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Posts posted by UhNoDragon

  1. Seeing that you are new here. There are many tools if you would have searched to merge them. Please use the search function.

    I did look around, haven't found anything. Searched for "merge filters", merge exceptions", etc. to no avail. 

  2. How do they find it with the A3Launcher that's any different from using the ingame browser?  You can filter (name, IP, map, etc), set favorites, join by IP, etc with the ingame browser. You can easily set what mods you want with Arma's Launcher.


    afaik, the only thing different the A3Launcher will do is rename the epoch version and  (slow)-download the mods needed for the server (and truth be known, sometimes they aren't the same files the server has).  


    I don't mean to be difficult, I'm just trying to understand the premise.



    I just looked at the A3Launcher again.  Isn't that what the "Advanced" tab is for?  To add mods to the command line?  I don' t use the A3Launcher, so forgive my ignorance on its application.

    That is what the Advanced tab is for but that's just it, I'm trying to find a solution where whether a player does or does not have the mod, they DON'T have to choose which mods, but rather can just have the A3Launcher pick them. I figured the best solution, I've simply told all players with JSRS to add -mod=@Dragonfyre to the launch parameters in teh settings. Thanks.

  3. I don't think you're correct in your assumption about having to have @jsrs in your server. The only time jsrs comes into play is if the players had @jsrs and wanted to join a server without jsrs. afaik, you only need to add the keys to your server. Then players with or without the sound mod could join. So the onus, imo, is on the server owner to add the keys. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

    A3Launcher potentially creates more problems for those that actually know how to play the game than it helps those that don't, imo. They say ignorance is bliss. Perhaps that's true.

    also @Darth_Rogue;


    I know that all I need to do is have the key. The key is currently installed and players are freely able to join with our without JSRS with no issues. I'm just looking for a way to make it so that if players have JSRS installed, A3Launcher will enable it when they choose to join the server, or if players do not have JSRS installed, A3launcher will still let them join the server, without it. Instead of players having to manually enable it in A3Launcher and then search for the server using ingame browser.

  4. Basically I want players to be able to join my server with JSRS enabled or disabled.


    When players simply search for my server and hit "Join", it launches without JSRS and they are able to join with no problem.


    When players manually add mods and include JSRS they are able to join using in-game server browser with no problem.


    I'm wondering if there is a way to make it so if players search for my server on A3Launcher, if they have JSRS installed it will enable it and launch the game, or if they do not have it installed, it will still launch the game and connect?


    Players having to manually add the mods and then search for the server using in-game browser every time is an extra hassle I'd love them not to have, the only way to fix that would be to add @jsrs mod to the server, but doing that means players without it would not be able to join. 

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