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Posts posted by darkclaw4ever

  1. Alright well thanks for responding, luckily I only need the addaction for admins. I had to make some modifications as I am not using this for the FuMS admin menu, just the admin hunt. I will test it out tomorrow. In the original code given by 5nine, is it necessary to have "nibblemenu = player addaction" or would it just be easier to do "player addaction"?


    Edit: I ask this because in the code you have presented it is simply "player addaction"


    Double Edit: here is the editted version of your code, based off of 5nine's code, does it look correct?

    waitUntil{!isNull (uiNameSpace getVariable ["EPOCH_loadingScreen", displayNull])};
    waitUntil{isNull (uiNameSpace getVariable "EPOCH_loadingScreen")};
    sleep 10;
    if (getPlayerUID player in [
    /*-------specify your admins below -----*/
    "7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" //no comma at last entry
    ]) then {
    	nibblemenu = player addaction [("" + ("Admin menu") +""),"scripts\nibbleadmin\adminhunt.sqf","",-97,false,false,"",""];   
    	while {true} do 
    	waitUntil {!alive player};
    	// uh oh...
    	waitUntil {alive player};
    	nibblemenu = player addaction [("" + ("Admin menu") +""),"scripts\nibbleadmin\adminhunt.sqf","",-97,false,false,"",""];          
  2. Ok this may be a really dumb question but I can't seem to figure this one out. I believe I have installed this correctly, but I can't figure out how to access the admin hunt option in the scroll menu. I was able to one time seemingly by a lucky key-smash, but was never able to recreate it. Is there a certain key I need to hold while scrolling? I have added the admins correctly to the list of player ids, I have added the correct lines to init, and I have added the files into the pbo in the correct place.

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