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Posts posted by Rocko_MB

  1. So as we no longer run A2 servers I handed all the files etc over to the guys at Crazy Train Dayz for their server. They updated WAI last night and found some issues.

    No Bunny Ranch and when they kill Scientist AI at missions they get trader options...

    For the life of me I cannot remember the fix for it or where Bunny Ranch has gone.

    Does anyone have a fix and/or a link for the above mentioned.




  2. Can some kind soul give me their working and currently used map.h and mission file?


    Myself and another well known community personality have been working on a Tavi server for a while...we have everything working, or so we think, but when we start it up the HC dies/craps out. But if we start Altis...it works fine.


    We also have to go into editor, pre-load the Tavi map if you will then enter the server and it works..minus the HC obviously.


    We have narrowed the HC issue down to either the mission file or the map.h file....narrowed it down to that so far...granted there will be more issues but we can't get past this yet.


    If anyone could help that would be most helpful as we are at a loss.



  3. Ok, done some testing. When AI spawn in towns or near buildings that they interact with and no player engages. When the mission fails they stay around the buildings guarding them. They walk around in no aggressive posture and you can walk upto them with your weapon lowered or holstered.


    If you shoot they they react as normal.

  4. Some do hang around others don't.

    It's mainly the town AI. Not sure if they are seeing players in choppers or not.

    Also have problems with loot boxes not spawning in trees. To counter this I've made 110 locations around Cherno so they don't spawn in trees.

  5. So I fixed the issue I had.. after hours of trawling through the code couldn't find anything.


    I simply removed it from the PBO, added the soldierdata, changed it to read the theme's solderidata and it worked...no idea why lol.


    But have seen that some of the AI are not all being cleaned up after mission failure. But other than that.. all working perfectly.



  6. Ok guys, 


    Here is one for you, been doing some testing and I keep getting this error. 


    Darth has taken a look and everything is in the correct places and we have drawn a blank.


    The Server hands off to the HC as normal the HC loads everything then this:


    17:38:49 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    17:38:49 "----------------            Fulcrum Mission System                    -----------------"
    17:38:49 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    17:38:49 "##ValidateLootData: ERROR in FuMS_LOOTDATA"
    17:38:49 "Recommend verifying data in file \FuMS\Themes\RAGE\SoldierData.sqf on your server!"
    17:38:49 "                          Theme RAGE offline!"
    17:38:49 "REASON: Syntax/Format error in SoldierData  for theme ["RAGE",-1]"
    17:38:49 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    17:38:49 "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    17:38:49 "------ Soldier Data validation complete  0.0439911secs-----"
    17:38:49 Error in expression < ((FuMS_THEMEDATA select _i) select 0 ) select 0;
    _file = "\FuMS\Themes\";
    if (i>
    17:38:49   Error position: <select 0;
    _file = "\FuMS\Themes\";
    if (i>
    17:38:49   Error Generic error in expression
    17:38:49 File FuMS\HC\Val\ValidateMissionData.sqf, line 19

    After checking, and checking and re-checking the previous checks...nada.
    The themdata.sqf is pointing to globalsoldierdata.sqf...but it doesn't seem to want to do that...
    Any assistance would be great.
    Horbin I have been advised to send you a link for the pbo download...would that be ok?
  7. Haven't moved to 1.5g yet as I'm waiting for the M3 editor fixes.


    I located the issue, I created some missions and when copying existing files it copied over the soldierdata.sqf. Once I removed that it worked.


    However now I have another issue that doesn't give any logs other than critical error...bah, I'll fix it.

  8. I've just started to get these errors...was wondering if anyone has seen this or has a fix for it?


    11:13:58 Error in expression < ((FuMS_THEMEDATA select _i) select 0 ) select 0;
    if (isNil "_theme") then
    11:13:58   Error position: <select 0;
    if (isNil "_theme") then
    11:13:58   Error Generic error in expression
    11:13:58 File FuMS\HC\Val\ValidateSoldierData.sqf, line 34

  9. Hi guys, 


    Over the last 24 hours we have noticed some issues...issues being that the arma3server.exe, NOT the HC exe file, has crashed and needed someone to close the applications and restart.


    Obviously goes without saying players getting kicked, redis 1-5 min roll back etc.


    The RPT file looks 2kinda" normal, occasional missing this and that the normal stuff.. however I believe AiiA 1.4.1 is causing it.


    (Apologies the RPT is pretty long and you will see it is AiiA all the way through)


    RPT: - Too long for the forums had to use Pastebin



    I have checked and found it is up to date and that the keys are all good too. All players can join, however there is 1 player that gets kicked frequently with AiiA issues of his own and that the server is rejecting him due to wrong key.


    Could the player be causing it or should I get a fresh AiiA and reinstall and try then? Reason I haven't done this already is the last version that was 1.4.1 from Armaholic...was flawed and had to get the latest from a friend who's server was running it without issue.


    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



  10. Hey Horbin, just thought I'd give you a quick update on where I got to with running server side, in case it helps at all.


    I've given FuMS one last shot with just the heli crashes, coastal missions and madscience.


    Coastal missions not spawning loot, and the guys in the water dont seem to be able to shoot at you. Loot is possibly due to this error which has been spamming the log for hours now;

    12:57:01 Error in expression <il "_box") exitwith {};
    _players = _box nearEntities ["Man",FuMS_SmokeProximity]>
    12:57:01   Error position: <nearEntities ["Man",FuMS_SmokeProximity]>
    12:57:01   Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
    12:57:01 File FuMS\HC\Loot\FillLoot.sqf, line 97
    12:57:01 Bad conversion: array



    You did the same as me. I removed 2 of the smoke grenades from the box/smoke when it spawns and you get this error.


    I have ignored it because if you add all 3 smokes the FPS drops. So 1 smoke is better than no smoke.



  11. Ok, as I'm now blind from reading pages of text. Does anyone know a fix for loot boxes not spawning in trees? I've tried raising it as someone suggested..nothings. 


    Also Horbin, I have tried setting the convoys loot box with various off sets, its a 50/50 chance of the loot box spawning next to the truck/trucks. I have found it at various points along the convoys path..? When set, Chernarus map btw, to random location they get stuck in trees, and just sit there until restart and if set to villages, towns and cities the HC freaks out and De-sync like KOTH servers.



  12. I turned on smoke.. but reduced it to 1 smoke instead of the 3 and reduced the timer to 60 seconds.


    This doesn't impact the FPS when players are near the triple smoke and repeat smoke for 5 mins.


    Can't be all smoke for 5 mins or no smoke at all?

  13. ok, I'll try raising the loot box - however its all missions not just 1 in particular.


    A player just died on a mission...a town invasion mission. He went back and AI haven't fire a shot, so he cleared it. All mission AI now aren't engaging players.


    No errors in the HC RPT or server RPT.


    I am getting these errors in the HC now, but before the non-shooting AI incident.


    18:24:12 Error in expression <il "_box") exitwith {};
    _players = _box nearEntities ["Man",FuMS_SmokeProximity]>
    18:24:12   Error position: <nearEntities ["Man",FuMS_SmokeProximity]>
    18:24:12   Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
    18:24:12 File FuMS\HC\Loot\FillLoot.sqf, line 97

    After checking line 97 as per the RPT. I have noticed that in the whole file there are exitWith and exitwith...are they supposed to be both or 1 in particular or doesn't it matter?
  14. Since the update to 1.5f I've noticed that the AI with RPG's drop them and ammo 100% of the time.


    Is there a way to clean them up immediately after the RPG carrying AI are killed?


    Also having issues that the AI aren't clearing up from a mission failure/no attempt.



  15. I have noticed that traders are being created instead of the existing being used.


    Did have in total 41 trader entries.


    I've just checked and we have 219 entries for traders.


    And Redis has crashed twice in 24hours.


    Oh and there should only be 16 traders total.

  16. Hi all, 


    Does anyone know if increasing the players Bank and Wallet (carry around cash) can be done?


    Current default for Wallet (Carry around cash) is 25,000.


    And...yes it does need to be increased as we have added a few custom vehicles in the traders and 25,000 isn't enough.





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