_server...yet it looks like everything is put into dayz_code, im extremely confused.


    please help.

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