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Posts posted by Fuggu

  1. Hey guys.. 


    So I had a lot of Problems with the Mission System on my Epoch Server, but after about a week of fixing various stuff i managed to get it working "almost" perfectly


    So what had to be done? What did i do?


    a LOT of the Weapons/Vehicles/skins were simply wrong... the OP used Class ID's of items that were not there in epoch, which resulted in a lot of error messages and NPC's using no weapons, or simply not spawning... (Mainly removing the _DZN at the class items or changing it to _DZ)


    This is the main problem... because the error screws up the system and no new missions will spawn


    Also, the new missions used different markers, which sometimes did not get added/removed... so i replaced them with the markers from the Old Mission System.



    I removed the AS50 and stuff that i don't allow on my server.. also i reduced the amount of loot in the crates, and generally Customized it to my taste.


    Also due to complaints of low FPS i disabled all the Patrols in Sarge, so basically the Mission System is running Sarge AI now, but other than that, there are no  roaming NPC's on the map..




    But there is still one issue, that i assume is related to sarge AI, and i can't find where and how to turn it off...


    Every time a Mission spawns a vehicle, the vehicle despawns as soon as you exit that vehicle or sometimes even just get close to it... 

    Is that the entry in the server_cleanup file? Or what could be responsible for this error? I mean i do want the cars to be cleaned up after server restart, but not as soon as a player enters/exits the vehicle.


    Where would i be able to change this?

  2. Hey Fuchs,


    first thx for combining both missions packs into one.


    I got so many errors showing up ingame when some missions starts. No entry CfgWeapons blah shit

    Just guessing but has it something to do with the _DZN things in the missions 7-13?

    Like the Skin_CamoWinterW_DZN or Skin_CamoWinter_DZN or Skin_Sniper1W_DZN

    or the Weapons in it with _DZN ending.


    If you dont run Namalsk you dont have them, or?




    I have the same issues on my Epoch Chernarus Server...


    basically all the Items/Weapons that have been added, have that _DZN at the end of the class ID.. but unfortunately this is wrong for most of the items (except for the Pecheneng_DZN) 

  3. Hey guys,


    i just realized, that after the Update apparently no new vehicles have respawned... 


    So i looked and found, that when i ran the update, the script did not execute the sql update... 

    I just did the update for the server_vehicles and updated all the cars in the SQL database to the new values... 

    my next step would be to manually remove all the VIL_ cars from the trader database... 


    but... would this fix the problem? What other source could this have?


    Edit: just ran the full sql update as recommended by vbawol.. issue is still the same... 

  4. Hey guys, 


    So i updated to and the Trader Positions changed after this update.. 

    Mostly the Aircraft Trader moving to the NW Airfield

    generally the trader cities were remodeled and all the traders wear camo now...


    Now after some scripting trouble i decided to do a fresh and clean install of ..


    Ever after that new installation, my map is now the  old one ( but the features are the new ones...


    Now my Customer support is saying, that they can not find anything about any changes on the map in the changelog.. and they are using the package that has been provided by the devs...


    So my question now is, did i have a different map layout because of some freak accident during the update or DID the map change and my provider or the devs have somehow messed up the data, they are providing? 


    I never changed anything on the map on my server nor did i install scripts that even remotely could have changed that..


    Is there any documentation somewhere about map changes? Or could somebody at least confirm here, that im not imagining this?


    As a reference i attached the standard map , that i now have after a fresh installation







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