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Posts posted by Guffmaker

  1. Ghostrider

    This may be the wrong place to ask but...

    I'm trying to manipulate your vehicle code to put a couple of vehicles at static mission points I've written like this


    But I am receiving this


    Seems like that line is what adds the vehicle to the vehicle limit so it does not despawn, otherwise when I walk up to it it disappears.

    Any pointers would be very much appreciated.

  2. After waiting for the Server initializing timeout, that player logs back in and joins the server.

    Weird thing is, if another player joins just after the server initializing does not timeout and in fact the server comes up relatively quickly.

    Publicvariable log entry is simply #0 "BIS_fnc_objectVar_obj2_1" = C Alpha 1-1:1 (PlayerName) REMOTE

    Anyone having this/know how to fix?

  3. Finally I can bring some help to you guys!

    It is in fact a problem with the militarize.sqf

    I copied

    _unit setSkill 0.6;

    _unit forceAddUniform "U_OG_Guerilla1_1";

    _unit addVest "V_21_EPOCH";

    _unit addWeapon "SMG_02_F";

    _unit addMagazines [("30Rnd_9x21_Mag"), 6];

    _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Arco";

    _unit setCombatMode "RED";

    _unit enableAI "TARGET";

    _unit enableAI "AUTOTARGET";

    from the fillhouse.sqf (which did in fact attack me in my test....) logged back in a was immediately popped!

    Thx for the patience y'all...finally have what I want:D

  4. classified787 - are you sure that's for Chernarus? Looks like it is in the sea, on the edge of map and wayyyy up in the air?

    There is a dialogue at the bottom of the simplecache script that im not getting to tell me it is working. I do get the simplecache is starting thing though. Still no sign of AI.

    Im testing using this spot

    class Item0


    position[] = {12020,12685,250};

    name = "neaf";

    type = "Empty";


    which is the north east airfield (aka arma 2 plane dealer location). It is 150m up and I have increased it to 250 (got the same cpos errors you did Liquid so moved into the air.)

    my commands are

    nul = ["neaf",3,300,[true,false],[false,false,false],false,[10,5],[3,0],0.6,nil,nil,nil] execVM "\x\addons\Sector_addon\scripts\LV\militarize.sqf";

    nul = [[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18],[player],1200,true,true] execVM "\x\addons\Sector_addon\scripts\LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_simpleCache.sqf";

    Weird, just weird!

  5. Thanks for the replies Liquid.

    Been trying to get this going now for two days. Tried the height adjustment - no ai, tried fillhouse and militarize - no ai. Spawncrates and I get crates...just no AI lol.

    Check RPT log everything runs as it should, all dialogues within the sqf files are called.....just no ai!

    I am trying to do it a bit differently - with ai in 3 locations not just one. But still the AI spawn script should work that way any way.

    That's why I brought it down to just a single loc in the mission.sqm file so I could test, but to be honest im beat. This looked great due to the fact they will enter and defend buildings.


  6. So on my BE filters question above (I went through threads under the influence of alcohol and may have missed it) but....


    to line #53 added !"(findDisplay 8332) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "if ((_this select 1) == 1) then { true }"];

    to line #59 added !"(findDisplay 8332) displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyDown", noesckey];"

    and no wit is working as well as I had hoped it would!

    Thanks @sparrow

  7. I'm using nedfox's Community.pbo framework in @epochhive/addons.


    I add the sqf to a folder called serverside and add a compile line to fn_init.sqf to call it.

    I'm running 2 scripts from there - one to call containers with specific contents and their markers that is working perfectly, the other one is to place specific vehicles at specific places - as above - broken.

    I've never actually tried calling it from the mission file..... (might be worth a test I suppose)


    Thanks again.

  8. :(Thx 1Man, didn't help
    The only reference to it in the rpt is:
    9:15:22 Error in expression <00000000000];
    EPOCH_VehicleSlotsLimit = EPOCH_VehicleSlotsLimit + 1;
    9:15:22 Error position: <EPOCH_VehicleSlotsLimit + 1;
    9:15:22 Error Undefined variable in expression: epoch_vehicleslotslimit
    9:15:22 File x\addons\custom\serverside\vehicle2.sqf, line 10


    Like I said weirdly it was working fine for multiple vehicles then it just stopped!

  9. Guys,
    Trying to use a mix of Dirty Sanchez and Ghostrider scripts to spawn specific vehicles at permanent AI bases on Chernarus.
    My test script is below and worked for a day and then stopped.  Now the Vehicle spawns but disappears when I get within 200m of it.

    if (isServer) then {

    _vehicle_99 = objNull;

    if (true) then
    _veh = createVehicle ["B_G_Offroad_01_armed_EPOCH", [12693.5,10058.6,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _veh setVariable["LASTLOGOUT_EPOCH",1000000000000];
    _veh setVariable["LAST_CHECK",1000000000000];
    EPOCH_VehicleSlotsLimit = EPOCH_VehicleSlotsLimit + 1;
    EPOCH_VehicleSlots pushBack str(EPOCH_VehicleSlotsLimit);
    _slot = EPOCH_VehicleSlots select 0;
    _item setVariable ['VEHICLE_SLOT',_slot,true];
    EPOCH_VehicleSlots = EPOCH_VehicleSlots - [_slot];
    EPOCH_VehicleSlotCount = count EPOCH_VehicleSlots;
    publicVariable 'EPOCH_VehicleSlotCount';
    _veh call EPOCH_server_setVToken;



    The .rpt log points to the EPOCH_VehicleSlotsLimit line but I can't see anything wrong.


    Any ideas?



  10. Glenn,  


    Problem I can find one reference to it in the Be log - Player#0 name (guid) has been kicked by Battleye : admin ban (epochmod.com #0)

    And that is after a successful BEC verify.

    Once I clear my name from the ban,txt I can log all the way back onto server, load player data, see my location and boom gone again.  Scripts.log clear and rpt just showing the login.



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