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Posts posted by kingchills

  1. Well this makes me incredibly sad.  I had been using Face's AI on a previous server and was about to implement it on my new one, but alas I can no longer get the code because a bunch of thankless people who can't understand that people like Face and many others do this for free on their own time have personal lives.  Face if you're still out there reading, thank you for all your hard work on this and I hope things go well in your personal life and you can find time in the future to work on your hobby again.   

    As a developer this situation makes me sad because I'm sure myself and other members of this community would be glad to try and help support Face's work in his absence, but because of some people now we get nothing.


  2. I just tested with the new a3_epoch_server.pbo and i could indeed unlock and lock my safe.  it appeared to have rotated with restart and i could pack my server, but I could not pack a server that belonged to my group-mate.   I also noticed that locking seems to take longer than expected, was that built to take a few seconds without any sort of feedback (sound, etc.)?  Otherwise so far so good, we'll see if it's still there in 8 days now!


  3. Face, it looks like you added HC support into the 0.6.0 alpha and I'm super excited about giving it a try.  I seem to have run into a bit of a hiccup and was wondering if you maybe had any suggestions for it.  I've got one HC up and running for another mod, I added a second HC and tested it and I can see it connecting and everything just fine, but when I add the @A3EAI; to the mod line for the new HC it's getting constant boots and the .RPT is spamming with the following

     0:33:23 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #379441818, users.card=1
     0:33:23 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 379441818
     0:33:23 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 379441818 (headlessclient (2))

    Have you seen anything like this or have any great ideas for maybe moving forward on this one?  All the research i've done says this message is for dysnc/bad connection, but it's running on the same box, and without the mod param for the HC start up, it works just fine.  Thank in adnvance!



  4. @Face did you have any thoughts on using something like:

    _weaponlist = [] spawn compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ['%1\scripts\A3EAI_buildWeaponList.sqf',A3EAI_directory];
    waitUntil {uiSleep 0.05; scriptDone _weaponlist};

    instead of:

    _weaponlist = [] execVM format ['%1\scripts\A3EAI_buildWeaponList.sqf',A3EAI_directory];
    waitUntil {uiSleep 0.05; scriptDone _weaponlist};

    I'm wondering if spawn compile will perform better/different than the execVM?

  5. Does anyone have confirmation of AI spawning with this on a dedicated linux install?  I've got everything appearing to to load, and getting the debug out put on start up but no AI actually spawning for me. I have markers enabled and I see a bunch of green triangles on the map(Altis) but no actual AI spawns.  Open to suggestions here.


    So I got to do some more research on this tonight and it appears that in A3EAI_post_init.sqf there are a number of lines that say something along the lines of:

    waitUntil {uiSleep 0.05; scriptDone _skinlist};

    It appears that linux doesn't handle scriptDone very well, after doing some reading on the BI site it looks like scriptNull could be substituted, but I didn't have any success on this.   In my A3EAI_config.sqf i switch all the dynamic loot table builders to false which passes all the wait until checks and allows the serverMonitor to start which will indeed make all the AI spawn.  I was wondering if @Face or anyone else had seen this or has any ideas for solution?


    It appears the people over at wasteland have noticed a similar bad behavior with scriptDone as well... it looks like their solution might be to use spawn instead of execVM, not sure if there are performance consequences on this, or if it might be something worth trying.


    Open to opinions and suggestions here.


    Otherwise I'm really excited for this mod and when I have it working I'm having a blast with it!  If you would like help with testing the HC on a linux box I would be glad to look into helping you there too!

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