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Posts posted by hawkeye

  1. Having had a similar problem on my Panthera Server. 

    All my traders worked except for the Hero and Bandit Traders, where I got a RED Arrow Money Taken and no Vehicle.... :( 

    I found this very useful resource https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/SQF/dayz_code/configVariables.sqf 

    This contains all the current variables and this one : 

    Z_VehicleDistance = 40; // Max distance a vehicle can be sold or accessed from at a trader. (Line 71)

    allows you to change the distance that vehicles spawn from the trader.

    On panthera the Hero and Bandit Trader are over 60M away. I set this to 70 and it is now working fine. 

    Hope this helps someone.  Cheers Hawkeye. 

  2. If you are adding your own traders or just don't want trader city's then.

    in your mpmission/folder eg DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus/init.sqf Edit out the 2 lines below. //

    //call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\traders\server_traders.sqf";  //may use trying own...
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "server_traders.sqf"; // example of custom trader call....
    // Using own trader objects // call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\mission\chernarus11.sqf"; //Add trader city objects locally on every machine early

    Cheers Hawkeye.

  3. jonse,


    just about to sort out a custom trader for my taviana epochogins server. If you need any help jump onto our ts and ill do my best.

    We created a full set of custom traders for cherno. I like klen best created a Tree lined drive up to the palace traders.

    I am the coder my friend is the designer as I have no drawing skills.

    What map are you wanting to add a trader to ?


    TS3:  Teamspeak3





  4. Thanks,


    Working limited to Arnoldstien City on Panthera 3, but added 20 zoombies so they all run to meet me! :)


    If I get in a car they vanish unless there are more players where they stay spawned until we all get in car but then they respawn, great sounds and the wild arm flailing does kill you as I tested ! twice .... doh !



  5. Hi, All 

    I run a GSP but currently use my setup for our own servers. 


    It would be great to know what players want but as we know we are all different and we all want different things.

    Currently Arma3 Epoch I find unchallenging in vanilla format as it still only takes a hour to gear up and usually a vehicle is easily found then what do I do ... run around a lovely looking map ... build a base ... done that what next ... the occasional sapper is hardly a challenge the drones are easy to shoot...  damn ill just wait for the beeps to give me some AI for a minutes fun! Don't get me wrong, I love the design the menu system, the new challenge flying a heli, but there is a lack of the fear factor please try to implement that scare that I loved in the original Dayz Mod.


    Arma 2 Epoch - again I find it an easy option vehicles are readily available, excellent base building but when you get used to avoiding the zombies the missions add a challenge. AI patrols are to be avoided AI helis stop you flying unless you need to! So I can see a good reason to add some challenges to make the server more survival than with nothing where it becomes PVP and no-one teams as everyone is out for themselves.

    If it takes 2-3 players to do a mission then players will team. 


    Arma 2 DayZ - what a breath of fresh air. The zombies hit hard the loot is scarce and survival is hard. This is currently my favourite mod of the line for the survival and now a decent build system. Add a few missions and players will team up without they still sometimes team as blood transfusion require help. The only thing I add is a few more vehicles as 6 vehicles on chernarus is a tad spartan. 50 is ok but no way would I populate this with 300+.


    DAYZ - Standalone - similar to Arma 2 Dayz but as yet still a running simulator. Yes we can run from electro to NWAF but doing it again and again ...gets tedious. The zombies are not as good as the Arma2 variants and though hard to get away from seem relatively scarce but each update seems to improve the game and the new vehicle helps to get about if you find one! This game has very limited mods as there are hardly any files server admins can access therefore it holds the vanilla game as the default setup. 


    So to get back on track .. SERVERS WITH REDICULOUS AMOUNTS of LOOT and HIGH VEHICLES. - To me it makes little difference on Arma3 as I find the time to gear up relatively short (1-1.5hrs). For a new player a lot longer. Vehicles are relatively easy to find but again lots make it really easy.


    Perhaps the argument is for different servers to progress to;

    Newbies PVE high loot high vehicles

    Regular med loot med vehicles

    Veteran low loot scare vehicles PVP.


    We all know all the damn spawn campers will be sitting on the newbie servers!


    Rant over 



  6. Edited the Tier System as it was a bit confusing, was meant to be free gifts to players who had donated to that amount, tiers to avoid untrusted players terrorising the map in an overpowered tank. Anyway adjusted hopefully to comply with the rules.


    Tank trader sells these items for the correct amount of briefcases !


    Loadouts I like as I used to play alone a lot and when you can get geared up, you know you can do it again but it is a bit of a pain, so these avoid this waste of time when you have experience. 


    I also include deploy bike as, yes we can run from one side of the map to the other but it does get a bit tiresome doing it again and again......


    Thanks for your input "blite" and "Zombie Dance.."


    Website edited as follows:


    DONATORS: All Donations are to cover the running of the server and are not for any in game items that cannot be bought.

    The only difference to that is for the bespoke bases where you are donating for the time spent to create a bespoke base. The files for this base will also be sent to you on request, so you may use them wherever you want to.

    Custom loadouts also need to be coded in per player UID.

    They cannot therefore be available automatically in game.


    To make these available Admins will accept a payment of 

    20 Briefcases for a Basic loadout (1Month)

    50 Briefcase for Custom loadout (3Months).


    Hopefully I have covered all Donations to comply with BIS and Epoch Rules. 

    "Is there any acceptable way I can make money on my server/website? Yes. Voluntary donations are allowed and are not considered to be a commercial use.  Nevertheless, in any way making the “donation” as part of a condition to receive access to/or getting any part of offered content would be in breach of the License Agreement.  The fact that you are getting donations is not a problem, but they must be provided voluntarily,  i.e. not providing donations must not prevent anyone from accessing the content, download it or  store it in another place and operating it there. To avoid misunderstanding, all access or the content has to be free of any charge."



    Donate if you like us Thank you.

  7. Some more Pictures.




    As for Donations all we would ideally like is enough to assist with the cost of the servers. These we do not get free. Many players play for months without ever donating. It is up to the person entirely whether they like us enough to donate. 


    If anyone knows of free servers I would love to use them.



      Is there any acceptable way I can make money on my server/website?

    Yes. Voluntary donations are allowed and are not considered to be a commercial use. Nevertheless, in any way making the “donation” as part of a condition to receive access to/or getting any part of offered content would be in breach of the License Agreement. The content you create must be available to all whether they donate to you or not.

    The fact that you are getting donations is not a problem, but they must be provided voluntarily, i.e. not providing donations must not prevent anyone from accessing the content, download it or store it in another place and operating it there.

    To avoid misunderstanding, all access or the content has to be free of any charge. "

    I Will ensure everything I can is available in game. As the Vehicles are when my "Tank Trader" works. 



  8. Hi All,


    Here are some of the custom map add-ons we have implemented on our servers. If you like these I will release the files just give us some feedback or join us on TS.


    Gibbo is our resident designer and as you can see he likes to get everything looking straight and even.


    Trader Upgrades to: 










    Added Fully lootable area town next to Stary.


    Added Donator/Regular Player Base Town with own Shops Fuel and Industrials. Ideal for Donations as you can Iron Dome protect it ! or just as an addon area.








    Thank you for looking.





  9. Short Answer : Yes


    I am currently running


    Epoch - Sauerland

    Epoch - Napf

    Overwatch - Chernarus


    On a VPS


    We have not hit maximum players. The most so far would be 30 accross all 3 servers but they seem to work fine.


    The Good - Easy to configure

    The Bad - Sql can be a bit of a sod to set up. Got there after many hours of hair pulling.

    Security - If you want decent admin tools buy some as i have not yet got anything to work easily

    Dart - Still cannot get it to work on all the servers but getting there. (Works on one!) (Nearly works on 2).


    Costs: VPS - £30 mth  3x 50 slot servers - ST $30 for a 50 slot x 3 = $90 about £60


    Will it handle full capacity.

    When I achieve that I will let you know!


    Contact: Hawkeye - annihilation.org.uk


    I will help you on setup but can't afford the time to setup the whole thing for you.



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