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Posts posted by kaamo5

  1. Hello.


    Sorry to bring back this post alive, but i'm stuck on forking this to ArmA 3 kind of map.


    @Stranger, in your 2 functions GridtoGPS ans GPStoGrid, there is a variable set to 53.36807817589577


    What is it ?


    Is that some sort of coefficient between the pixel size of your map, and the A2 coord system ?


    How do you calculate it ?




    Yeah its calculated value so that map system understands A2's grid system. If i remember right you need to divide map's pixel size with amount of gridboxes it has. Example if maps width is 1200 px and it has 12 grids: 1200 / 12 = 100. Hope this helps.

  2. In regard to developping tools: I am currently using both EpochTracker and PHT (I didnt get PHT fully working, but I haven't really bothered looking into it yet either), and I like the functions both offer, since they currently fill up each others gaps. My suggestion would be to improve both scripts into one working script, instead of remaking all the functions.


    Yeah it would be awesome to have only one tool with all functionality and so that it has many developers behind the developement.

  3. ....




    Damn your map project sounds cool but I cannot help much with marker & path optimization without seeing the code.

    And for giving credits for your idea handling the lat,lng to game grid -> I would be more than happy to give you credits from it because I also banged my head to wall couple hours before I found your demo trought google and thought "DAAAAAAMN THIS IS CLEVER WAY TO DO IT". I didnt even know that you had your own thread in this forum before your post BUT we can add your name/nick to readme and give you props or ___ ?

    The map thing sounds good. If you can place the watermark in bottom right so it looks clean. And if you need some help with your project's js etc. I can try to help  ;)

  4. Just a quick question:

    Seeing as you use leaflet under-the-hood I wanted to know how your performance is when you have tracked a fair amount of players and draw all those shiny lines on your map?

    Mine keeps going down to barely moveable after ~100-200 lines drawn (which goes quite fast, considering I poll my playerpositions every second :D) and I wonder if it's a problem with leaflet or my way of adding stuff onto the map.

    On a totally different note: How come some code [that's not in the package but hosted on your space and loaded remotely] looks suspiciously like mine just more fine tuned / enhanced? ;)

    Couldn't find any credit tho :(

    Answer to the first quick question:

    I think the performance is ok BUT we have a plan to implement code so only X ammount of position history is drawn to the map. Because after certain point the map comes unreadable.

    If you poll your player positions from the DB and you havent modified any dayz code that handles the part where positions are pushed to DB -> 1 sec polls are toooooo fast. Some guy posted the code what dayz uses to player position updates to this topic check that out.

    Answer to the totally different note:

    I can confess that I got the idea for the base logic of how lat, lng is transformed to grids from your project. BUT I can also say hand over my heart that every line in that epochtracker.markers.min.js file is written by me. If you have more concerns about this thing you are free to pm me or send post to this topic.

    Question from me:

    ATM we are really busy (Stranger & me) and we have limited ammount of free time what we can use to develope this tool. So we are in big need of developers who understand js, leaflet etc. So would you be interested to join to team or help otherwise?

  5. At the moment some installations have the problem, that the Map is not showing up. We are working on that. There should be a fix out tomorrow. Please make sure, that you updated to the newest Version 0.190 - there are many old installations out there.


    In the next Version there will be a Version Number integrated so you can see what version you have installed. :) Thank you very much for taht outstanding support on this tool!


    New stuff coming soon - maybe tomorrow ;)


    Fixed the map to work even without the latest update

  6. This is fantastic, thank you for making it.  Everything seems to be working for me, except that it's not showing vehicles on the map.  I'm running Epoch , not too keen on updating to just yet, so hope that's not the issue :)


    Edit: The problem was due to the execution time on wamp . Increased it to 90 seconds and everything shows fine now! 


    Thanks again, this is a fantastic tool :D


    Its nice to hear that you like it  :rolleyes:

  7. Nice ty!


    atm Safes & Vehicles is showing for me. Safes being the most important for me atm.

    Do not know why the Players is not working for me atm


    Might I request a different way to display safes?

    Reason being that most spots have a bunch of safes together (on top of each other)  and when I click them they all show in a nice circle and I can click one of them to look at it, but when I do that they all pop on top of each other again.

    Can we maybe keep them all displaying in this circle so I can easily look at them all till I click outside of them again and only then do they pop on top of each other.


    Does that make sense?

    Yeah I understand what you mean  ;)  Next time when I open the files I'll check if its easily doable.

  8. Ok new version 0.190 released. It includes map.config.js file where user can configure the url to map images.


    Newest version of the tool and the map images can be downloaded from the links in first post (as soon as Stranger updates it).


    If you want full local version(everything hosted in your host) you have to manually download:





    And edit the index.html to use those local files.


    For example if you uploaded the js files to the epochtracker's js folder

    edit these two lines:


      <script src="js/epochtracker.map.min.js"></script>
      <script src="js/epochtracker.markers.min.js"></script>


  9. I don't know much about this sort of tool so I have to ask. Is there a reason the maps can't be hosted on our on webservers?


    BTW - Just sent a $10 donation your way.


    The idea of removing map images from package was to get file size smaller because the map images are 138 MB.


    And the reason why we wanted to host the js files is that when there are changes (updates) made to those files -> all the changes go straight to all users so no manual update needed.


    But if you want I can make local version of the tool. It is just that you just have to manually update it in the future. 


    BIG THANKS for the donation  ;)

  10. Its asking me for a username and pasword to kamoo.utcity.net ? What does this mean... Bug?

    I stil can´t get it to work. Is there any way to "debug" ? Like checking the conection, returned data etc ?



    :facepalm: There is one test build running @ kamoo.utcity.net BUT i didnt remember that it needs authentication :(. I'll upload the map's image files to working host so we get this sh*t sorted out.


    I have fixed the problem on mine.


    Am currently using version 0.182


    in \REST\safes\index.php and \REST\vehicles\index.php on line 5 you are missing out the $db_port call.


    change line 5 of the above files to



    Thx dude! My eyes didnt see the difference. I'm using older version in one of the test setups and did some updates to the vehicle list. So when I saw that the updates worked I just copy pasted the whole code over the publish version :facepalm:

    I think the port variable were there before 0.182 update but I fucked it up while pasting the changes. Sorry for my mistake. Should not code stuff at 4am :ph34r:. 


    I'll make new version with the variable in its place now!


    For /REST/vehicles, I get this (It's too long for the post): http://pastebin.com/nvtuw1Hk


    For /REST/safes, I get this:

    Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/2002): No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. in C:\xampp\htdocs\livemap_ec\REST\safes\index.php on line 5
    Failed to connect to MySQL: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. 
    Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, boolean given in C:\xampp\htdocs\livemap_ec\REST\safes\index.php on line 14
    Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, null given in C:\xampp\htdocs\livemap_ec\REST\safes\index.php on line 16
    Warning: mysqli_close() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, boolean given in C:\xampp\htdocs\livemap_ec\REST\safes\index.php on line 33


    Ok problem is at the server where MySQL is hosted. It refuses the connections.

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