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Posts posted by Statix

  1. To get SEM working on linux servers:


    Get the latest version (0.8.3) from the first post spoiler on this thread.


    Unzip it, rename the sem_config.sqf to SEM_config.sqf


    Delete the sem.pbo file.


    Go into the sem folder and open the file fn_semInit.sqf.


    I am using Notepad++ to edit these files.


    On line 8 change: 


    _handle = execVM "@EpochHive\addons\SEM_config.sqf";




    _handle = execVM "@epochhive\addons\SEM_config.sqf";


    On line 11 change:


    _handle = execVM "@EpochHive\SEM_config.sqf";




    _handle = execVM "@epochhive\SEM_config.sqf";



    Save and close the file.


    Now go into the scripts folder inside the sem folder.


    Open the file named:




    On line 51 change:


    _runningMission = [_missionPos, _randomMission, _runningMissionID, _missionType] execVM format["%1%2.sqf", _missionPath, _randomMission select 0];




    _runningMission = [_missionPos, _randomMission, _runningMissionID, _missionType] spawn compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format["%1%2.sqf", _missionPath, _randomMission select 0];


    Save and close.


    Now package the sem folder as a .pbo file ( I am using PBO Manager).


    Copy the SEM_config.sqf file and the sem.pbo file over to you server @epochhive/addons/ folder.


    Copy over from your server the mpmissions/epoch.<island you are using>.pbo


    Unpack it somewhere.


    Edit the file init.sqf


    Add this to the bottom:


    //Simple Epoch Missions
    if(hasInterface)then{execVM "semClient.sqf"};
    Close and save.
    Copy the file MissionFile/semClient.sqf from the SEM download to the root of the epoch.<island you are using> folder.
    Save and repack the epoch.<island you are using> folder into a .pbo
    Now copy that file to your servers mpmissions/ folder.
    You are pretty much done.
    Next is to update your battleye filters which can be found here (Just do Step 3):
    Remember to copy over your battleye files to your server after editing.
    Restart your server and enjoy!
    EDIT: Remember that updating the script will break it again! Not sure why scriptDone does not work with execVM on linux but does with spawn compile preprocessFileLineNumbers as the two are functionally identical.
  2. Hello there, we're running SEM on our linux server (v 0.8.1). Our first mission starts off just fine but when its completed it does not disappear and the next mission never starts. I read further back in this thread that one or two others have had this issue but there wasn't as response if they fixed it or not.


    The logs don't show any errors that I can see. Any help is appreciated.


    Not sure if this helps but it looks like it never gets past:


    waitUntil{sleep 1; scriptDone _runningMission};


    In the fn_missionController.sqf file.


    EDIT: This is 0.8.3 im testing not 0.8.1

  3. Hello there, we're running SEM on our linux server (v 0.8.1). Our first mission starts off just fine but when its completed it does not disappear and the next mission never starts. I read further back in this thread that one or two others have had this issue but there wasn't as response if they fixed it or not.


    The logs don't show any errors that I can see. Any help is appreciated.

  4. Hello there, I keep getting a BE restriction #47 when I enable this script.


    It exists saying:

    17:10:02 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #0 Statix (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) - #47 "le _x;
    17:10:02   _existingDamage = damage _nearVehicle;
    17:10:02   _nearVehicle setDamage _existingDamage + 0.34;
    17:10:02   };
    17:10:02   } forEach _explosives;
    17:10:02   _unit se"
    17:10:02 Player Statix kicked off by BattlEye: Script Restriction #47

    I have updated my BE filters that the script asks for.


    Any help is appreciated let me know if there is any other information I need to give.



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