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Posts posted by Dovev

  1. The player is a n actual player on my server with his clan. I have a look on him on a regular basis. Can't tell any strange things, yet. But will have a look at the bans.txt to be sure next week. 


    Btw: Your scripts are really nice! I am starting to script my own stuff since a few weeks. But even for me as an long year developer it feels really disturbing sometimes. Arma is a strange thing :) would you give me a hint for a good blog or some nice docs?



    Edit: Thanks a lot vbawol!

  2. It is only this one. Normally I am able to configurate the be filters. But the information given in the log are strange for me. 

    "EPAH_hqxrayu" = ["oxqhhtppglgmjneiwjzlzwrdtgqvvojpozmktmpu"

    What kind of action should that be? This looks not like an official epoch action. 

  3. Hey,

    I hope i am in the right forum for this. I have just looked at my publicvariable.log and have seen this line:

    26.08.2015 13:39:29: Halim XXXX (134.3.254.XX:2304) dcXX509f0c4ffXX4958c6XX4ff8363e2 - Value Restriction #0 "EPAH_hqxrayu" = ["oxqhhtppglgmjneiwjzlzwrdtgqvvojpozmktmpu",B Alpha 1-1:1 (Halim XXXX) REMOTE,"callwjdk"]

    For me, that does not look like a valid Epoch action. What could this be?

  4. What Editor do you mean? Offline or online on your server (With F1 menu as an admin)? If you are on your own server you can simply activate the godmode before you start building.

  5. Thanks for the share. I will have a look at it. :)

    Until now, I mostly use Komodo or Notepad++ (when editing on Windows Server with productional Epoch running I allways use N++ because of its performance). Has anybody had a look on the "new" Microsoft Code Editor "Visual Studio Code", yet? It is complete for free.


    (Hope it is okay to post this link here)

  6. I have had this issue a few weeks ago after I have installed the playerBar, too. This looks like you have set the AntiHack Option from 0 to 1 (no kick, only log) and forgot to make some changes in the scripts.txt from BE.

    In my case it worked after I started with fresh BE Filters and made the needed changes from the install instructions.

  7. Hey guys,

    at first let me tell you that I am barely new to professional Arma scripting. There are a lot of scripts I have used and modified but I have never released a single one. So please don´t slap me if I am thinking of wrong solutions ;).

    For my Epoch servers I am looking for a way to store a counted variable on a persistent way. I would like to count the connections for each player and post them like a welcome message when he is joining.

    In my horrible kind of thinking I have three ways I could go:

    1. Find a way to store/read these information at the redis database epoch is using (in a special table)
    2. Write my own C# modification to provide access to the filesystem (I have worked with C# on other projects in the last years but might return errors because of BattleEye?)
    3. Use a complete external MySQL Database in combination with the MySQL Class released for Arma 2 (Is this even working? I have seen some Mods using it in Arma3 I think)

    If this would be possible, I would like to call these functions from my mission.pbo .

    After a few days of searching different forums and google without any usefull results I decided to create a topic here (Maybe I am searching with the wrong keywords?). So if anybody would be kind enough to give me a hint in the right direction or tell me some little tricks where I might find a solution for my problem, this would be awesome.


    Thank you for your time and help


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