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Posts posted by LuZifer

  1. Hi Halvh

    I actually had the same problem with players not being able to join. Stuck on loading player inventory, then authentication failed.

    I host with Vert Hosting and GTX Gaming, both the same thing.


    The recommended fix worked:


    Delete the close to jammer spawn in init.sqf in the halv folder


    if((_x getVariable ["BUILD_OWNER", "-1"]) in [getPlayerUID player, Epoch_my_GroupUID])exitWith{
    _pos = getPos _x;
    player setVariable ["HALV_JammerPos",_pos];
    diag_log format["[halv_spawn] found a player jammer @ %1",_pos];
    } forEach nearestObjects [_center, ["PlotPole_EPOCH"], 15000];
    Just wanted to update you. Also some groups have multiple bases therefore multiple jammers. Some group individuals build on their own so I don't know how that affects the jammer spawn which actually also did not show up all the time.
    Thanks for the great script! You will get a donation from me, you clearly deserve it!
  2. look in your server rpt file to see what it bans them for or check the antihack log files to see what it is and them come tell me, i cant guess what your errors are or i would have to foresee millions of possibilitys for what you could have done wrong and what settings you have ..


     7:53:34 "<infiSTAR.de FNC_AH185_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["vr0giwj3p5wk8iy8",["PlayerX","765611981629XXXXX","BAN",[65,99,116,105,111,110,115,58,32,57,47,50]]]"

     7:53:34 "<infiSTAR.de>BanLog| 76561198162XXXXX(PlayerXt) (v0145)"

     7:53:34 "<infiSTAR.de>HL| 0h 06min | Player X(765611981629XXXXXX) BANNED | Actions: 9/2 (v0145)"

     7:53:34 "<infiSTAR.de> Kicked Player with UID PlayerX.. (v0145)"

  3. i need to know what they get banned for ...


    As soon as infistar loads up, they get killed, then arma stops working/crashes (tested with 3 players, to everybody the same happens). Then I find them banned in the ban.txt. There is no message for what they get banned.

    Me as admin with infistar loaded can play and use the script with no issues. So its infistar that boots.


    Arma 3 has quit in a unusal manner Info:

    Exit Code 0x0000000 something 255

  4. To have the message show up in the right upper corner do the following.


    In start_blck.sqf, edit this line:


    "blck_Message" addPublicVariableEventHandler {/*titleText[format["%1",_this select 1],"PLAIN DOWN",1];*/systemChat format["%1",_this select 1]};


    by changing




    to hint.


    That didn't work.


    "blck_Message" addPublicVariableEventHandler {hint. format["%1",_this select 1]};               //disables all my messages

    "blck_Message" addPublicVariableEventHandler {hint format["%1",_this select 1]};                // no change in messages

  5. Make sure that the headless client is connecting (check the headless clients' RPT-log).


    I'm connected. I have HC_HAL in the spawn. I can teleport him to my base, all seems to work. I use infistar.de

    Except I have no admin menu.

    rpt shows FUMS initialized


     6:11:27 "FuMS initializing for player:C Alpha 1-1:1 (LuZifer)"


    Admin Data and GUID is correctly set.

    Any ideas for help.

    Thank you


  6. giving the mission information in the top R corner is easily done.


    Someone may know of a way to simplify the configurations, but for me, in order to give a lot of flexibility, one had to provide a large number of configurations. Glad you like the missions.


    If you would like a convoy mission I would just try one of the others. I will probably not be developing them given that there are already several around.


    Sweet. Any chance to post a script change so the message appears top right in a darkened box? That would be superb!

    What about a text on the marker option so players know what mission it is? Probably very easy to if you could post me the script change for that I would love to upload it.

    I do run 2 convoy missions on my server and they actually work great. I just thought to turn it around that PLAYERS actually have to do the transport. But I don't know if this is even possible. I guess a player could change the route and avoid all AI spawns lol

  7. Hello everybody

    Looks like an awesome setup. But i need some help as for some reason I can't get this to work. All other systems I'm running i had no problems to install.
    I did all the changes to ini, description, BE filters etc. Both files are correctly uploaded server pbo and altis.pbo and HC is in the folder.

    RPT also gets me the login to FUMS system:  5:57:54 "FuMS initializing for player:C Alpha 1-1:1 (LuZifer)"

    But neither do I have the scroll wheel option for the admin nor does any mission start.


    I'm probably mission something small but important. Any help?

  8. Hi Ghostrider


    First of all, thank you for the amazing missions. I love them. I still use the old version and I'm very happy with it. I don't know if it was discussed here earlier as i didn't read all 30 pages but here are some suggestions:
    1. The mission messages should be in a box top right so they match all other mission messages (like SEM, ZEV, ZCF etc.(seems easier for the players to spot missions)

    2. Personally I would either see a mission name in the circle or a more defined and clear message what the mission is. Players joining a server later have no idea what orange is unless they are regulars

    3. It would be awesome if you can pack most important settings in one setting file to easier adapt a mission with spawn time, AI settings, locations etc.


    You asked in an earlier post about suggestions for missions. I host a server for 10 days now, started with no knowledge at all and work my way through. Its kind of a jungle on the beginning lol. Well here is my ideas:
    1. I would love to see a simple mission script that people can adapt very easy on their own, maybe even rename the file so they can create multiple ones. Maybe one strong hold mission, for example a building supply mission down on the south airfield with a crashed helicopter or a stronghold of 25-30 AI in Kavala that hunt you down door to door if you are in the area. Then people can adapt this single mission script to whatever they want to do (change loot, change location, change items, change AI)

    2. I would love to see a dynamic transport mission. For example players have to transport a pick up truck with a crate on the back from location A to B. If successful the loots spawns in the crate and they can grab it. Could be either way. If player transport then they are attacked by AI on that particular route and if AI transports they can be attacked by players.


    Keep up the great work, all players appreciate of what you are doing!

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