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Posts posted by aaaman

  1. Lots of bugs in new version...


    If you place Map_concrete_block, your player stands in the middle of the block, causes him to die cause of glitching. The block must be build in front of him, not around him! B)

    Removing of antenna or the Map_concrete_block doesn't work, no remove trigger. Maybe it depends on the item class? Cause same items build in editor i also cannot remove, also with infistar direct remove function :o


    Great work at all, but cannot implement new version, cause of thes bugs^^

  2. I have edited that post about 3 times, aaaman, please make sure to refresh.


    I am currently running this script on Panthera and Chernarus servers. There is literary no difference what map you are running it on.

    In some rare cases, you might get a skippable "this mission is dependant on downloadable content" error dialog upon joining server, this just means you have to add extra line or two into your mission.sqf in mission PBO, let me know if you do get that error and give please give me exact error it shows, I will tell you how to fix it and keep your server clean.


    I got it working with your hint. Deleted the class RscText and RscPicture from your define.hpp and it works!


    Thanks mate!


    You can use this to clean up old character data

    DELETE FROM `character_data`
    USING character_data, character_data AS tmpcharacter_data
    WHERE NOT character_data.CharacterID=tmpcharacter_data.CharacterID
    AND character_data.CharacterID<tmpcharacter_data.CharacterID
    AND (character_data.PlayerUID=tmpcharacter_data.PlayerUID)

    Already running this, i want to ask for the player_data table to clean up, not character_data

  4. Hello,


    have a weirred problem.

    Players playing for weeks, and died, then they cponnect to server again and get stuck at the message "Waiting for Character to create",

    then timeout an kick to lobby.


    In the database, they spawn as character, but with no position. Cleaning the chars in database didn't help.


    RPT says this:



    17:41:04 "infiSTAR.de PlayerConnected: _uid: 24562452452   _name: PLAYER-WITH-PROBLEM"
    17:41:04 "infiSTAR.de Player-Log: PLAYER-WITH-PROBLEM(24562452452) - 1h 37min"
    17:41:15 Server: Object 28:515 not found (message 132)
    17:41:27 "ERROR: Cannot Sync Character PLAYERWITHNOPROBLEM2 has nil characterID"
    17:41:56 "get: STRING (30650182), sent: STRING (30650182)"
    17:41:56 "DISCONNECT: PLAYERWITHNOPROBLEM1 (44222) Object: B 1-2-E:1 (PLAYERWITHNOPROBLEM1) REMOTE, _characterID: 4524 at loc [9438.51,10838.1,0.000823975]"
    17:41:56 Client: Remote object 41:0 not found
    17:41:56 Client: Remote object 41:11 not found
    17:41:57 Warning: Cleanup player - person 41:10 not found
    17:41:58 "Player is Null FAILED: Exiting, player sync: <NULL-object>"
    17:41:59 "Player is Null FAILED: Exiting, player sync: <NULL-object>"
    17:42:20 "ERROR: Cannot Sync Character PLAYERWITHNOPROBLEM2 has nil characterID"
    17:42:20 "ERROR: Cannot Sync Character PLAYERWITHNOPROBLEM2 has nil characterID"
    17:42:30 Server: Object 28:485 not found (message 132)
    17:42:38 "get: STRING (24562452452), sent: STRING (24562452452)"
    17:42:38 "DISCONNECT: PLAYER-WITH-PROBLEM (24562452452) Object: B 1-2-G:1 (PLAYER-WITH-PROBLEM) REMOTE, _characterID: 0 at loc [-7246.02,19535.3,1.16354]"
    17:42:38 "ERROR: Cannot Sync Character PLAYER-WITH-PROBLEM as no characterID"
    17:42:38 Client: Remote object 46:12 not found
    17:42:38 Client: Remote object 46:11 not found
    17:42:38 Client: Remote object 46:0 not found
    17:42:39 Client: Object 34:63 (type Type_149) not found.
    17:42:40 Client: Object 21:492 (type Type_149) not found.
    17:42:41 "Purging player: 46cb0080# 1069337: man_survivor.p3d"
    Seems the PLAYER-WITH-PROBLEM spawns in debug, right???
    I also testet it myself, but getting everytime a new character and spawn position
    Hope somebody has an idea :o
  5. Hey guys,


    i dont know where's the problem, but i cannot remove any builded parts of me.


    Only activated 

    DZE_GodModeBase = true;

    DZE_StaticConstructionCount = 3;


    but no menue will appear with scroll wheel on the builded item...


    This option already exists since 1.0.3:

    • [ADDED] Owner can now remove modular parts (walls, etc) without having to destroy them. NOTE: nothing is refunded/no rubble. @dayz10k


    I have installed self BB, Auto refuel and DZAi.


    Thanks for Help!

  6. He guys,


    changend my DayZ host to DayZ.st but cannot connect to the DB, also installed the PHT from scratch, but alwasy get this error:


    Checking minimum version (5.2.0)...Pass
    You are running PHP 5.3.3-7+squeeze14
    Checking memory limit (128M or better recommended)...Pass
    Checking for mysql support...Pass
    Checking for JSON...Pass
    Checking if 'config.php' writable...Pass
    Connect Error: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'XXXXXXXXX' (110)
    With the previous hoster all works fine, but not with DayZ.st.
    The login Data seems to be correct, as the login with Heidisql works fine.
    Any ideas?
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